Scaling issue like that where elements are being rendered out of view of the window could be gpu driver or wrong Java version being used. LT doesn't have any display options like most full screen programs do because it runs based off of the window setting (maximized, windowed shape/size, etc.). It's like a browser without fullscreen or zoom controls.
Currently, LT uses Java 17 and up. I can confirm 19 is fine too if your keeping Java up to date. Using out of date Java can still work, but can lead to similar rendering bugs like that. Failing that, maybe try just stretching the window size along horizontally and vertically to see if that forces the elements to reposition properly.
Currently, LT uses Java 17 and up. I can confirm 19 is fine too if your keeping Java up to date. Using out of date Java can still work, but can lead to similar rendering bugs like that. Failing that, maybe try just stretching the window size along horizontally and vertically to see if that forces the elements to reposition properly.