Tits at its current form is pretty much if you took coc1 and brought it to a scifi space setting. Besides the UI rewrite that has bugged many its still pretty much the same game besides some possible CoC2 level of OC creep but thats very minor in most cases. I will say they are deciding to focus on the story which does help.
I fully agree with you on tobs (worst part is i like his kitsune design and some parts of the world building but my god hes a sh*thead).
I really hope they finish the wayfort content soon and atleast to me Elthara is mid (expecially after what they did to mess with the charater) (but ill also admit i dont swing that way normally).
When it comes to CoC1 there are 2 remaining forks going strong CoCX and the much lauded hgg depending on who you ask. CoCX is like if you took CoC and and some really basic Chinese jrpg and smashed them together with addons. while hgg is like if Flashgitz and 4chan decided to remake CoC in thier image unironicly and without any real level of humor on top of "optional" questional content that makes it unable to really be posted on f95. It pretty much fell into the same catagory as the Liliths throne fork.
I didn't mean to crap on TiTS. I do enjoy it FAR more than COC2 even If I like the designs in that better(I aint into aliens and furries having tits the size of a door ok. I know it was made for that crowd of people). It's def got COC2 level of OC creep. You can't fuck a pussy cause reasons, but your sure allowed to fuck their asses LOL
That said, I haven't came across any NPC's that reall drew me in. I kinda miss characters like the mouse monk, that unicorn you could tame/transform into bicorn, and I think there was a street fighter champion female mouse you could marry?
Tobs totally is, when I provided clear evidence in the flaw of his writing regarding the politics part of the kitsune writing, especially if your playing as a Scion, I was told to basically fuck off in a nice way. Shame too, cause I love small Kinu like everyone else.
I don't think they add much of anything since I touched it awhile ago. I don' t think you can even fully repaire the wayfort. To be frank, 90% of the characters in that game are mid at best. The Sheep girl is adorable but she's got no content -_-
I know I've played COC1 with one of the two major mods but I can't remember which.