I've tried both the x32 and x64 versions of the .exe but can't seem to run it. Just the same white screen. I also found some post saying that there were read permission issues, but every time I set it to not 'Read Only' it reverts any changes.
Just wondering if anyone has had a similar issue.
The issues I have seen in the past were usually related to Java. Usually it was someone that went to Java's website, downloaded the latest and greatest version and then tried running the JAR version of the game. As I mentioned before, the game uses a specific (and OLD) version of Java, which was why I suggested getting the EXE version.
The only things I can think of to suggest:
Try running the EXE as Administrator (right click the EXE and run as admin should be on the content menu).
Try uninstalling any version of Java you have installed on your machine and then try running the EXE version.
Check your AV programs, there is always a (unlikely) chance that your AV decided it didn't like the game and is blocking it.
The only other thing I can think of is to check the file properties (right click the EXE and select properties), sometimes Windows will 'know' the file came from the internet and it will block them from doing certain things. There should be a line on the General tab about the file coming from another computer and there should be an option to unblock it.
I don't think any of those suggestions are going to work, but you never know. Good luck though figuring it out.