Nobody said she had to be a slut and fuck everyone immediately. The point you're arguing against was not made. You completely fabricated it. And then you say "You're right though, it takes too long." Rather incoherent.
I was more concerned with:
Day 1: go there and there and there
Day 2: go there and there and there
Day 10: go there and there and there
Day 11: Something new
That some factors could be shortened:
Day 3: Work - Check the computer - it doesn't work - go to the neighbour's
Day 4: Work - invite the neighbour to your house - check the computer
Day 5: Work - get the parts. - go to police station
And not as it is:
Day 3: work - check the computer
Day 4: work - ask a neighbour for help
Day 5: invite a neighbour to your house
Day 6: work - pick up the part - check pc
Day 7: work - go to police
Can you see the differences? That's what I'm saying that some activities are broken up over too long a period of time.
That's why I wrote that a little goes a long way.