
Jul 22, 2019

Hello everyone :))!

Hope you're all having a great week <3

I thought I'd talk a bit today about what's realistically gonna be ready by Christmas / end of the year. There's absolutely no way that the party will be anywhere close to completion this year, I expect the entire event to take several months at minimum to finish so that leaves me with the pre events of which there are two. The first is Lisa receiving the dress from Danny when he comes to pick Lisa up the night of the party, the second is Lisa getting ready with the assistance of Sharon.

Both events have their own significance, the first scene with Danny is a dialogue with a very important choice for some players. The second scene with Sharon is where Exhibitionism 3 is unlocked ^_^ (though none of the Exh 3 content will be added until the following updates).

Having these two scenes completed by Christmas is in my estimation extremely likely so then I'm left with "how much of the party can I realistically cram in?" and the answer is probably: "very little." I could potentially get a little glimpse in for you guys but it'll be very brief if at all. The only issue I see in doing this is that it could be frustrating for you guys when that "that's the end of content so far" pops up lol!

I've discussed before how the party is gonna play in a sort of three phase evening but I haven't exactly decided on how I'm gonna structure it within RPGM. When I first started developing Lisa I used to pose / light a CG then immediately begin rendering it, whilst it was rendering I would tab to RPGM to place and write the previously rendered CG. I'm a slightly wiser man these days and have been batch rendering everything while I'm asleep / at work for over a year but for the party event I'm likely gonna be developing in RPGM alongside the Daz stuff simply because the event is so convoluted when I try to parse through it in my head and I want to simplify it as much as possible. The reason I'm bringing this up is because if I do manage to get some portion of the party playable in a reasonable time I could quite easily throw it online for you guys without breaking my "schedule" if that makes sense. It'd also probably be quite useful to get some feedback early but I don't wanna make any false promises so we'll see what happens in the coming 6-7 weeks ^_^

Anyway regarding the 2.70 patch, I'm so close to finishing it. I've completed the last phase of the entire Byron event but have to go back and finish off the middle section (the set where the middle portion takes place is a real pain to Iray preview so I moved on in mild frustration a few of weeks ago lol!). The scene is almost 200CG big so it's up there with the longest scenes in the game (it think it is actually the longest sex scene in the game but I'd have to count the others lol ^_^). Sex scenes always take the longer both to pose and to write so I am looking forward to a little break on some "easy" content as I've been on this somewhat challenging scene for a month or more lol! I can't see me making another scene of this length for a long time, I honestly think it's perhaps too long but I live and learn lol :)

In the Byron scene it offers the first choice of ejaculation in the game and it got me thinking about a different way to view longer scenes in future. Is it worth my time throwing up a poll regarding choosing sex positions? This way you could replay pieces of the scene or skip positions that just aren't to your fancy ^_^ I think from my pov that it could make things a little easier to write perhaps but I'm not sure. You wouldn't miss any content this way obviously, it'd simply have a selection of choices that could be replayed then a "next" or something at the bottom of the choice list after you've seen all you wish to see. Anyway it's food for thought, definitely let me know what you guys think :)

Release date! I'll have the update ready for the final week of November ^_^ and much like the last release it's not really a full update but rather the tail end of the longest update in the game so I'll be uploading it to Deviants for a couple of days before releasing it publicly just to iron out any potential bugs but then it'll be popped up for everyone so just hold tight! <3 :))

One final thing is that I'm dropping my working hours from 35-30 hours next week which is pretty cool! I know it probably doesn't sound like a lot but an extra 5 hours a week for me to work on the game is a huge jump for me so hopefully I can push content a bit faster in 2023 ^_^!

Thanks so much everyone for all of your incredible support <3 I'm sending some wintery Irish love your way :))

Thanks for share:love:
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Jul 13, 2017
hey was wondering why with the little shit that lives with her she just takes it why doesn't she like fight back get one of the other guys to fuck him up or record something and blackmail him with going to the cops or something like that then reverse the roles and she starts dominating him whenever she wants like making him go down on her or giving him something that makes him stay hard all day and only she can relive him
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
hey was wondering why with the little shit that lives with her she just takes it why doesn't she like fight back get one of the other guys to fuck him up or record something and blackmail him with going to the cops or something like that then reverse the roles and she starts dominating him whenever she wants like making him go down on her or giving him something that makes him stay hard all day and only she can relive him
Lisa has one of these guys, only her squishy boyfriend, and she is not yet on friendly terms with the rest. In addition, the developer likes it so much according to the scenario of the game conceived by him ;)


Nov 29, 2019

Greeting travellers! xD

Lol, hi everyone ^_^ I'm in great spirits this week and I can attribute much of that to the fact that I'm finally (I think) finished with the Daz work for this patch! Usually I leave myself at least 2-3 weeks to implement CGs into RPGM and I have a week~ this time so it's gonna be a push!

I've been prepping the usual stuff for the patch, painting new sprites, photoshopping the CGs and such which is always pretty relaxing but I think I'm gonna chat a bit today about the final council quest that's available in this patch. It's labelled as "Council - Vandal" which sort of plays like a little mystery event. There's a graffiti artist painting some slurs around the campus with each event being bolder and grander than the last and with the school board at their wits end they decide to recruit all the help they can get - this brings Lisa into the mix.

This event is kinda unlike any other event in the game in that it's an actual "event" and not a slide-show that is until the end. Now I wanna prefix this event by saying that I think it's still a work in progress :) it's taken around 10~ hours total to script the whole thing then another 5~ to test it. The outline is quite interesting but the content itself could perhaps use some work so if when you guys play it you think "damn, it would've been better had pG done (this)" then hit me up with (this) and we can work with it! :d
I haven't done a straight playthrough of the event yet (I tend to test everything in little blocks then use Labels to skip through already tested content) to measure it's length but it is pretty lengthy and uses dozens and dozens of switches so I'm anticipating some bug reports - if you do find something please note what stage in the event the bug occurred to help me narrow down the causes <3 :))

I'm gonna write a little more detail on this event in a text file and post it below because it contains spoilers so IF YOU DO NOT WANT SPOILERS - DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK <3

With that - that's the Council wrapped up for E2. Albiss, Moddy's, Brava and Theo's are all obviously finished too so that's our 5 credits for Episode 2 completo! (seriously can't wait to go back and work on the old sets again!)

Onto the end of the Paul scene which I'm just trying to finish up this morning. It's only 10-20 additional CG or something that just wraps up where we left off last patch. If you had completed the Paul cinema scene in your previous save then the next time you're upstairs in Lisa's house there will be a little pop up inviting you to view the end of the scene otherwise you can view it in the recollection room ^_^!

The Character Compendium is of course finished and tested fully, I hope it's helpful to some of you at least ^_^ it's crazy to actually see the cast of the game in a list! It's so long and it doesn't even cover side characters lol!

That leaves us with the big old Byron scene, now I finished photoshopping the Byron CGs yesterday and the final count is a WHOPPING 203 CGs! To put this into context: the entire Brava Hotel - Malik scene from the first instance in the hallway to waking up beside Jayce in the living room is 181CG. It was genuinely so gratifying to go through all of the final images and see just how much love I put into this scene over the past months, it's easy to forget some of the early work in a long scene but I think 90%+ of the CGs here are really great. I really REALLY hope you guys like it ^_^! Anyway that's where the bulk of work left before release is - implementing and writing the Byron dialogues.

I do have a week to finish it all up but I'm not as worried about time as I usually am which could be a bad omen or it could be because I'm chuffed with how everything looks so far :)!

A final note on the poll I posted the other day - it is sort of the result I expected but given how little time I have before Christmas / New Year, I didn't wanna invest any time into something that you guys didn't want. I will be posting another poll next month with a selection of makeup and Lisa in her new night outfit so keep your eyes peeled for that! <3

Anyway that's about it, the next update will be the patch! I will as per the previous update be releasing it to Models & Deviants for 2-3 days then I'll post it publicly. It isn't what I consider to be a full patch so as soon as it's played and tested by a good sample size I'll be shipping it to everyone :)

I always feel that sentimental tug with the onset of the holiday season but I just wanna say a really sincere thank you to everyone who's supported me over the past 18 months. I can't explain how much I love making this game, it's basically been my entire life for 25 months and I've never been happier. It's especially obvious to me how much I've changed in how my Mother views me these days - every time I see her she points out how I walk differently, seem more "confident," etc. Tomorrow afternoon I'm taking her for lunch and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see her wee smiling face, beaming with pride.

She and I both have you guys to thank for that x <3



May 29, 2020
Can't get the buss trip to fire up. No matter how many nights I wait, the teacher always says the trip starts tomorrow and the receptionist just says hello. What gives?


Mar 15, 2021
But it only happens to me in the ren'py version that the event "at the cinema with Paul" is not activated.
It is only possible to do this event from the gallery.


Feb 22, 2022

Greeting travellers! xD

Lol, hi everyone ^_^ I'm in great spirits this week and I can attribute much of that to the fact that I'm finally (I think) finished with the Daz work for this patch! Usually I leave myself at least 2-3 weeks to implement CGs into RPGM and I have a week~ this time so it's gonna be a push!

I've been prepping the usual stuff for the patch, painting new sprites, photoshopping the CGs and such which is always pretty relaxing but I think I'm gonna chat a bit today about the final council quest that's available in this patch. It's labelled as "Council - Vandal" which sort of plays like a little mystery event. There's a graffiti artist painting some slurs around the campus with each event being bolder and grander than the last and with the school board at their wits end they decide to recruit all the help they can get - this brings Lisa into the mix.

This event is kinda unlike any other event in the game in that it's an actual "event" and not a slide-show that is until the end. Now I wanna prefix this event by saying that I think it's still a work in progress :) it's taken around 10~ hours total to script the whole thing then another 5~ to test it. The outline is quite interesting but the content itself could perhaps use some work so if when you guys play it you think "damn, it would've been better had pG done (this)" then hit me up with (this) and we can work with it! :d
I haven't done a straight playthrough of the event yet (I tend to test everything in little blocks then use Labels to skip through already tested content) to measure it's length but it is pretty lengthy and uses dozens and dozens of switches so I'm anticipating some bug reports - if you do find something please note what stage in the event the bug occurred to help me narrow down the causes <3 :))

I'm gonna write a little more detail on this event in a text file and post it below because it contains spoilers so IF YOU DO NOT WANT SPOILERS - DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK <3


With that - that's the Council wrapped up for E2. Albiss, Moddy's, Brava and Theo's are all obviously finished too so that's our 5 credits for Episode 2 completo! (seriously can't wait to go back and work on the old sets again!)

Onto the end of the Paul scene which I'm just trying to finish up this morning. It's only 10-20 additional CG or something that just wraps up where we left off last patch. If you had completed the Paul cinema scene in your previous save then the next time you're upstairs in Lisa's house there will be a little pop up inviting you to view the end of the scene otherwise you can view it in the recollection room ^_^!

The Character Compendium is of course finished and tested fully, I hope it's helpful to some of you at least ^_^ it's crazy to actually see the cast of the game in a list! It's so long and it doesn't even cover side characters lol!

That leaves us with the big old Byron scene, now I finished photoshopping the Byron CGs yesterday and the final count is a WHOPPING 203 CGs! To put this into context: the entire Brava Hotel - Malik scene from the first instance in the hallway to waking up beside Jayce in the living room is 181CG. It was genuinely so gratifying to go through all of the final images and see just how much love I put into this scene over the past months, it's easy to forget some of the early work in a long scene but I think 90%+ of the CGs here are really great. I really REALLY hope you guys like it ^_^! Anyway that's where the bulk of work left before release is - implementing and writing the Byron dialogues.

I do have a week to finish it all up but I'm not as worried about time as I usually am which could be a bad omen or it could be because I'm chuffed with how everything looks so far :)!

A final note on the poll I posted the other day - it is sort of the result I expected but given how little time I have before Christmas / New Year, I didn't wanna invest any time into something that you guys didn't want. I will be posting another poll next month with a selection of makeup and Lisa in her new night outfit so keep your eyes peeled for that! <3

Anyway that's about it, the next update will be the patch! I will as per the previous update be releasing it to Models & Deviants for 2-3 days then I'll post it publicly. It isn't what I consider to be a full patch so as soon as it's played and tested by a good sample size I'll be shipping it to everyone :)

I always feel that sentimental tug with the onset of the holiday season but I just wanna say a really sincere thank you to everyone who's supported me over the past 18 months. I can't explain how much I love making this game, it's basically been my entire life for 25 months and I've never been happier. It's especially obvious to me how much I've changed in how my Mother views me these days - every time I see her she points out how I walk differently, seem more "confident," etc. Tomorrow afternoon I'm taking her for lunch and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see her wee smiling face, beaming with pride.

She and I both have you guys to thank for that x <3

That Sharon pic looks interesting, I hope that the long-awaited threesome will be coming soon.


Jul 22, 2019

Greeting travellers! xD

Lol, hi everyone ^_^ I'm in great spirits this week and I can attribute much of that to the fact that I'm finally (I think) finished with the Daz work for this patch! Usually I leave myself at least 2-3 weeks to implement CGs into RPGM and I have a week~ this time so it's gonna be a push!

I've been prepping the usual stuff for the patch, painting new sprites, photoshopping the CGs and such which is always pretty relaxing but I think I'm gonna chat a bit today about the final council quest that's available in this patch. It's labelled as "Council - Vandal" which sort of plays like a little mystery event. There's a graffiti artist painting some slurs around the campus with each event being bolder and grander than the last and with the school board at their wits end they decide to recruit all the help they can get - this brings Lisa into the mix.

This event is kinda unlike any other event in the game in that it's an actual "event" and not a slide-show that is until the end. Now I wanna prefix this event by saying that I think it's still a work in progress :) it's taken around 10~ hours total to script the whole thing then another 5~ to test it. The outline is quite interesting but the content itself could perhaps use some work so if when you guys play it you think "damn, it would've been better had pG done (this)" then hit me up with (this) and we can work with it! :d
I haven't done a straight playthrough of the event yet (I tend to test everything in little blocks then use Labels to skip through already tested content) to measure it's length but it is pretty lengthy and uses dozens and dozens of switches so I'm anticipating some bug reports - if you do find something please note what stage in the event the bug occurred to help me narrow down the causes <3 :))

I'm gonna write a little more detail on this event in a text file and post it below because it contains spoilers so IF YOU DO NOT WANT SPOILERS - DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK <3


With that - that's the Council wrapped up for E2. Albiss, Moddy's, Brava and Theo's are all obviously finished too so that's our 5 credits for Episode 2 completo! (seriously can't wait to go back and work on the old sets again!)

Onto the end of the Paul scene which I'm just trying to finish up this morning. It's only 10-20 additional CG or something that just wraps up where we left off last patch. If you had completed the Paul cinema scene in your previous save then the next time you're upstairs in Lisa's house there will be a little pop up inviting you to view the end of the scene otherwise you can view it in the recollection room ^_^!

The Character Compendium is of course finished and tested fully, I hope it's helpful to some of you at least ^_^ it's crazy to actually see the cast of the game in a list! It's so long and it doesn't even cover side characters lol!

That leaves us with the big old Byron scene, now I finished photoshopping the Byron CGs yesterday and the final count is a WHOPPING 203 CGs! To put this into context: the entire Brava Hotel - Malik scene from the first instance in the hallway to waking up beside Jayce in the living room is 181CG. It was genuinely so gratifying to go through all of the final images and see just how much love I put into this scene over the past months, it's easy to forget some of the early work in a long scene but I think 90%+ of the CGs here are really great. I really REALLY hope you guys like it ^_^! Anyway that's where the bulk of work left before release is - implementing and writing the Byron dialogues.

I do have a week to finish it all up but I'm not as worried about time as I usually am which could be a bad omen or it could be because I'm chuffed with how everything looks so far :)!

A final note on the poll I posted the other day - it is sort of the result I expected but given how little time I have before Christmas / New Year, I didn't wanna invest any time into something that you guys didn't want. I will be posting another poll next month with a selection of makeup and Lisa in her new night outfit so keep your eyes peeled for that! <3

Anyway that's about it, the next update will be the patch! I will as per the previous update be releasing it to Models & Deviants for 2-3 days then I'll post it publicly. It isn't what I consider to be a full patch so as soon as it's played and tested by a good sample size I'll be shipping it to everyone :)

I always feel that sentimental tug with the onset of the holiday season but I just wanna say a really sincere thank you to everyone who's supported me over the past 18 months. I can't explain how much I love making this game, it's basically been my entire life for 25 months and I've never been happier. It's especially obvious to me how much I've changed in how my Mother views me these days - every time I see her she points out how I walk differently, seem more "confident," etc. Tomorrow afternoon I'm taking her for lunch and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see her wee smiling face, beaming with pride.

She and I both have you guys to thank for that x <3


I look forward to both these posts and the game updates. As always, thanks for sharing.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2018
Can't get the buss trip to fire up. No matter how many nights I wait, the teacher always says the trip starts tomorrow and the receptionist just says hello. What gives?
If you're playing the Ren'Py version, I have no advice for you. If you're playing the RPGM version, then I would make the following two suggestions.

  1. Skip a day. By this I mean, have Lisa sleep, and when she wakes up, immediately have her sleep until the next day again, without taking any other actions during the day. I haven't looked at PaleGrass' code, but I suspect that, sometimes when you take game actions during a day and then sleep, it doesn't really trigger the timed events. I think that sometimes events will only trigger if you have a game day in which your only action is to sleep.
  2. It's possible that you're missing a prerequisite for the swim trip. Go into the Recollection Room and find the swim trip events, and check to see if you're missing any of the required conditions.
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New Member
Jul 2, 2021
how to play the latest patch with old saves? I tried to copy the .rpgsave file but it's not detected in the apk. sorry for my bad english


Active Member
Jun 7, 2019
how to play the latest patch with old saves? I tried to copy the .rpgsave file but it's not detected in the apk. sorry for my bad english
On the first post right above the downloads is a link showing where the save files need to go... the location was changed.
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beware, the germans are cumming
Respected User
Jan 27, 2017
how to play the latest patch with old saves? I tried to copy the .rpgsave file but it's not detected in the apk. sorry for my bad english
you need the actual save files filexx.rpgsave and the index file global.rpgsave that contains the slots for the save files you want to use.
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2018
Can some one pls upload a complete save. I dont want to replay the whole game again to see the new content .
4.30 star(s) 119 Votes