
Active Member
Dec 25, 2020
Sorry in advance if this has been asked. But have any one heard anything from PG according to release date on the next update?


Jun 7, 2021
Sorry in advance if this has been asked. But have any one heard anything from PG according to release date on the next update?
3.0.4 patch - it will be uploaded when I'm back online properly but it first needs sent off to a couple of players whose routes (Faithful and NO routes for GGPt2) are directly implicated in the update before I post it publicly (we've had enough botched patches in the past month I think
3.1 Lisa December


Active Member
Dec 25, 2020
3.0.4 patch - it will be uploaded when I'm back online properly but it first needs sent off to a couple of players whose routes (Faithful and NO routes for GGPt2) are directly implicated in the update before I post it publicly (we've had enough botched patches in the past month I think
3.1 Lisa December
Cheers.. Looking forward to it..


Apr 20, 2017
Resident Post: The Rest of 2024

I still don't have internet installed (don't get me started :x) but I desperately wanted to make an update post, I'm using my phone to hotspot to my pc so I'm just praying this uploads okay xD
I've been in my new home for well over a week but due to ISP error 4/5 times now I decided to change, it's been a frustrating week to say the least but I've registered with another ISP and it's to be installed mid next week so fingers crossed THESE GUYS APPEAR lol! I rewrote this post again recently with the notion that I'd be online properly again but I've had to edit it a third time now ^_^

 No internet over the past week does not mean no work on the game though, no, no! I've been quietly working in the offline realm and I've made quite the dent on the next update! I'll talk more on what I've been up to and what all is to come in this giant post.

One small note about the 3.0.4 patch - it will be uploaded when I'm back online properly but it first needs sent off to a couple of players whose routes (Faithful and NO routes for GGPt2) are directly implicated in the update before I post it publicly (we've had enough botched patches in the past month I think ^_^)

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I'm not trying to cause anyone PTSD by posting JP images but I needed more color in the post xD This is one of the many new frames added for the Faithful route <3

A brief overview of Episode 3 or 3.X - 3.X content will round out all of Lisa's credits, she will complete everything she needs to graduate in this period and alongside that there will be story related content running parallel as I set the stage for the remainder of the game. There's a LOT of ground to cover here leading up to 4.0 where the game takes a pretty massive turn shortly after Lisa's graduation but 3.X is considerably longer than 2.X so don't expect it to be completed anytime soon.

Recap and plans for the credit list, here goes!

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I loved this image but it was SO messy with the fog added, AI helped a bit with the background but it's still a bit meh ^_^ I know this image is REALLY dark but there's only a handful of these CGs and it NEEDS the spookiness!

--Lisa's credit list:

-Albiss // Marcus
Marcus' mandatory section is complete with the exception of some future visits to his home (though these may also be optional). Marcus' will have more content in the future but it will all be optional. The direction of his optional content is firstly convention type events where Lisa will once again adorn the costume and become Seraph for signings and such, lots of attention from horny gamers and getting closer to Marcus himself though this will likely be post 4.0. For anyone interested; yes. There will be sexual content with Marcus.

-Albiss // Rubbins
The previous patch let you first hand out leaflets to advertise Christy's parlor, the next stage will be a choice and the results of that choice will have drastic effects on the business. Lisa can choose to continue to hand out leaflets during the days in Central and East Renshire and bring in honest customers OR she can choose to let Nia continue to advertise in the RLD and West Districts and entice, what could easily be described as delinquents.
Christy is someone deserving of some good fortune so this is largely a moral choice on the player but you will see impacts on the business, good or bad based on how you decide to proceed.
Rubbins will also feature Troy's route, at least the early stages of it which as mentioned in the scene list below, will start with Lisa's return to the massage table. There will also be some Heart Minis with Troy around Rubbins' during daylight hours for those that are on the Troy Route.

-Albiss // Neon
Lisa's entry to Neon through Albiss is entirely story related and I won't share anything of it yet.

-Hotel Brava
The hotel's next content will be more of the same but with Lisa coming face to face with the streaker, she gets stuck in an awkward situation in one of the rooms, she's asked to man the front desk, etc. Brava's kind of like an anchor for other events to occur, like Malik, Jayce and some other pretty horrible truths that you may or may not have picked up on depending on your level of perception but will reveal themselves regardless as the story develops.

-Student Council
This is where we start out Lisa's Exhibitionist journey, I'll talk more on that in a paragraph below. As for additional duties, I'm not sure whether I'll make anymore events tied to the notice board - I would of course like to but I'm not convinced that it'd be worth the time investment, at least for now :)

-Theo's Bar
We'll be revisiting the beach and bar quite a lot over the next year or two, meeting old faces and if you so choose; romancing(?) Theo.

-Mod Shop
It's time to get back to the garage! The Mod Shop will see quite a lot more content during this development cycle too, with both story and non-story content. I'll talk more on what's upcoming next patch below too ^_^

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What goes around, comes around >)

Alright so that's the overview of the credit list done, let's talk a little story stuff!

When I released the patch featuring Malik's scene at the hotel I received a TON of positive feedback regarding that scene in particular and that was amazing, the confirmation that so many of you enjoyed not only the sexual content but were actually engaging and interested in the plot as well, it's such a fond recollection that I still think about a lot <3
I'd estimate probably less than 10% of the playerbase ever communicates their thoughts, good or bad regarding the game but the response to that patch was noticeably more than anything that came before with the exception of the initial launch.
This patch has been very similar though to a slightly lesser degree. The response to TB has been almost unanimously positive and that's been wonderful so thank you for all of the amazing messages!

That's two major story patches that have gone over well which bodes well for the future, the ante is up, stakes are raised and I can tell you; they only continue to rise from here. As I've stated in a previous post, the story will continue in the next patch and the boogie-man reason for why Tony is so careful with Aoife will be revealed in the "Deloitte Sneak" events and though upon learning the reason "why" it might feel like the grand truth of the plot has been revealed, it's really only a prelude to the story of Lisa. This event isn't as explosive (lol) as the previous and it's not really as important but it still serves as another puzzle piece :)!
We haven't even been introduced to our antagonist Tony yet so we have a long road ahead but given the reception on the aforementioned events; I'm genuinely confident for once that you guys will love what's coming around Lisa's graduation. Lisa's Graduation patch isn't close but that's when the next huge story event occurs and without a doubt, it will make Malik & TB collectively look boring by comparison, I can promise you that! ^_^

Again to reiterate something I've mentioned quite a few times, the "Deloitte Sneak" event also includes the beginning of Aoife's Romance if you so choose.

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Welcome to the cast Damien :)

So that's credits and upcoming story detail. Let's outline some of the actual events and what next patch is gonna look like!

Where TB and the Orgy were the primary focuses of the previous patch; Exhibitionism and the Mod Shop will be the focus of the next one! By popular vote these are the two larger events on the list and the good news is that I've already made good progress on both :)

Here's a quick reminder of the scene list for patch 3.1.0:

Photo Club / Exhibitionism start (several sections including a photo shoot) \\ Mid/Large
Exhibitionist first 20~ levels (may differ, unsure) \\ Mid
Rubbins' - Heaven or Hell (two routes - small) \\ Small
Troy Massage 2 (all routes) + Troy Minis to follow. \\ Mid/Large
Deloitte Sneak \\ Mid/Large
Theo's Day 2 \\ Small
Mod Shop (Betting Game Flat + Next Day) & Mod Shop Minis \\ Large
Brava Voyeur \\ Small
Brava Streaker \\ Small
(Maybe another Brava scene too)
Sharon warning / Detective Dan MS \\ Small/Mid
Luca Fitness / Voyeur \\ Mid(?)

After the "\\" in each listing is a rough estimate in how big or small the scene/scenes are.
The (?) after Luca Fitness is because I'm genuinely not sure how big or small this is gonna be yet, it's a scene I need to really start working on and see where the mind takes me ^_^!


Exhibitionism will be another new system in the game, it's Lisa's final stat to be displayed on the menu. It will function quite similarly to IG photos though there will be a LOT of them and many of them will only be available at night. This means Renshire will be getting a little upgrade at night with new NPCs and new minis and I've been heavily considering the idea of adding a little RPGM "pervert" type events in key locations like the town center at night that will change based on what Lisa's wearing but I'll talk more on that idea at a later date if I can work out something functional for it!

Speaking of Lisa's clothing, I'm also considering changing how the clothing system works at night specifically where Lisa can omit wearing certain items when Exhibitionism levels allow, an old favorite of mine and a big inspiration for me was a game called Valiant Warrior Astrid and though I haven't played it since it was discontinued years ago, I recall it had a system something like this so if anyone's ever played VWA; that's where my head's at. We're not talking streaking exactly but no underwear is a solid and obvious example. I mentioned before that I'd also like to add Exhibitionism specific clothing options, one example was a coat I posted as a wallpaper some time ago but that'd be much later of course (because she'd be wearing nothing else lol!) but other options like perhaps a translucent top that's worn with a bra would be a cool idea if I could find an asset that fits then with higher Exhib maybe Lisa leaves the bra at home? :)
The implementation of this depends LARGELY on finding really "fit for purpose" clothing assets for it - there's no point in adding 10+ new clothing options because then the content in Renshire would be very limited per clothing and that doesn't sound great, instead the new options would have to be few but wonderfully customizable so I can create tons of events in a few different maps and there isn't huge empty maps with only 2-3 events in them.
I dunno why but I'm having such a hard time explaining exactly my reasoning but I hope it makes some sense at least lol ^_^

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There are quite a few of these wallpaper type images of Ms Short though they are only viewed in game briefly :)

The Exhibitionism stat will also influence some choices in future as well so there will be some emphasis on the player to explore the town once again, level up their Exhibitionism before continuing on other routes. I mentioned before that a huge part of the bathhouse will be locked behind certain Exhibitionist levels, other events will have this same requirement but likely to lesser degrees. I will also probably add a check in game and offer the details required in the journal for events that require a certain Exhib level to view everything before the player can access it - something like "You don't have the required Exhib level to view all events, do you still wish to continue?" Just to make sure you don't miss out on content simply because you didn't realize there was a choice coming up.

As you can probably guess, it's a huge undertaking but I really think it sounds super cool but only if it's executed well! So that's really the main focus of the next patch, to get the foundation of this new stat and a juicy amount of content to go with it.

To actually access the Exhibitionism route, the player must discover more of Ms Short's after school "activities" and that's achieved through the Photo Club and meeting Damien. This content of meeting Damien is mandatory as it counts toward Lisa's council credit but the Exhib Route itself is not, it will start and Lisa will have level 1 Exhib but leveling it is up to you.

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The Casting Couch xD

I've already rendered and completed post work on the Photo Club Day 1 which is a classroom scene followed by another event in Ms Short's office, the second day of the Photo Club is mostly RPGM eventing with no CGs then there's a photo shoot (two routes here) and finally another day in the Photo Club before returning home and Lisa can access her new "hobby" :)

I'll keep you guys updated on progress on this probably every week until it's finished as it's a hefty amount of work lol!

-Mod Shop:

WE'RE BACK!! So we return to the Mod Shop and Moddy requests we take a trip with Marty (Flat). The day 1 portion of this event is a revelation on Marty's part as they travel across Renshire to the East District, it actually brings back a detail I omitted from the original script but I think it will play well. It's nothing major but I still don't feel like spoiling anything ^_^

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Daily body check >)

Day 2 however will see some hot n' heavy action with Moddy :eek: ..what might perk your interest most about Day 2 of this event is that I'm gonna try making an animation for it, emphasis on TRY lol. If I don't think it looks GREAT, I'll post it for you guys here and just remove it from the game but if I think it fits well and isn't awful then you may well see Lisa's first animated scene. I still haven't even tried to add video to RPGM, whether I'd use a video file, an image sequence or whatever, I'm really not sure. All of the kinks still need to be worked out but it's in my mind that this is the time to try it, so rejoice! lol ^_^ (it will probably be the last thing I do for the patch JUST TO MAKE SURE the patch doesn't take a ridiculous amount of time to release. I'm sure, like anything Daz related that I'll get faster and faster at making animations the more I do it but for now I'm gonna be extremely slow as I'm nowhere near comfortable with the anim kit and it's quirks so just take this is a promise of an attempt rather than a promise of a product <3).
I'm also gonna add some Heart Minis to the Mod Shop. Kinda like the little sex filled minis I added and removed years ago but more tempered and flirty this time, just something else fun to see around the shop. With the onset of Flat's honest revelation, I have a lot of really fun ideas for him specifically so I'm excited to work on those!

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Lisa's becoming a regular in Barb's Diner! I really need to build an RPGM map for it already :s x)

Finally regarding the Mod Shop, there will be another story event there where some familiar faces come to visit and things get bloody. I understand that's quite an abrupt statement and a pretty cruel cliffhanger but that's all I have to say on the matter for now lol!

So far I have made pretty significant progress with the day 1 portion of this event with just shy of 40 CGs completed. I think another 20-30 should cover all routes for at least the first day of this event.

That's a good chunk of info on the big ones. I won't go into detail about every event I want for this patch because this post is already ridiculous but one final scene that I absolutely want in this patch is:


I want Luca's event to be mostly spoiler free but I just wanted to confirm to the Luca crowd that it's on the list. This event also marks the beginning of Luca's content leaning into sexual territory which is very fun and another route that has been dormant for too long now.

-Varied Content:

I'm in ramble territory now so this section you can just skip unless you're particularly interested in the way I'm framing future releases.
The Theo's event from last patch or the Leaflets events are good examples of a type of small-ish event lets Lisa roam around and continue the credit paths at a reasonable pace. They don't take weeks to make and they keep things current and hopefully offer the feeling that things moving forward.
Lisa's credits are the big focus for 3.X patches so this is the way I want to proceed from here. I think probably every patch will have a BIG emphasis on one, maybe two events but I need to have this kind of smaller events dotted in there. I'm always saddened to read that people forget about certain parts of the game because they've been left gathering dust for years so I don't want to let that happen again. So I'd like to add more Theo's work days, Brava needs some work days added, we'll be venturing back to Rubbins' to continue wherever Lisa left off with Troy. None of these events need to be big because they are mostly character focused so we'll see what my brain veers into when it comes time to add the additional content!

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A photo of Bill & Oonagh Deloitte - Aoife & Theo's parents, both of which are dead in the current timeline of the game. Bill Deloitte will be seen in both Theo's and Tony's Renshire story in the future.

-Lisa's Future Boyfriend/Girlfriend:

I wanted to address a query I get a lot which is regarding Lisa's future boyfriend / girlfriend if she breaks up with Danny.
The main relationship routes currently are either featuring Danny or NOT featuring Danny and to keep things from spiralling out of my control that will be the extent of it.

I know many of you want Lisa to enter a new relationship but I think that's leaning in a development direction that the game wasn't really built for and a LOT more foundation, consideration and care would have to be added if this were to be the case. The game doesn't really have any backend for referencing such things so even adding a Danny-free section is mostly gonna be done manually. Now I COULD of course add this type of functionality but then the game becomes more of a dating sim which is very different from where we are currently. Adding some dating sim aspects could be fine in theory but I think the content in the game already is stretched quite thin across myriad different routes and stretching it further for what would be relatively shallow without occupying a huge portion of the game seems counter-intuitive in terms of time and resources. You could argue for a smaller implementation for select characters where their routes incorporate a relationship but then it just feels like a section of the game built outside of the game as nothing in the core portions / events talk about or reference Lisa's "current" relationship.
The reason I have abstained from creating animation for example is because without a large focus on animation it can easily cheapen the experience, a bad animation is not better than no animation in my eyes, in fact I believe the opposite to be true - the same applies to game systems.

You know me.. I'd love to add everything. The fuller and more fleshed out the game is, the better I feel about it but I also have to draw the line somewhere to make sure that we're moving forward (especially in the wake of Jayce's Party lol).

Anyway I just wanted to offer my thoughts on why this type of thing isn't on the development list, I hope it makes sense <3


There we go, the biggest patch since the release of Lisa, followed by the biggest update post anyone's ever seen. Now if you genuinely made it this far you have my sincerest apology for bending your ear for 30 minutes but I had a lot to say xD
I think this patch will be sick, like really, really awesome. We've got Troy content incoming, MODDY content, potentially with animation, there's the start of Aoife's romance, Luca's getting frisky, Lisa's on the verge of stripping off in the middle of the city.. like, c'mon.. IT'S GONNA BE SO GOOD!! ^_^!!

Soo.. when's it coming?

I'm gonna say December because I'm not leaving 2024 without a full patch with NO Jayce's Party content! xD

There, I SAID IT!

Lisa 3.1: DECEMBER

Just watch me eat those words on the Christmas approach xD (joke, it'll be fine ^_^!)

Aww man, it's good to be back. It's been frustrating being messed around by my old ISP and living life mostly offline for the past 10 days sure but thankfully I've had plenty of new stuff to work on. It was over 4, maybe even 5 months(?) that I only worked on the Orgy so I'm pumped and I'm hungry to get this show on the road man. Let's fucking go ^_^

Sending my love to all <3

Dear brother please don't make rework or something like that corrent game is really good don't make any change in this just continue the story thank you.
And if possible add some animations.
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Reactions: WiktoriaPL


Feb 9, 2024
Dear brother please don't make rework or something like that corrent game is really good don't make any change in this just continue the story thank you.
And if possible add some animations.
Exactly current one is good just make new story and content for us don't rework on visuals it's good r8 now i agree
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Reactions: WiktoriaPL


Jul 31, 2024
Seriously is Gina a true friend to Lisa or a friend that just wants to get Lisa assaulted every opportunity during Jayce's party. Gina is pure evil.
Jan 13, 2021
Gina is Frienemy, to Lisa.
I think, she s a grade A Asshole and a drug addict. Guess she s only happy in her shitty life if she s able to manipulate (or destroy) good relationships of others. That why she s trying to sabotage the Rel. between Danny and Lisa. I dont like her one bit and put her on a step with all the other asshats (Moddy (disgusting Psychopath), Jayce (meh), Troy (Sociopath), Shannon (a lost and fucked up Soul); Gunnar (annoying douchebag..should get a life), Calvin (THE most annoying dumbass in this Game (after Troy), i really wish i could skip his WHOLE content; maybe he is better of with "men"); :rolleyes:


Jul 31, 2024
I agree Gina is a piece of work, so is Danny who gets off on pimping her off to his colleagues at work or anyone else. Just to get his rocks off. Jayce would be way better for Lisa honestly, than Danny by leagues. Troy and at least 30 yr. old coach Jake they are quite the matching pair made for each other. Then there is Mike he is not that much better as well.
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May 2, 2023
Exactly current one is good just make new story and content for us don't rework on visuals it's good r8 now i agree
Agreed. Rework visuals after the game is complete. Make a list of CGs to change along the way, then come back once the game is complete. Maybe for a steam release or something, also.
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Reactions: Icekatana


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
Dear brother please don't make rework or something like that corrent game is really good don't make any change in this just continue the story thank you.
And if possible add some animations.
1 - Why do you think PG is planning a rework when that was never mentioned in the post?

2 - Did you not read the part where PG specified why he hadn't included animation?


Apr 29, 2017

A day late but FINALLY I have working internet lol!

I'm not doing a full update post just yet but I thought I'd let you all know that I'm actually an internet user again ^_^

Since the last post I've been working MOSTLY on Aoife's content. This event has a LOT of dialogue in it (it will be like 50+ CGs of heavy text) so I think it might ruffle some feathers of those that don't particularly enjoy the story content but it's all important context for the plot and Aoife's role in it. There's discussion about Tony and Bill, how they founded their business, Aoife's Mother, etc too. The topics will be touched on quite lightly though, I'm piecing it together while simultaneously writing the Renshire Story sections (Tony's VN specifically) to fill in the blanks at a later date. (for anyone unsure what "Renshire Story" is: I'm gonna create a series of short VNs that follow specific characters to better flesh out the story). Tony's Renshire Story will be the last one released and is focused mainly as a villain origin story.

There will be no teaser images of Aoife's content shared because every CG is a spoiler lol so bear with me a few days to cook up some fresh new images of other routes and we'll chat a bit about those :)

I'm gonna take the next hour or two and respond to everyone ^_^



Jul 31, 2024
Is there any way the developer could write in some scene during Jayce's Party after Gina Games round 2, when Lisa tries to go to her room(Danny leaves). Also make an option for Lisa to not take the drug even after(Danny leaves). The argument points do not register in the save either. That Jayce comes to save Lisa from the orgy that is about to befall her, due to Gina's jealousy of Lisa. Jayce did promise Lisa's guardian that after the kidnapping incident at the hotel, that he would protect Lisa from any further harm and in the Hotel on his watch.
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4.30 star(s) 119 Votes