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Hellooo guys!
Feels a bit weird talking about the same event in every update but it is what it is lol! ^_^ Currently I'm working on Phase 2 events, I'm not sure exactly how many "phases" there are going to be in total, it might even be different depending on choices but nonetheless there will be quite a few. They won't be labelled in game, but I'm using them as markers for how the characters / sprites move around the party as time passes. We've seen the intro, so beginning next update we'll start into the Phase 1 events, which are all completed. There are 4 in total: Elevator, Pool, Sofa and Kitchen.
A few examples of each (with the exception of Elevator because it's minor and serves mainly to push other plotlines) are seen in the CGs posted. Lisa meeting Jake at the pool table which for the first few phases is populated by Jake, Tim, Sheree and Gina. Lisa having shots in the kitchen which is where Jo, Jayce, Bobby, Vicky (if Sharing is off) and some others can be found and finally the sofa where you can find Troy, Sophie, Bo, Danny, Mike and Yasmin playing beer pong (I'm trying to wrap up that scene's second route CGs tonight!)
So the characters mentioned at each location will change as the night progresses - a quick example of how things shift around is that on both the Sharing and Non-Sharing routes Gina takes MDMA and everyone's seen that. In Phases 1 & 2 she's at the pool table but come phase 3 she moves to the Sofa as she feels a bit woozy. So the Sofa 3 event will include Gina. Now I was originally gonna include individual dialogues with every character that the player interacted with at the party but there are currently almost 30 characters at the party and that's just too much work for too little impact I think especially given that they'd have to be updated every time the phase shifts so the interactions will be group centered and the events themselves will be outlined by the standard little event circle.
One thing that'll likely perk up a few ears is that Phase 2 Sofa marks the initial choice to begin
yeeting Danny both from the party and from their playthrough (as Lisa's boyfriend anyway). I'm working on this scene as we speak. Obviously they don't break up right away but it's where the ball starts rolling. It'll be well outlined in game. The premise around how it starts has changed slightly based on how I wrote the pre-events. I was gonna make it a little more dramatic in ways but I felt that kind of writing honestly made Lisa less likeable which isn't the intention so instead it will continue this idea of Lisa being "distant" (the pre-event choice has no bearing on the party itself, it was only dialogue and CG differences in the pre-events). Basically Danny is trying to communicate and include Lisa in some fun but you the player may choose to do something else. Doing so will open up a new variable and as you play through the opening phases you will be offered a few different choices, each one that creates more separation between Lisa & Danny will clock a +1 on said variable and when it reaches critical mass, you can begin the argument which leads to Danny leaving the party.
As stated before the party is a pretty massive event with much of the sexual content at the tail end of it starting with Gina's "game." Ultimately there are a LOT of potential outcomes that are based on Sharing On or Off / Whether Danny's still at the party / Whether Lisa took Ecstasy and then there are the player choices during the game itself. Lots to do! ^_^ Now given that sex scenes are typically harder to put together I'm definitely gonna try shrinking the size of the sex scenes for the party so there probably shouldn't be any 150CG sex scenes this time around lol!
Anyway that's where I am right now. It's been a
very productive week and I think it's all coming together really
really well. I'm excited and I hope you guys are too
