Resident Post: Merry Christmas Everyone
) x
Hi everyone, sorry for the radio silence this past month but I've been distracted with the Christmas bustle and another grievance I don't wanna get into. I'm gonna break this post up into two parts because I had a draft written for an update post a couple of weeks ago but never got around to posting it then I'll affix an additional post after it x
This was the mid December post:
One scene down! Or.. very close anyway.
There's still the final 2-3 CG of the update to finish but they're reasonably easy images. The relief of actually finishing this scene has me in good spirits. There's no more doubt about it though, it will stand as the largest scene in the game to date boasting over 230CGs with at least 200 of them being sexual content. I started this scene at the start of November so you can imagine how elated I am to finally have it finished

It took a couple of weeks longer than I'd thought but at this point if you've been around me for a while; that's hardly surprising lol! I went back and forth on how to close it out a few times but I think the way it's rounded out now is pretty spot on to show just what a mess has been made! Oh, and the CGs look great to compliment it too
That just leaves the writing! I have actually started it somewhat, currently about 15% of the way through GGPt2 and the pre-events are done but the writing isn't proofed or even fleshed out yet. I tend to write concepts and some lines I note when designing the images then pump it all up through playtests and edits with the music used playing in my ears to better feel out the scene but there is
some progress at least ^_^! I'm actually going back home this weekend and I'll be going back again over Christmas too so although there are still two weeks to finish the project, the time I actually have to work on it is much tighter. All of this to say that the release will be at the tail end of December <3
I was condensing some of my scribblings during the week and it got me considering just how long this game is gonna be. When I was replaying the game a few months ago and skipping most of the content it still took hours upon hours fast-forwarding almost everything to reach content I made almost two years ago. So if we aren't yet at the halfway mark am I really aiming to produce a near 100 hour length RPGM game? Besides the obvious ridiculous development time of this I'm not even sure RPGM could cope with a project of that size ^_^
What I was considering during the week is sort of fast tracking the story content a little which I think makes a lot of sense because it has been a concern of mine for a while that when all the side routes in Lisa have had their slice of action, will there be enough other content left to do to see us through to end game? The last thing I want is to be making some of the most important scenes in the game later and have lost a lot of interest from you guys because everything outside of the story has already dried up. I guess this would be considered a variant of pacing.
What would this mean for the game? I've been plotting ideas in how to push some post graduation content to before graduation, it's hard to rush any of the credit jobs because they all have their own stories to play out but the main plot side of things could be pushed a little quicker. It's hard to really talk about it without getting into spoilers but if I can write my way around it I will be trying to implement more main story content with each large update. I just have to be really careful because the framework of how the story plays is so ingrained in my head because it's been pretty stable for a long time now that I don't want to make a mistake that'll end in my having to recreate entire scenes (again lol!).
Lastly is another thing I wanted to query with you guys, there are so many scenes still left to finish in JP and I've been working with basically only JP for something close to a year, it could even be more by now. I am on the edge of my seat with excitement to start on the E3 content so I thought perhaps after I finished the large DL scene I spoke about last week that I might start making E3 content alongside the final JP scenes. There isn't any logistical benefit to doing things this way, it's only to give my head a break from JP

I love the party, I love the scenes and I'm so proud of how they have and are turning out but I feel like the creative element in my brain is stifled a bit and I wanna free it up at least for a few hours a week ^_^
Anyway I'm making the game for you guys so let me know what you think, I won't be offended if you tell me to gtfo. I promise xD
Welllll that's about all I got. There might be another update post before the patch drop but I dunno, it mainly depends on whether I have anything to update you guys with lol! Now that we're in the final scenes of JP, there isn't too much to talk about really so I just end up rambling half the time ^_^
^That's the end of the pre-written post.
Since then all of the CGs are obviously finished and I'm a considerable way through the writing but I'm seriously struggling to get my head in it if I'm honest. My thoughts are just really busy or something, I'm finding it difficult to focus which concerns me in that the writing could be seriously underwhelming. Usually I can tell if a scene is sexy or not but I just haven't had that mindset recently. Writing sexual content can be a battle sometimes if you're not in that frame and the last thing I wanna do is repeat "Uhns" and "Ahhs" 500 times in some soulless effort to wrap it up so it is a little slower than usual.
The total CG count lies at 7018 which is around +500 for this update so it's about par with the standard though I expect the playtime will be a bit shorter given that there's only one route possible for now x
A few things I wanted to add:
1: I want to add is that I'll be putting the Lisa Outfit 3 poll up within the next couple of weeks because I wanna get prepped for 2024 and the E3 content so that's exciting!
2: I was thinking recently and wanted to convey is that I feel compelled to make these super huge finale scenes given how long I've kept you all waiting on them for but come E3 the sex scenes will be reverting to their old size, say 70cg or so. I'm cognizant of the desire for variety over such enormous single scenes - variety is my preference too and I just wanted to make sure you guys know that x
3: Some of you may be interested in a very recent development: I had downloaded an animation to use as a sort of Christmas bonus along with the wallpapers (assuming I could get it functionally rendered) so I've been dipping my toe into Daz animation. It is definitely finnicky to use which I expected but I at least have some grasp on how it's done now. The animation I downloaded is very detailed and when I slapped a full simulation on hair and clothing on the characters it turned out quite well but the character animation itself isn't something I could recreate in Daz so if there are any animations to be used in the game in the future, they'll all be edits of premade animations. I will animate the lights, cameras and facial expressions to make them feel more unique though. My PC is currently rendering a low iteration looped animation that runs for about 12 seconds at the game's standard 720p and the eta is 16-17 hours so making a single mistake and having to re-render anything is obviously very costly to development time because I can't render images nor work in Daz at all while this process is running. I just gotta get good at it before I commit to making animation a staple.
One silver lining is that, after I grasped the basics I opened a new scene to begin fresh. From an empty set to a fully animated scene, cameras, lights, expressions, etc took around 2 hours which isn't terrible considering some images have taken me longer. The scene only contains two characters but it's still a lot easier than I expected, plus learning something new really pulled me out of a slump.
I might be missing something here, I'll know better once I have a look at this first attempt render but if it is this straightforward to create solid video then animated scenes are something I
will commit to producing in the future at least for select scenes.
I will be posting wallpapers at the very least after I upload the 2.90 patch and the animation I will post my progress on moving forward.
It's Friday today so I will do my absolute best to have this release uploaded next week. I know it's a missed deadline but I'm away all evening tonight, I'll be at home tomorrow then I'm off again on New Years. The testing shouldn't take too long because again it's basically just one large event split up into sections so fingers crossed lol.
A rough sort of roadmap would look like:
5-7th~ Jan - 2.90 release
6/7th Jan - Dec Wallpapers
Animation test somewhere in here depending on how it turns out
14-21st Jan - Outfit 3 Poll
March - 2.91
Something like this x
Well.. I'd rate 2023 a 2/10 but that's fine because it's over soon! Gonna make 2024 a banger with the best Lisa content to date

) (maybe even some sweet animations!! ^_^) I can't imagine 2024 having any further surprises so I'm optimistic ^_^
Thanks you guys, as always. I hope you all had the best Christmas and I wish you all a Happy New Year <3
Talk soon x
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