Resident Post: Bit sick, been home all week..Â
Home all week..? You know what that means ^_^!
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Déjà vu? The outside area of the massage room has been completely rebuilt for use later so old CGs will at some point have to be rebuilt accordingly but that's work for another time!
Last week I talked about Troy's content without having much of it completed. Now that I have a large chunk of it game ready I can gladly share a few teasers. The massage room set was crazy to go back to because I still had emissive lights doing the heavy lifting with point lights overhead, two forms of lighting I really NEVER use anymore and the render settings were all over the place so I had to restructure the set but I think it looks great!! xD
There's so many small events in this update, mostly those leading up to the Exhibitionist Route start so I think it's easier if I list them rather than grouping them all under "Exhibitionist Route"
Event List:
Photo Club 1 - 100%
Photo Club 2 - No CGs (RPGM Sequence)
Photo Studio - 100%
Photo Club 3 - 100% / 2parts
"OE" 1 - 100%
Lounge - 100%
"OE" 2 - 0%
Querying Sharon - 0%
^^^This is all leading up to the Exhibitionist Start*^^^
Exhibitionism (the actual Exhib content) - 0%
Troy Massage Intros - 60%~
Troy Massage 70%
Deloitte Sneak - 100%
Theo's Day 2 - 0%
Mod Shop BGFlat - 70%~
Mod Shop Moddy - 0%
Moddy Anim - 0%
Brava Voyeur - 0%
Brava Streaker - 0%
Sharon Warning - 100%
Detective Dan - 0%
Contacting Aoife - 90%
Aoife Romance - 30%~
Luca Fitness - 0%
Big list and as you can see there's still SO much to do ^_^ I won't start stressing until mid November but I definitely have a busy schedule - I think I might leave the Brava stuff until the end because I am slightly concerned that I'm gonna run outta time without having the key events of the patch completed being Aoife / Mod Shop / Troy and most importantly; Exhibitionism.
In my RPGM ready folder there's over 250 images so far and that is just including the actual CG counter, there are quite a number of images that won't add to the overall count because they're images viewed within CGs.
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Stuck in traffic, zzz :
I'll talk a bit about Aoife's Romance since I've been working on it the past day or so!
This route's gonna be a slow burn, I think one of the mistakes I made early in the game's life span, despite the claims that the game is a slow starter was being too eager to jump into full blown sex content in a lot of cases but that was largely due to inexperience and a self-imposed pressure to do so.
Aoife's romance will be handled a lot more delicately though there is a sizeable scene with Aoife in the coming update and while I will of course do my utmost to make it arousing, there won't be any penetrative sex with Aoife for quite some time yet. The scene that I've currently begun might still be too much, too quickly so I'll be interested to read any and all feedback on it when it's released as it can always be changed
I responded to a user on F95 who was curious as to whether anyone still wanted Danny around in the game and my reply was something like "removing the danger of getting caught reduces the eroticism for some" and I feel that myself, even from my perch making the game, I feel the tension waning and the struggle to make things erotic is increased. Aoife's romance follows something similar though it isn't Danny who is being kept in the dark. The events at the end of TB created a new level of real danger for Lisa but to continue seeing Aoife, both have to play the stealth game.
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Lisa "the detective" >)
Alongside the enormous amount of Aoife CGs, I've been putting a lot of hours into the beginning of the Exhibitionist route and I wanted to pre-empt some comments about it's length before it's released but I'll break down the full event list so far:
Step 1: Photo Club 1 (Day1)
Step 2: Ms Short's Office
Step 3: Photo Club 2 (Day2)
Step 4: Studio
Step 5: Photo Club 3 (Day 3)
Step 6: Locking Up / Discovery
Step 7: OE1
Step 8: Back to the lounge (Day 5/6)
Step 9: OE2
Step 10: Querying Sharon
Step 11: "Lisa the Exhibitionist" Begins
This is all taking place over the course of just under a week in game and will probably take about 30m to complete in game if you're solely working toward it.
The reasons why is two-fold; 1 because it NEEDS buildup, it's a big jump regardless of your routes for Lisa to begin exposing herself in public places so I think this is required. If anything it's too short ^_^ and 2 because it's built to be played whilst doing other things in game. I'm hoping that when E3 content is rich and full that players won't have any issue with returning to the college because there's plenty to do before or afterward.
I am already concerned that the scene list is too large for a December release and there are other things I want to include in 3.1.X like continuations for harassment events and adding new ones too for places like the RLD but I certainly won't be able to complete in time so my thinking is; trim the less important events (Theo's, Brava, etc) and add them in a smaller patch in January or so. So you can still expect 3.1.0 in December but then expect another content patch shortly after including minor additions.
But yeah! That's a good place to wrap things up I think

I am feeling a lot better today I must say, I've been sleeping like 12 hours per night which is the complete OPPOSITE of my usual pattern. I tend to function pretty well on 5-6 hours these days so my body must really need it lol!
Development's still going great, I'm actually getting a lot done this week in between soup breaks xD I've become something of a master of homemade vegetable soup this year so I'm well fed lol! OKAY I'm gonna stop rambling, love you guys and thank you as always for all of the amazing support

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