Tutor Post: Last update before the patch AND Christmas!!
SO! Good progress again this week, got like 20~ extra CGs filled in and a few more of the big events finished (big as in a
LOT of work in RPGM).
"I'm gonna stop making huge scenes" I just can't help myself.. ^_^
I suppose I'll start with Luca's content. It's
fully finished
& tested and I think it's really fun. There is some serious silliness in this series of events, probably the
dopiest humor added to the game in quite a while. I hope it's well received because it took about 50x replays to get the sequencing correct lol! xD There are a few new maps built for use during these events, they aren't explorable but I think there are some cool ideas in here that actually turned out quite well ^_^ The events will see Lisa back and forth from Luca's house and out to a new running track over a period of 4 days before the final event that takes place at Viv & Luca's home where the groundwork is laid for Luca's sexual content.
I wish I had some extra time because I did want to add some bonus sections in the final portion of the training events but I'm gonna leave that for now because it's not really necessary and I don't have the luxury of time as usual. If I have spare time at the end, I'll finish it up but if not then it'll be cut!
These really are silly wee events but I think they're great honestly. Luca has been without content for years now and though this is only the beginning, it's necessary to reinforce Lisa & Luca's relationship. Luca admires Lisa but I wanted to have Lisa's feelings toward Luca evolve from that of.. pity or something like that. Obviously she's fond of Luca but having their friendship grow in as little in-game time as possible whilst making it an enjoyable few days leading toward the route choice for Luca is pretty much the goal here.
I finished testing Luca's events for the night and I jumped across the Aoife's events and the contrast of the two is absolutely crazy, they are different games almost. One being extremely heavy, featuring some of the most depressing dialogue in the game (so far) whereas the other is almost completely the opposite. I was chatting behind the scenes about this type of contrast in the game just this week and personally I quite like how it's shaped. The story content of Lisa is an embodiment of negative emotions and much of the game's side content is kind of the counter balance.
This table is the perfect height for a good romp! xD
Most of the work this week however was focused on the Photo Club events and the Exhib intro that follows. This series of events alone took me
SO.. MANY.. HOURS.. Just for the RPGM implementation. I knew this was gonna take a while because of how many individual events there are dedicated to this one string of scenes but it's come along well so far. This whole section is,
by far the longest to complete in RPGM in this patch and likely in playtime too so I wanted to get it out of the way. Between this, Aoife's story content and Luca's content; that's really the bulk of RPGM work for this patch. The other scenes are largely CG based so they're just writing without all the sprite stuff. In scenes where writing is the only real focus, I do tend to hone in on finer details in writing and formatting there. I am, without a doubt gonna be working on Christmas day this year xD
Whilst putting this all together recently I realized just how many callbacks there are to previous content in this patch as well. There are like 5 or more instances where previous events are recalled as Lisa is sleuthing in different scenes so I hope that's both interesting and maybe even a reminder of forgotten scenes ^_^ (I for one enjoyed the revisits to old events that even I'd forgotten lol) These callbacks probably aren't as shocking as Dakota's reveal in the previous patch but I love adding things like this to then reference later.
I also didn't realize just how much of this patch is dedicated to the Mod Shop, there are over 200CGs of Mod Shop / Mod Shop related content which is like a third of the whole thing. That WAS supposed to be the Exhibitionist content but as time went on I did sorta jump ship just to make sure I got everything included, I know there are so many of you patiently waiting for more Moddy stuff and I didn't wanna postpone that ^_^ I'm glad that it's ended up this way though, I'm eagerly anticipating starting work on the post patch where I can really dedicate
100% of my attention to Exhibitionism until I get a solid amount of it ready, then work on populating other minis around the city along with new Sharon scenes and such.
It'll definitely an awesome patch too.
The Mod Shop has many visitors over the three days we spend there in the upcoming patch
Whilst setting up the whole Exhibitionism Route I've been considering a sort of collect and dump type system just to separate it from the Instagram photos, this would also serve as a sort of reset point for Lisa to attain new "skills" for Exhib. .....I just wrote out a whole paragraph on how this would work and then realized that I haven't actually announced/spoiled what the Exhib Route is even about yet so scratch that lol! I went a little off the deep end considering a whole map dedicated to hints & skill acquisition for progressing the Exhib route but I think that might be a
LITTLE far, instead I might fashion up another menu option that will display locked and unlocked skills / outfits. I am talking like any of this is coming in December which it isn't but as usual I thought it
MOST IMPORTANT to let you guys in on the how's and why's of my thoughts on development behind the scenes xD
So I received exactly 0 feedback on Journal entries being unclear but I still wanted to spruce it up a little so I dedicated a couple of hours to a new IconSet for the game. Icons haven't been on my radar at all for Lisa as there's no items nor inventory so it seemed entirely worthless but Yanfly's journal plugin does reference the IconSet for it's images. Until now the game has just used the stock standard, out of the box defaults but this has been changed in an attempt to MAYBE make the game 0.0001% better. Each entry now has a corresponding image, that probably means very little but I think it's a nice touch. The Icons were taken from a VX pack I think(?) so they were resized for MV but I think they look pretty nice actually xD The farther I can get away from a "default" RPGM game, the better

I think in the post patch I might actually add character faces for the character quests too but we'll see!
I mentioned that I was considering this last week and I did in fact make a little "Journal Updated" graphic for in game to test it this patch. I am completely
DREADFUL when it comes to 2d graphics so it looks
REAL GRIM but it can be changed easily. I've had a lot of praise over the years for the 3d art in the game but my God.. when it comes to anything 2d you may as well give it to a infant, I am
USELESS! I genuinely need to hire a graphic designer for a day or two, I'd like a lot of small things for the game and I'd even like a new banner for SS too, that old crusty thing up there definitely needs a tune up xD
I'm so bad at 2d graphics that I actually used AI to make the image on Lisa's laptop in this CG xD
There are some events in the game that I have timed, in frames with sound effects (SE) or intro beats of the music (BGM) but it's kind of nullified when players often have the action key pressed down causing RPGMs 2x map speed. I have, on my travels found a
genius little plugin that lets me toggle this on and off. Don't worry I'm only using it for like 3 event commands at a time but for things like the explosion during TB,
this is a real treat for me ^_^ BUT! This isn't the interesting part.. Not only can I stop the map speed up,
I can also multiply it. This could serve as a sort of band-aid fix to the skip cutscene issue I was having last week. I'm probably not gonna have time to apply it to scenes this patch but I think I'll try adding this to the Recollection Room in the
post patch. Maybe another switch in there or even add a choice to the start of every event which will be "Choose your skip rate" and have like 2x, 3x, 4x or something like that. I haven't tested the plugin fully but I will in time and hopefully it can make replaying stuff a lot more streamlined for those interested in only certain sections of the extremely large scenes in this game xD
If you're reading this on SS this probably isn't much interest to you but since my Patreon was nuked I've had
loads of requests to open up another account elsewhere because SS isn't easily accessible outside America (it's not for me either, believe me). I just wasn't sure where else was available, I did try Boosty earlier in the year but it wouldn't accept any of my bank / credit cards so I opened ANOTHER bank account recently and I'm just waiting on the details coming through the post. If that one works, there'll be another option open soon.
I do hope SS makes it a little easier somehow for folks outside of the states. I absolutely
LOVE SS, I dunno whether this is a hot take or anything but they've been good to me and I've had pretty much nothing but good experiences with them.
Their staff are just so lovely which is a stark contrast to the
absolutely abhorrent creatures at Patreon. A few extra features, easier access worldwide and a little touch up here n there and this is a winner. I'd love to see them do well (or at least take a chunk of Patreon's market share - not salty at all btw.. xD).
No wallpapers till January but I think this kinda looks wallpaper-ish, no?
AAAAAND lastly; likely to no-one's surprise, the December wallpapers will of course be late ^_^ I have two Christmas engagements AND a patch to finish so I hope the Deviants can forgive me until the start of Jan lol!
Patch is still to be released this month, I have a long way to go but expect it on the 31st x
This will probably be the last public post before the patch is released
and before Christmas so I want to wish you all the MERRIEST OF CHRISTMASSES(????)! It's been a long and arduous year but it's one
I'll remember fondly and a lot of that is thanks to
all of you 
I hope you guys have such an awesome holiday period and I'll have a late gift for you before the new year <3
Thank you so,
so much everyone. For this year, the previous, the one before that.. I will always try to repay your kindness with a great experience in Lisa ^_^!
Sending all of my festive love to you and your families this Christmas, have a great one guys

^_^!! <3