VN - Ren'Py - Live to Fight [v0.6.8] [Grinder]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    It could probably be in the top ten of the worst games list on this F95.
    Disgusting renders, updates with 5 minutes of gameplay and most importantly, there is still no progress with the most important LI of this shitty game, Mrs. Johnson.
    Total waste of time
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Whats with the update tho. 6 months and only 5 mins of playtime(not even 5 mins). Sorry i used to like this game but its time to drop it. It seems like its dragging with that kind of update system. I mean most games that take that long atleast give you an hour of playtime. And those who give short updatrs atleast does it in a month or two not half a year. That was a bummer fr.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is nothing you havent seen before but its alright and playable.
    MC Steals some cash from hes father and has to pay em back by earning them in fights, thats pretty much it, he takes a small break for 6 months if i remember right and in that time he turns into a newbie fighter and takes him forever to learn stuff like high kick again, feels a bit weird.

    Since its not a harem game i went with Kat only and i guess the fighter girl as well, so my playthrough had pretty much nothing, you get to kiss a million times but progress is very slow and you can barely call this an adult game.

    It gets a bit annoying to listen to MC about how hot someone is when you have 0 intrest in the girl/woman, no matter how many times to pick no or dont help making it perfectly clear you dont want anything to do with her, game will still constantly flirt with the person, devs should learn no means no once you make the choice and not keep trying to force them on to MC.

    At one point i went to marks house helped with some cleaning then went home just to go to marks house again? some choices you make can really make game act weird, and ofc mark is never home when you come since game keeps puching you towards the mother who i couldent care less about, and ive picked all choices to show 0 interest in her and yet MC keeps thinking "oh god what a beautiful ass" "its like calling to me" i mean gimme a break when a player shows 0 interest in someone in choices then stop pushing them on to the player.....its just stupid....and game dosent have a harem tag which make it even more pointless to keep pushing girls on MC.

    Its dosent matter who MC looks at he just has a single braincell when it comes to woman and thinks like a 12 year old, dosent matter if they are young or old or the most ugly bitch, in MCs eye eveyone is the best looking woman in the just get tierd of reading that stuff constantly.

    Girls are Meh not really in my taste, they dont really look unique, funny enough some of the best ones ive seen in game has been like a waitress that you wont have any interaction with so yeah....and you only really have one choice in builds, big or bigger tits and i dont like big tits.

    Game had alot of images missing like sol_s_xx with Kat, also missing some with Jess and in Gym so it seem to be an on going thing which is a bit annoying.
    Game is 5 years old and still has errors early and doing the hole game its a bit disapointing really.

    Working/helping at the bar is a bit weird, all the female customers are showing up as male customers in dialogs...

    Also story lines dosent match up, like the milf you can help carrying boxes into her house, i did that and then i left her.
    But game goes on like i fucked her, and for some reason you get a call about a job where you meet her husbon that ask how you meet hes wife, and MC thinks "i cant tell him that i fucked her" which is idiotic since i never thouch the bitch.....

    I also tried not helping Andea with the boxes and she still calls you later about a job, and MC thinks "oh yes i forgot i gave you the number" well no shit he never gave her the number.....if you take this job it will force you to have sex with Andrea if you like it or not so keep that in mind.

    Same when you take the job you will be forced to be with the wife Andrea even though you never fucked her before she comes up to you at work and give you a BJ and you have 0 choices in this either, its like game is trying to force some wierd dame on you, and it starts to feel like a kinetic story.

    What makes it worse, the choices went to shit as well, after winning a fight you can fuck the ring girl or not, i dident want her what so ever since shes just a whore that fucks the fighters, then when you lose a fight you get 0 options to turn her down.....why on earth MC dosent go watch hes fighter partner in her match is stupid as fuck, instend he is forced to be with the whore? what happened to choices in this game.....that really destoryed the game for me.
    Its also impossible to be a nice guy and help out girls since game will take that as you want to fuck em and ends out forceing that on you.

    Animations are a bit below average compared to other games.

    Most of the time game is silent, and when it does have music its like elevator music so yeah not good.

    Also being a year 5 year old game, i dont really expect this to ever get finished its simply just way to slow and has very little content with some off the girls.

    Short review:

    Story 1/5
    Its vanilla a bit boring and nothing you havent seen before, but what really hurts it is the broken story line where game goes on like you done something you havent which breaks the story.
    And the constant pushing girls on MC is annoying just like MCs childish mindset.
    Also not a fan of getting forced to be with someone in a game with choices.
    And to many errors with missing pictures, starts early in game and keeps being an issue doing the hole game.

    Girls 2/5
    Not unique, build choice is big or bigger tits, not my thing so nothing for me in the game.

    Animations 2/5
    They are short boring and below average.

    Music 1/5
    Elevator music, not good and only just above a silent game.

    Choices 1/5
    To many choices dosent work, some even breaks the story since it plays on like you have done something or fucked someone even when never did.

    Updates 1/5
    Well its 5 years old so it goes without saying its just to slow and there is barely any content with some girls like Kat.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This is the story of a guy who creates every single problem he faces… because he is an dumbass.

    I struggle to comprehend how stupid the story setup is: this kid knows he wants to move out away from his father, and he knows he needs money for it — it's clear from the first 2 minutes of the game that this isn't a new issue he has — and yet the very first thing he does is win a lot of money from his work as a professional fighter, where he apparently is very successful, quit the sport entirely and then give all that money away even though he REALLY needs it... making it so he now needs to steal money from his gangster dad who will follow him to the ends of Earth to get payback. Nevermind that "the ends of Earth" is at the same neighborhood all his life-long friends live.

    I can't even imagine a more contrived plot where people act in idiotic and unnatural ways just to create the problem the story will then have to solve... and then proceed to spend the entirety of the game doing nothing towards solving it. I guess having an awkward attempt at romancing (harassing?) his best friend's mother is just too important to try to save yours and your mother's life. Don't worry if in playing this game you forget that it was once the goal to rescue your mother from her abusive husband, your father; clearly the protagonist here forgot as well.

    It’s also a game with average graphics, bland visual composition, boring characters, repetitive scenes that accomplish nothing to move the story forward… and probably its worst aspect: updates every six months at best, each taking no more than five minutes to see in their entirety.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is total joke, no content, nothing to say something good, just nothing, further it gets only worser and worser, terrible attitude to the project and players, no hope that something will change.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5732969

    Despite some lapses I consider this game THE VERY BEST adult game.It isn't fair this game doesn't get enough recognition and credit.In the terms of interpersonal relationships, this game has no a worthy competitor.The evolution of seduction process between MC and Mrs.Johnson(and some other women in game), passion and chemistry is what I truly like.That burning desire, neck kissing, shifting moments of reason and moments of lust is epic.And chemistry between MC and Emma, between MC and Lilly is amazing.Of course we need a characters who are easy going and with whom we have a less deep relatioship(Jess, Kat, Andrea..).And the MC isn't some skinny-ass weak wretch with abnormal penis size like in most adult games.It is a real young shredded alpha male with big member.I just like it and this game is just a BINGO.I have a manner to put myself with MC's shoes, so I don't like incest bullshit.And that is one great plus for you in my book.I will personally make an effort to promote this game and of course support you on Patreon.Too bad it doesn't update often and we should make it change.Thank you.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    was good game at beginning but this is just wrong in every way. starting a new game every time a new update then new is nothing but clicking error messages just to see what is being said. so sad the dev puts out something like this garbage
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd give this game a 5/5. Despite some flaws to the game it's got a compelling story. Although im just here mostly gunning for Mrs. Johnson, she's a top tier MILF and is one of the most captivating characters here. And the downside is we still haven't had much progress with her. I'm not really too keen with the pseudo-GF whoever that redhead was. Honestly, i can't quite comprehend her character
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I adore it, can't wait for the update, and would like to see more games like it from the developers. In the future, I can already see the perfect storyline. I just wish the update could be a little sooner, and I will support the developer. It seems worth it. having someone that actually cares about the storyline and the game rather than just putting out garbage and then abandoning them I have a lot of hope for this project, and I hope they succeed. I also want the renders to be worked on, maybe a little voiceover, and this would be the perfect game.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    A very juvenile story. It's not terrible, but you'll probably forget it soon after playing.

    Writing is not impressive and most of it feels like comedy, except there are no punch lines. There is a decent idea for general story, but the storytelling is simple, to put it nicely. Sex scenes are very short without much of build-up leading to them, and at least half of the scenes end with only one party of the scene getting release. Handjobs, blowjobs, boobjobs and thighjobs etc.

    There are a few meaningful choices that lead to alternative scenes, that's nice. Many other choices feel like relationship point traps, which they are, and some scenes will not play if you picked wrong options in past dialogue. Personally I gave up trying to figure out what the positive choices were and just defaulted to walkthrough mod to see all scenes. There are also several missing image errors, not sure what that is all about.


    Playing this I could not shake the feeling that I was viewing the world through the eyes of unpopular 15 year old boy who has just finished his first martial arts training and just got attention from a girl for the first time. Head full of ideas how he will fuck all the women in the world and finally show those bullies at school who the REAL man is! That awful 'alpha male' facade every abused boy keeps up.

    MMA is revered in this game. The fighters are presented as some higher level of human beings, peak physique and mind. But mostly only through narrative description, not through the character's actions. The protagonist doesn't want to make a big deal about being a fighter, so naturally he just can't wait to humble brag about it to everyone. A day later everyone in the story knows he fights. A lot of the story is wasted at gym repeating basic martial arts exercises that this former champion has somehow forgotten. A lot of screentime without any eye candy or even interesting text in the gym scenes. Not very sexy content for a porn game.

    The protagonist looks like 20-something but "goes way back" with his teacher. Somehow he also had years of nothing to do in between and forget everything about fighting during that time. He wins fights in the ring and against any thugs in the street and bars, but can't do basic stuff in training and constantly loses to the other kid half his weight while sparring in the gym.

    A story full of inconsistencies. Being a humble guy the protagonist has no need for money, but to get back at his father for mistreating his mother, the protagonist steals half a million of his father's money. And then leaves the abused mother alone with the father while he goes off and buys a luxury apartment for himself with the stolen money. Father gets angry, but somehow can't track the son who stays near all his old friends in the luxury apartment bought with stolen money. Just another perk of being an awesome MMA fighter I guess.

    All the women in the world simply love him. He has a big dick. Swag! The story is full of nameless men who treat women like objects. They use crude language and only want to fuck the women. They are scum! We solve it with violence, hitting them all. We then fuck the women. But since we're super swag MMA fighter with big dick we're not scum. We're awesome, and all the women can't wait to spread their legs for us!

    The ladies themselves have very little interesting to say, but the protagonist has even less. He fights, that's all he is. Well I guess he also fucks, but doesn't seem very adept at that. At least he has a big dick. He also trains to fight. And did I mention the big dick? Larger than any other man. He also knows how to fight. (except not when training)

    Yes, it does get repetitive. Not that porn games need to be very deep, but somebody might want a bit more than whatever this is.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very interesting story where you can seduce a friend's mother, it really is so funny, that is the most fascinating woman mrs johnson , she is absolutely first class MILF!!!! The storyline is what draws me in the most to keep playing, this game needs more backers, it really is worth it! (y) :love:
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll still give this game 5 stars don't get me wrong their are some flaws to these game still but over all i still love playing it and that's good enough reason to give it a great score to me because that is what games are for to have fun and enjoy them. Hope you keep up the good work I'm looking forward for more updates and future games.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty decent game, the story is interesting and maybe abit slow paced and relationship development between the characters are excellent and more believable unlike most of the other games here. The renders are pretty good too and as for the grammatical errors it not really that worse as everyone is making it out to be. There are definitely some bugs but that to be expected since this is the developer first game. I think the only problem I find is that the updates are pretty slow but that to be expected since he is not getting much support from the patreon
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    My (short) review of Live to Fight [v0.5.9]

    This could be a pretty decent game overall.
    Grammar/spelling is not the best but the story and the writing are entertaining enough.
    Sound is good, apart from one track with popping artifacts.
    Graphics are good too.

    I would have probably given it a 4/5, but unfortunately the game has tons of bugs with missing images, which apparently is a recurring problem since 2019 (or longer), so I'm done with it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3683269

    THIS IS A NETORI GAME. If you love netori games then this one is for you.
    1. You get to steal your friend's mother who's a top notch MILF!!!
    2. You also get the opportunity to steal someone else's girlfriend!!!
    Has Beautiful characters and a decent plot.

    Consider sharing your review of this game after playing it that would help the game and the players who haven't played this game. I just hope this masterpiece doesn't get abandoned like other good games which had the potential.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really love this game ,I am really into nice story line and nice graphic . This game have really nice story line and love art work too . Fri's mom (milf) is so hot and I don't know if this game have plan for some ntr but I love to see some ntr .
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    I put this game off for a long time until I felt there was plenty of content to play through. The game delivers on some things I was hoping for but also disappoints quite a bit.

    • Excellent renders
    • Excellent character models
    • Somewhat good story
    • Fighting, combat, and training

    • The writing is decent but not great
    • I wanted to laugh more and much of the comedy in the game falls flat
    • All encounters in the game (aside from a few choices) are forced. It is impossible to ignore most of the characters in the game.
    • I wish the player had more control over combat and fighting. There are a few events where the MC does have some control but most are pre-scripted and forced.
    • Too many side characters that you get introduced to but get ignored for most of the game
    • The game doesn't have a harem tag so I'm not sure where the author is going with this game. Currently, the MC can romance pretty much every female available to him without consequences and/or anyone caring or finding out about his many love interests in the game. There is some jealousy between some of the female love interests in the game but that is about it. No one makes him choose in the current version of the game. You get to romance/fuck them all (not everyone yet but it's heading that way).

    • English is below average. There are much worse games out there but it is obvious that the author isn't a native English speaker. Yet another author who refuses to use a proofreader.
    • Plenty of non-fatal bugs in the game which should have been fixed by now. If I had to guess, I would say that the author has a policy of not touching old content even for bug fixes.
    • Sex scenes are below average in content and quality. They are all far too short and end before you know it. They need to be more involved with more foreplay, more sex positions, and more passion. The sex scene dialog gets somewhat repetitive after a while (the author can't think of anything new to say).
    • Animations are below average. All of the animations are too short (.25 seconds to 2 seconds long maximum). They are also often choppy. The animations have a small back and forth movement, usually one to two inches maximum. It makes the animations look funny, especially since the MC has a long dick (he barely moves his dick back and forth). The animated characters sometimes will only have their hand/arm moving and nothing else. It makes the characters look like statues having sex. Their eyes never move and they have the same blank face the whole time.
    • The part of the story where the MC takes a break from MMA and loses all of this skills and abilities is not realistic. Fighting is like riding a bike, you don't forget. Yes, he has to rebuild his physical fitness and conditioning but the rest of it is nonsense.
    • The game overemphasizes the MC's lack of physical fitness throughout the game. Even after training in the gym for three hours a day for several weeks he can't run a mile or do simple exercises without exhausting himself. The author makes him out to be a total wimp physically, even after winning several competitive fights.
    • Overall, the game feels like the author put an emphasis on quantity over quality. Too many scenes and events in the game feel rushed and not complete.

    I really wanted the game to be better than it was. The game feels rushed. I really wanted to give this game a better rating but in it's current form I just can't justify it.

    Fix the English, bugs (lots), animations, and improve and lengthen the sex scenes and you'll have a four to five star game. I don't believe that the author visits this site so he'll never see this.

    Overall, I'm glad I gave the game a try but was disappointed in the game's execution for the most part. I love fighting themed games and was really hoping for a five star game here but it just isn't sadly.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Live to Fight [v0.5.6] [Grinder]

    "Live to Fight" is a game that left me with mixed feelings. On one hand, it shows potential with its interesting premise of a young protagonist trying to make a living and help his family through illicit means. On the other hand, it falls short in several critical aspects.

    The most glaring issue I encountered while playing was the game's tedious and uneventful nature. The storyline appeared to stagnate from the very beginning, with little to no progression. I initially expected to see the main character's journey unfold, involving him in various criminal activities while balancing personal relationships and responsibilities. However, the core plot seemed to have been abandoned after the first day, leaving me wondering what happened to the original premise.

    Moreover, the repetitiveness of the interactions and events was a major drawback. It felt like every day was a repeat of the last, with the protagonist waking up, training, fighting, pursuing romantic encounters, and the cycle continuing endlessly. This monotony made it difficult to stay engaged in the game.

    Character development was another letdown. Most of the characters in the game came across as one-dimensional, lacking depth and unique traits. The dialogue and actions of these characters felt dry and repetitious, contributing to the overall sense of monotony. The exception to this was Emma, who stood out with her unique events, compelling dialogue, and visually appealing design. I found myself wishing for more characters like her to break the monotony and add depth to the game's world.

    One aspect of the game that might appeal to some players is its focus on sexual content. There are numerous explicit encounters, and these interactions are often used as rewards. Whether this is a positive or negative aspect of the game depends on individual player preferences.

    In conclusion, "Live to Fight" has potential but falls short in its execution. The lack of story progression, repetitive interactions, and one-dimensional characters left me wanting more. While there are moments of intrigue and standout characters like Emma, the overall experience was marred by its repetitive and uneventful nature. If the developers address these issues and breathe new life into the game's storyline and character development, it could become a more engaging and enjoyable experience for players.
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  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Ass Man

    I really don't understand why all the high ratings, this game is pretty bad, i mean, the renders are great and the women hot, but just that doesn't justifies it. The writting is pretty bad, and it's obvious that the dev isn't a native english speaker, wich is okay, neither am i, but there is so many gramatical errors that it hurts, he doesn't know how to write something that is in the past ex: the mc says "i hurt myself training", while it should be something like " i hurted myself while training yesterday" and this continues through the entire game. The conversations are odd, emotionless, cringy, and feels like it's a robot talking, not a human. The story is kinda good, i mean, at least is original at some points, but because of the bad writting, it's wasted. The sex scenes are average at best, the animations aren't that good but it isn't bad, just...okay, but i do feel that they are very short.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this would be a 4 star, actually, but there's a reason for the 5 star rating.
    It's a good game, with some minor translation issues. Good models, interesting story, but the "money" thing is a little confusing (not why, but technically). You can see that the developer is getting better with some more complex parts further in the game and the animations are getting a lot better too.
    So the reason I'm giving this a 5 star despite the translation issues and slightly confusing money thing is that this game is surprisingly unsupported. I was shocked when I got to the patreon and saw how little patrons it has, considering the number of views it has here and how much content it has shown so far. And despite that, the developer still manages to keep going, understandably a little on the slower side. But it's still ridiculous and this should get a lot more support. It's unthinkable to ask for quicker releases when this good of a game only has 67 patrons.
    The game isn't perfect and there's a lot that could be improved if it had more support, so please do it, if you can.