VN - Ren'Py - Live to Fight [v0.6.8] [Grinder]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    3.0 NEEDS WORK

    The story while somewhat unique from what we usually see here, is riddled with plotholes. The worst part however is the writing. Many, many mistakes as if it was poorly translated or developer tried his best at writing in English (I know I shouldn't be the one pointing poor English out, but it is fair to mention it in a review).

    Characters are average looking, and while they try to have personalities, the writing fails them here really bad. There are options you make, but they are super simple to follow, just "yes" everything romantic or sexual. I wish I could write more, but there is just isn't anything else worth mentioning about them.

    Scenes are probably the only thing that somewhat saves this game. Animations are surprisingly good and frequency of H scenes is quite acceptable, but fizzles dry towards the end of the current build.

    Overall, there is a possibility that the game could be salvaged if the writing is completely redone from the beginning, and more content is added with unique events to develop characters further.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Live To Fight is a straight up visual novel that follows our MC's attempts to remedy one of the all-time most mind boggling blunders seen in any adult game. Along the way, we are introduced to the MC's family, friends, ex-girlfriend and random people on the street. Most, if not all of the women are romance options and range from fairly attractive to legitimately hot. There is a decent emphasis on big, shapely asses, as well as at least one young, waifish option.

    The problems with this game are obvious straight away. The English translation is bad. You will rarely see a sentence with more than six words. They convey what they need to, but continually use incorrect tense and any attempts at using idioms usually results in a chuckle. The lighting is also a major flaw, and it is again evident right from the opening scene with one character looking like he's in front of a strobe light every time his pose changes. Some scenes are lit to dimly, while others have lights scattered inconsistently. This is typical for novices to PBR renderers, and may improve as time goes on.

    The opening scenes of the game are jumbled in a jarring fashion. The player is yanked around to a few different timeframes, to the point where you're not sure what any of it is supposed to mean. It settles on one pretty quickly, and doesn't seem to be looking to start changing again any time soon.

    With the bad aspects out the of way, the positives shine. It's certainly a non-Anglosphere game, but it has that foreign charm I enjoy with these types of games and rarely see these days. MC and his friends spend most of their time taking the piss out of each other. The women are varied in their motivations. The choices you make appear to matter so far. And, let's face it, in a sea of sameness, playing as an MMA fighter is at least something different.

    As of v0.4, there's a good amount of content. There's teasing. There's sex. There's fighting and drama. Definitely recommended for those who like VNs with a foreign slant.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating of v0.4 is:

    -Nice Renders
    -Nice Story
    -Decent Game Play
    -Hot Milf
    -Hot Dialog


    Loved the Game
    Lots of Potential here.
    Looking forward to more Action
    lets she where it leads too
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    The game is great so far. (v0.40)

    The story is simple but effective. You stole some money from your scumbag father, and now you have to take part in underground fights to pay off the debt. It's still early in the game, so there haven't been any complications yet. Although I suspect there will be in the future.

    The women are all very attractive, both in looks and personality. You have a ton of control over the main character, so if for some reason you don't like a particular lady, they won't be forced upon you.

    There's no grinding or any such nonsense, so the game moves along at a good pace. The only complaint I have so far is that the translation is a bit rough at times.


    The last few updates have been rather rough. There has been a lot of bugs, and a couple of annoying minigames were just added. The story has stagnated somewhat after the addition of a new character who took time away from the established ones. There was an unappealing mandatory sex scene with a very minor character that I gladly would've done without. The game had a very solid foundation but failed to make the most of it.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1023239

    "There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."

    I really enjoyed the overarching plot and twists in this game, as it encompasses all the classic elements of a good story. Although the standalone routes weren’t by any means remarkable, they were great at building suspense and a sense of urgency to figure out the pieces of the puzzle in order to solve the mystery. The universe of this games grows increasingly more complex and interesting the further you delve into the storyline. This demonstrates solid world-building and good storyline pacing by the writers.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is nice, sweet and simple. After playing all the resource management games which can get complicated at time, this game is to the point. The characters are amazing especially because all of them have a story attached to them which makes them feel relevant to the story. The renders are nice and so are the animations. Keep up the good work and now I'll be anxiously waiting for the next update.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    i must say the setting and the whole fight mma theme i really love the mc is super hot and i love his tattoos too and the girls and the renders are very pretty too im likeing the story too so far what i seen im very much likeing it keep up the good work ont his game def one of my favs very excited for more new content :)