How to make the game work in fullscreen, AND have the latest unofficial fixes?
Do I need to add some code myself to
resources\app\main.js or something?
Edit: literally added some line of code, and I have fullscreen : )
1) I first did as instructed here:
post #1 (unpacked app folder into resources folder)
2) Then as here:
post #2
3) Then, I opened
resources\app\main.js, and added the following to it (source from post #???):
(right below ";" at around line 83
// Fullscreen toggle code
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.key === 'F11') {
if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
} else {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
4) Win
Edit 2: it seems you are locked out of recipes for food/potions for some reason.
I downloaded mini-patch-v3 from
post #1 and applied it after step 4, and the recipes now work