There no stat for her being pregnant. there only ending for her being pregnant if her affection are high you you will get a good endingim just curious has anybody successfully managed to knock up sister? IF you do knock her up does it show anywhere at all on the screen anywhere? ive played from scratch a few times everytime i get to the bathroom sex i keep selecting cum inside options she always says NO but i do cum inside anyways (god that sounds bad LOL)and everytime like clock work she gives a speach about how mc wanna knock her up and then she goes on to say she is happy about it
ALSO does it matter what your mc is labelled ive tried being the lover one and then theres what i am now lewd and theres another one gloomy or something DOES any of that matter?just once i wanna see sister knocked up and ive played i dunno how many times already if anyone has a save with pregnant sister please ither share your save file OR at least share a screen shot of her knocked up AND also separate screen shot of where ever the stats show her as being pregnant (if there is such a screen??? )
# knock her in dangerous day before the you finish grand adventure if you finish grand adventure it will impossible to knock her no matter if you cum inside her
#You can inside by letting the cum bar to max it will automatically cum inside