Mod Abandoned LL Game mods for Lifeplay

After fixing and updating my mods. Which one would you like to see finished first?

  • Dungeon and Harem Mod

  • The Magic Mod

  • Set Relationship V3

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Yeah Sacrificial mods, been playing it for a while. Very basic but fun for a while. Further to this another modder is making a sort of fallout mod Google 'llazyneiph survive' now them too mods combined may just be brilliant! I will be working on merging them once 'survive' is out.
BTW I also work on modding all Bethesda games, sims 3/4, Rimworld etc all under different anon's of course lol.

Anyway got the dungeon mod working with sex skills, so they start off hating sex with you and slowly learn to love it, now I am doing 'attraction & rapport' so they actual hate you and as they are trained learn to love you, lol.
am only using 'orgasm/vaginal/rough/oral/anal' that way they retain some personality and don't just all become the same generic cum sluts lol.
I googled for Survive!, and found his Tumblr, and his Pateron Site. I couldn't find a download, to try, what was available, (or if it was), so far, as to give 'feedback' about it to the Dev.
It definitely looks very interesting, so I'll be keeping an eye on the progress.
I downloaded his "Store It !" Mod, to check that out, always need more storage capabilities. :)

As you said, combining those two mods, could make for a very good "Zombie/Fallout-esque " Sims 4 Mod.
The "Survive!", mod seems very much in-line with the Fallout Series, and the 'Zombies', would fit right into the story-line, with a few, minor 'alterations' (?), if necessary .

Thanks for the info to that Survive Mod .(y)


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
I googled for Survive!, and found his Tumblr, and his Pateron Site. I couldn't find a download, to try, what was available,
It isn't released yet, been watching his mods for a while. They are OK but not great, so far his 'Royalty' mod its very basic and very buggy, it also seems to be getting less developed with more being taken out than added into the mod. Updates are rair and to be honest I'm not sure if the 'Survive' mod will ever be released or functional. But still worth keeping an eye on just in case.
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Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Ok, quick update on whats happening. I got the basics of the building mod made, so I now know how to do it, lol.
However currently I am working on an 'Options' Mod, this will more or less be useless on it's own, It's more for me. The mod will track time/Options/ handle events and the settings for the other optional portions of the mod. By using this people will be able to just instal the parts of my mods they want, E.G want the Harem, but not the slave part, this will make it possible, and handle the interactions.
It should be out within a day or 2, at which time I will also put up a new 'Hire more people' Mod. It quite simple but I needed something simple as a base for the options mod.
Hire more people: For those who like to run the buggy business's. Interview 5 people at once.Set the quality of the applicants, and using options mod, if they generate with pre made relatives.
There is one thing that some may not be keen on however, and this has bugged me about a lot of adult games for quite some time. Age of consent ! I do not live in America, The legal age where I come from is 16 not 18. Now I know this is a dangerous area, because in some places it goes as low as age 7.
The Options mod will let you change the games 'AOC' to between 14-20, but will still default to 18. These are basicly the default from around European countries. This is mostly being done for my benefit because I plan on doing a lot more detailed 'Age mod' some time in the future. This will mostly just be reflected in my mods.
DONOT assume my mods will turn Lifeplay into something a lot darker, and anyone who starts messaging me asking if I can go lower than this will get instantly blocked by me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
BTW I also work on modding all bethesda games, sims 3/4, Rimworld etc all under different anon's of course lol.
Just Curious:
(not suggesting you change your focus, just asking how viable it would be, as to your knowledge & experience)

Referencing the 'high-lighted' in your quote above;

How hard/easy, would it be to convert, (or make outright), the mods your working on here, to that platform,(specifically Sims 4) ?
(I'm fairly heavy into Sims 4 right now)

OR, Have you done something, already/similar, that I haven't found yet ?
(considering all the 'tools' & 'objects', already out there, that would/could make them (the mods), very applicable)


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Just Curious:
(not suggesting you change your focus, just asking how viable it would be, as to your knowledge & experience)

Referencing the 'high-lighted' in your quote above;

How hard/easy, would it be to convert, (or make outright), the mods your working on here, to that platform,(specifically Sims 4) ?
(I'm fairly heavy into Sims 4 right now)

OR, Have you done something, already/similar, that I haven't found yet ?
(considering all the 'tools' & 'objects', already out there, that would/could make them (the mods), very applicable)
Well that depends on which of my mods your talking about, If its the dungeon one then I sujest you start by googling 'colonolnutty sim snatcher' currently on 'nsfwmods'.com'. I hate modding any sims game btw and too be honest sims 4 would be brilliant but its just too cartoony for me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Well that depends on which of my mods your talking about, If its the dungeon one then I sujest you start by googling 'colonolnutty sim snatcher' currently on 'nsfwmods'.com'. I hate modding any sims game btw and too be honest sims 4 would be brilliant but its just too cartoony for me.*
Actually, was thinking more of the "Harem" Mod, (haven't found anything like/similar, to your Mod), and the "Landlord" Mod, ("City Living", doesn't give you the 'opportunity-to-spy' on your tenants, or at least, not as I've found yet ?!).

*Yeah, with the way Sims 3 was heading, (after all the 'realistic' skin mods, & with people asking for more realism), I really thought/hoped, that The Sims 4 was going to be More 'realistic', instead they went the opposite direction, a MAJOR disappointment !o_O
Two other BIG disappointments:
1- No more 'open-world' !
2- Creative-Mode(?), (ya know, where the player can choose the patterns & colors, for 'objects & Clothing', etc., if they have the Mods installed) (sorry, mind has gone 'blank' as to the correct terminology :oops::unsure: )

High-lighted in Blue = checking that out too, cause, why not :p, haven't been to that site for awhile, (used to go there for JoshQ's stuff);)


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
First mods will have a delay of around 24 hours.
The reason for this is tonight I will be working on a family generator mod, similar to my previous attempts, but a little more refined and less buggy. Each of my mods that generate NPC's will have the ability to feed into this sub mod, creating NPC's with families. The settings will alow for either direct families only(Parents,Siblings,children) or extended families (direct + Grandparents, uncle/ aunts, cousins).
I will also build a player interface to let you run the generator on selected NPC's, And could even build it into the 'meet new person' scenes, if requested.
As normal this will have settings for each of my mods to turn it on/off.
Nov 22, 2017
First mods will have a delay of around 24 hours.
The reason for this is tonight I will be working on a family generator mod, similar to my previous attempts, but a little more refined and less buggy. Each of my mods that generate NPC's will have the ability to feed into this sub mod, creating NPC's with families. The settings will alow for either direct families only(Parents,Siblings,children) or extended families (direct + Grandparents, uncle/ aunts, cousins).
I will also build a player interface to let you run the generator on selected NPC's, And could even build it into the 'meet new person' scenes, if requested.
As normal this will have settings for each of my mods to turn it on/off.
Excellent !
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Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Basic Options mod is done and working
Business 'Hire More people' is done and working
Hire mod has a few small 'Quirks' due to the strange way npc's are generated, but they are minimised as much as I can do.
Now finalizing the family generation mod.
When I make the front end to this mod, players will gain a lot of control over npc family generation. Mainly it will be used for my mods like the hire and landlord mod. When you interview an npc for your business, you can see there sexuality as well as marital status and how many children they have.
In the Landlord mod, you will see the breakdown of the tenants who will moving in for the double or family rooms.
If you want a giggle this is the discription for the family generator that I use to keep track of what variables are used, and what does what.
// LL_FT : LostLegends Family Tree Mod.
// A mod to generate Close or Extended NPC families.
//Family Direct : ParentA : ParentB : Sibling : Sibling : Child : Child
//Family Extended : GrandFather : GrandMother : Uncle : Aunt : Cousin : Cousin
//LL_FT_Ex :0 = Basic Family : 1 = Extended Family
//LL_FT: basic method : 0= Cannot Exist : 1=Must Exist Female:2=Must Exist Male:3=Must Exist Generate : 9=Generator choice.
//LL_FT_PA:parentA//LL_FT_PB:parentB// basic method or 'ParentB sex is taken from ParentA attraction, If Bi or Asexul Use opposite sex'
//LL_FT_SA:SiblingA//LL_FT_SB:Sibling// basic method
//LL_FT_CA:ChildA//LL_FT_CB:ChildB// basic method
//LL_FT_GF:GrandFather//LL_FT_GM:GrandMother//Not using alternate sex's for grandparents
//LL_FT_UA:Uncle/Aunt A//LL_FT_UB:Uncle/Aunt B//Only using blood relatives so A and B are siblings rather than a couple.
//LL_FT_CA:CousinA//LL_FT_CB:CousinB//CousinA is child of UncleA//CousinB is child of UncleB// So CousinA is Cousin of CousinB and Main NPC.
If you can understand that you should be modding not playing :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
FYI: Had guests for the past 3 days, so couldnt get much done :mad:
On a positive side though, it looks like I may have a replacement programmer for my main project. This means hopefully I have more time, and less work when I start back, which is good for my mods.
Anyway as I said 'hire more people' mod is more or less done. Tonight I have smashed the 'Family tree' mod. basic family generation for npc's is done(Mother,Father,Spouse,Siblings,children). I just need to do extended families (Grandparent,uncle/aunts,Cousins) and do the appearance merges so they look right. It needs a little more testing, but from what I can see it's working as intended.
Whilst doing this I had a thought, it may be possible to make a surname attachment to this mod, If there was an interst?
It wont be perfect, but if I can do it. Any npc passed through my mods may be able to generate a surname, instead of the current letter.
First release time will be about 24 hours from this post.
Nov 22, 2017
FYI: Had guests for the past 3 days, so couldnt get much done :mad:
On a positive side though, it looks like I may have a replacement programmer for my main project. This means hopefully I have more time, and less work when I start back, which is good for my mods.
Anyway as I said 'hire more people' mod is more or less done. Tonight I have smashed the 'Family tree' mod. basic family generation for npc's is done(Mother,Father,Spouse,Siblings,children). I just need to do extended families (Grandparent,uncle/aunts,Cousins) and do the appearance merges so they look right. It needs a little more testing, but from what I can see it's working as intended.
Whilst doing this I had a thought, it may be possible to make a surname attachment to this mod, If there was an interst?
It wont be perfect, but if I can do it. Any npc passed through my mods may be able to generate a surname, instead of the current letter.
First release time will be about 24 hours from this post.
"Whilst doing this I had a thought, it may be possible to make a surname attachment to this mod, If there was an interst? " Rreally great interest, I'm looking forward to it ! :D Thank You so much for this, amazing work !


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Well it seems that you cannot simpley assign a new name. It would be so simple in the source, but alas there has been no code written for name changes. However there is sort of a longwinded way around it(that just sums up lifeplay modding lol).
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This may sound odd but you can merge character presets, to give npc's different looks.
now if you have a preset like this

INFO Last_Name: 100% Smith

and one like this

INFO Last_Name: 100% Jones

You can do this:
Upside is: Changing npc surnames is possible
Downside: it will mean creating loads of files, each with one surname in it!!!
Thats a good few hours work lol


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Next problem for today is: The code for npc generation seem to have changed at some time. Im guessing that this has something to do with the AI update. If you generate a few(5) new npc's in one go, the game can go buggy now, instead of generating a new one, it seems to be pulling npc's from the AI. Meaning the new npc will be a total clone of one already in the game, Now this is a Very Bad bug for my mods!
The 'Hire' Mod and the 'Landlord' Mod are both dependant on generating several npc's at one time, therefore my mods are dead untill I can find a way around it.
I have already tried several different ways to get past this, without success. However there are still a couple of tricks left that I am trying at the moment, so it's not all lost yet.
Will let you know in a couple of hours whats happening.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Firstly an apology and exlanation, Ok the past 5 days I've been suffering with a bad cold, not felt like doing much other than sneezing and feeling like shit! and yes it was just manflu already done the whole covid thing.
However I did manage to finish off the current mods I was working on, Only to discover the way I make my mods has been totaly broken. I think what has happend is that Vin has put code in for lower level pc's that basicly means I can no longer generate 'multi npc mods'. Once you generate more than 2 or 3 in a run, things start to go real wonky. The game either starts to make duplicate npc's, assigns my npc to the Ai system, copies another game npc into my mod, or just plain refuses to do anything.
This will completly destroy my multi npc mods and riddle them with bugs, I will not release crap like that.
Mods affected are 'hire more people','Landlord' and any 'family generation' stuff, So all my best mods lol.

But I dont give up that fast, I am currently trialing a new system. This way of doing things generates one npc at a time, then saves it,records the npc ID, deletes the npc, and starts over again until the right number of npc's are generated. It then recalls them one at a time to be used within the mod, and when the mod is finished deletes the ones that arnt needed.
This is a freakin pain in the ass!!! but I think it is working. As I said all options, conversations etc are done it's just the bloody generation thats causing problems.
So the 'Hire more people' mod should be done tonight, but it's useless without the 'Family tree' mod. That mod generates upto 12 npc's and creates relationships between them, now that will take time and effort.
The problem is that although the current mod 'hire more people' is only a small mod, the systems built into this will be reused in most of my other mods. This is a big step forward for all my mods(If I can get it working). And cuts development time to a fraction of what it was.
Will keep you informed as to whats happening.


Oct 4, 2017
Firstly an apology and exlanation, Ok the past 5 days I've been suffering with a bad cold, not felt like doing much other than sneezing and feeling like shit! and yes it was just manflu already done the whole covid thing.
However I did manage to finish off the current mods I was working on, Only to discover the way I make my mods has been totaly broken. I think what has happend is that Vin has put code in for lower level pc's that basicly means I can no longer generate 'multi npc mods'. Once you generate more than 2 or 3 in a run, things start to go real wonky. The game either starts to make duplicate npc's, assigns my npc to the Ai system, copies another game npc into my mod, or just plain refuses to do anything.
This will completly destroy my multi npc mods and riddle them with bugs, I will not release crap like that.
Mods affected are 'hire more people','Landlord' and any 'family generation' stuff, So all my best mods lol.

But I dont give up that fast, I am currently trialing a new system. This way of doing things generates one npc at a time, then saves it,records the npc ID, deletes the npc, and starts over again until the right number of npc's are generated. It then recalls them one at a time to be used within the mod, and when the mod is finished delets the ones that arnt needed.
This is a freakin pain in the ass!!! but I think it is working. As I said all options, conversations etc are done it's just the bloody generation thats causing problems.
So the 'Hire more people' mod should be done tonight, but it's useless without the 'Family tree' mod. That mod generates upto 12 npc's and creates relationships between them, now that will take time and effort.
The problem is that although the current mod 'hire more people' is only a small mod, the systems built into this will be reused in most of my other mods. This is a big step forward for all my mods(If I can get it working). And cut development time to a fraction of what it was.
Will keep you informed as to whats happening.
Thank you very much for your work and all the trouble you go to yourself.
Personally I await your mods with more impationce than the update of the game.
Good health and good luck !
(sorry for my english)


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Thank you very much for your work and all the trouble you go to yourself.
Personally I await your mods with more impationce than the update of the game.
Good health and good luck !
(sorry for my english)
Your english is no worst than mine, and I am English(I also don't care for grammar)
but anyway thanks for the comments, I get no feedback on downloads etc from F95, so I have often wonderd if anyone was downloading my stuff lol.
Update: 'Hire more people' is now working without errors on the new system, next is 'family tree' mod. so its full steam ahead !!!


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
'Hire more people' Mod: working
'Options' Mod: Working
'Family tree' Mod: working
So it looks like the latest rewrite is going to do it.
Small amount of non difficult stuff left to do, Blending presets(So they look the right age), match family races. ETC.
Might have update V1 out tonight.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
This has little use on it's own, but will be required for most, if not all my mods releases.
Current options are:
Set the Age of consent.(14-20)
This varies throught the world Eg Germany=14/France=15/England=16
Therefore I see no reason that my mods should be restricted by laws from other countries.
Yes I know the AOC can go as low as 7, but 14 is very much the farthest I am comfortable to go.
Donot ask me for lower, or you will go straight on my ignore list!
This does require the editing of a file inside the lifeplay folder.
Change the apropriate file to be named 'age.lpstat'
EG. If you want the AOC to be 20. Change 'age.lpstat.Modifier20' to be 'age.lpstat'
This feature wont do much for the base game, it's made for my mods
Default setting is still 18, so if you dont change anything it will be as Default
Sex Energy
Sorry but it pisses me off when I start sex and my partner has 20 energy!
Set this to true and all Npc's that go through my mods will have 100 fitness(SexEnergy)
Base Difficulty
Currently this wont do anything until I release another mod.
Individual Mod Settings
This is where you will find my mod specific setting, Currently only the 'Business hire mod'
Family Tree
This is a remake of my set relationships mod, currently only usable by my mods.
A 'frontEnd' to this mod will come in V1.1 that will let the player have massive control over npc families.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
LL_Hire more people
(Requires LL_Utils V1+)
Hold a group interview and choose an employee from the 5 that attend.
Each line of conversation is randomly chosen from 3 choices.
It's still very linear, but this make the interviews a little different to each other.
Three choice of interview types:
Employment agency: Higher skill, higher cost employees
JobCenter: The mass unemployed
Collage Workplacement: Young AOC+, low skilled and cheap.
Different conversations for each interview type.
Corruption and domination options possible within the interviews.
Hints within the conversations to how far they can be pushed.
Difficulty: costs and corruption chance changes
Generate Families: Employees can come with ready made families
by useing the 'family tree 'portion of the the Options Mod.
Currently only 'basic generation' works.
(potential for Partner/Parents/Siblings/children)
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