Ok, I think I figured it out. The big plot twist in the story:
Darren is secretly deeply in love with the MC, but because he is deeply insecure and in denial about his own sexuality, he overcompensates with a bullyish attitude and having sex with every female he encounters. Also Darren is extremly jealous of the MC's GF, so he crafted a plan to show MC just how much more enjoyable and pleasurable a relationship with him would be, so he constantly has sex in MC's house, so that MC is constantly hearing or seeing it or shows MC videos of his conquests. And Darren also set his sights on GF's family, constantly bombarding her psychologically to maybe, eventually, in a distant future in a galaxy far, far away, make her cheat on MC or at least doubt her own relationship with MC so that they break up and Darren can become the shoulder to cry on for MC. It has to be something along those lines. I, at least, can't think of any other reason as to why MC's family and a bunch of random-ass-people with no real relation to MC get fucked in every conceivable way, while GF just isn't getting any action. At this rate MC is going to jump on that BBC before GF even figured out that she may like sex. I think the NTR tag is meant for the GF as she is the real person getting cucked here.
Aside from that little rant, good game, had potential. I liked it, I eagerly awaited new updates. But that fire has been extinguished. Maybe I'll come back in a decade or two to see if GF got any action or is still sidelined.