Updated 01 2022
Too much ambition on the part of the developers and an attempt to cover too much and shove it into one game, with all their budget - unfortunately - does not benefit the project, and may also be the reason for its non-completion. It is better to take not quantity but quality, yet many people want to see a game for adults, and in the coming years, while the development of the project has already dragged on for too long, and even now does not have a large amount of gameplay
Updated 24 February, 2021.
Well, if ignore all the bugs and shortcomings - I definitely liked what I saw in the demo version of this project. The avatar's visual and physics of motion are not badly done, and although of course some movements still need to be finalized - the picture looks as a whole - very nice. Although sometimes I would still like to be able to zoom in and out of the camera from the main character, but I think that the developers themselves plan to introduce this in the future.
A controversial point is the deepening of the game in RPG, although in general - with proper implementation - everything can turn out pretty well, but still there will be many complaints from many players that they will not want to delve into the gameplay, but will immediately want to get * the most interesting *, but ... Devs can't please everyone.
It remains only to wish the developers not to slow down the pace of work, and, perhaps, they will still be able to surpass the success of their previous game project that was abandoned. Time will tell.
P.S. It was especially amusing that player can feel like a witcher and rob all the chests around, and no one will even say a word against
