Now you are offend me, i never get pirate or do pirate any game. I only get in sites officials. Sites what you put, include in torrent. And mabe somethimes here. I not offend you, i only ask polite for you. Just you need is polite say no or yes and i understand. But offend me call me pirate, something what i not am. Have many people here mabe they is pirate but i not am. I think you need think before call someone of pirate. I am know is not make sense for you but i was qualify your game i my mind whit note 9, but know you now, my note low for 2. I realy repeat, for you, you dont care with my note. But for me is very important. I can low your level and call your game trash, but i not am make justice, but i am high enough for call your game good. In cavern of slimes realy i not loose, but in process of transformation victor/vick obvious i loose, and mabe i loose many times. But in cavern of slimes i have portions and many things.