
Mar 30, 2020

Elona: Is the original version made by Noa/

Elona+: Is the main mod that adds content, it expands the world by at least 3 times the original (last I checked).

Elona custom: Is an enhancement of Elona+, dunno exactly what all it changes but I think the translations are supposed to be better.

Basically you probably wanna go with custom (Or + if downloading right now, since I think custom has some bugs), though some people prefer to play the original Elona before the mods. You may not be able to transfer characters though since the mod is very different from the original at this point, can't remember if that's possible. Most discussions about the game will be Elona+ or custom at this point though since the original hasn't been worked on in over 10 years I think. Also there's a shit ton to learn about the game, so use the

If you like the game enough, it's the type of thing you could easily dump hundreds or even thousands of hours into. Lots of different playstyles possible and a lot to do. I think I've played it as much as I've played Skyrim. It is known for its grindiness as well, being a pretty typical JRPG in that way. It's also hella difficult, you're going to die and fuck up constantly even once you know what you're doing, kinda like LongRPG, though a lot of it is a more nonsensical or random deaths.

I remember I made nude sprites for it a long time ago, lol. Oh I should mention, sex is technically possible in Elona, but it's not really graphic. You go to bed with a character and can wake up to blood on the floor if you took their virginity. You could technically make a post for it on f95zone I guess because of that. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an adult mod out there somewhere, though I don't think it's made its way to the English version/audience yet. There are hookers too and I think you can prostitute yourself as well if I remember right. It's all implied sex though and nothing is graphic.

P.S: It's also high tier for memes:
i tried it, looks like a great game but the control...Oh God i can't even pick up an item


Jul 16, 2017
Hey yes you can. Quite well at that. I used to play version 4.9.4 on Joiplay through my phone. Just make sure you have enough storage on your phone since LRPG is constantly updating and RAM so that you won't experience lagging.
Damn, i kept gettig this error when playing with joiplay...
Currently I'm playing with android too...
My phone is Sony Xperia XZ2 Android 10.
Currently I'm using the latest version of joiplay on playstore..


Oct 9, 2020
Action RPG instead of turn based mostly. LonaRPG has a pretty complex hotkey system too and isn't just simple attacks like some action rpgs. I haven't played VH in a long time, but I think it's a bit more basic when it comes to what actions you can perform.
that isn't what i really care about. saying that elona is summed up by "turn based combat", is like saying skyrim is A kings field clone(or the other way round. considering which came first!). because both feature first person action combat. even though ones essentially a hack'n'slash dungeon crawl, with leveling and puzzles. and the others a fully fledged, open world Roleplaying game, with a real dialogue system, and free world interaction, living npcs, and open ended gameplay, and leveling.

i'm asking about the experience it offers. in other words. what kind of game it is.

for example. is there a REAL dialogue system? or is it all "Yes, no. buy, sell, nevermind" only. or do you just prompt characters, for their 1 liners, or to be stuck in uninteractable cutscenes. and if there is a real dialogue system, how much freedom does it give you to roleplay? can you interact, attack, or perform your skills on any npc, at any time, or is the gameplay restricted? is there a crime system in place? is there a faction system(both joinable/sideable type factions. and the other definition of faction in games, being NPCS on different sides, so they can and will fight one another, or behave in a way that shows their relations. example being monsters and wild animals attacking townsfolk. or rival towns/groups/whatever attacking eachother. or do they just all attack the player.) is the game non linear? do the npcs have schedules, or any ai at all, or are they more akin to signposts? are the quests or events timed? is there multiple outcomes per quest, or "event"? can quests and events fail, or have negative, unique outcomes besides game overs? are there alot of ways to achieve an objective? are there tonnes of secret quests/locations/characters/abilities/whatever, that are unlocked based on your choices, or quests(an example is, as above. getting pregnant from a deep one. and then using the power of a witch to re-incarnate as it! as a user posted earlier)? does the game feature a linear Class system, where leveling progression just boils down to equiping the strongest weapon/armor/artifact your class allows, and grinding exp to buff up your levels, and get dulled out your stat increases. or do you have many different skills/attributes/etc to level and personalise your character, including NON Combat specific. and many abilities, spells, skill, etc. to buy, learn, achieve?

this is the type of stuff i look for, (among many other things this post is too short to show!) in an rpg. I of course would prefer "a combat system i like". but to me. thats the LEAST important thing in an RPG. "Role-playing", game.

it'd be so much easier to actually find games you like, if they were properly labelled. I mean. even on this site alone. theres very clear cut, mutually exclusive genres of games. Even among rpgmaker games utilising the vanilla turn based combat engine. they play extremely differently. some of them barely feature any combat at all, and are mostly made up of puzzles, riddles, secrets. others on npc interaction, affinity systems. and then you have others, which are wholely quest or mission driven. and of course, the ones I really dislike. the ones based around hacking and slashing your way through millions of random encounters every 5 steps, so you can grind and surpass the level gated requirement for the next linear main quest in sequence, and get enough money to buy the "diamond" sword. cause the old "oricalcum" one has 2 less attack.

I can say with 100% certainty. that just cause you like one vanilla turn based combat rpgmaker game. doesn't mean you'll like the others. even if they are considered masterpieces. because they aren't the same type of game.


Jul 1, 2021
How much does the game cost?
I mean, can I make a one-time payment right away and receive all new versions of the game, without a subscription model. Stupid answers in the style that the game did not come out, do not give up.
you can check it in
but like I said, its 29$ (15$ is a good price for me and maybe for every customer)


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
that isn't what i really care about. saying that elona is summed up by "turn based combat", is like saying skyrim is A kings field clone(or the other way round. considering which came first!). because both feature first person action combat. even though ones essentially a hack'n'slash dungeon crawl, with leveling and puzzles. and the others a fully fledged, open world Roleplaying game, with a real dialogue system, and free world interaction, living npcs, and open ended gameplay, and leveling.

i'm asking about the experience it offers. in other words. what kind of game it is.

for example. is there a REAL dialogue system? or is it all "Yes, no. buy, sell, nevermind" only. or do you just prompt characters, for their 1 liners, or to be stuck in uninteractable cutscenes. and if there is a real dialogue system, how much freedom does it give you to roleplay? can you interact, attack, or perform your skills on any npc, at any time, or is the gameplay restricted? is there a crime system in place? is there a faction system(both joinable/sideable type factions. and the other definition of faction in games, being NPCS on different sides, so they can and will fight one another, or behave in a way that shows their relations. example being monsters and wild animals attacking townsfolk. or rival towns/groups/whatever attacking eachother. or do they just all attack the player.) is the game non linear? do the npcs have schedules, or any ai at all, or are they more akin to signposts? are the quests or events timed? is there multiple outcomes per quest, or "event"? can quests and events fail, or have negative, unique outcomes besides game overs? are there alot of ways to achieve an objective? are there tonnes of secret quests/locations/characters/abilities/whatever, that are unlocked based on your choices, or quests(an example is, as above. getting pregnant from a deep one. and then using the power of a witch to re-incarnate as it! as a user posted earlier)? does the game feature a linear Class system, where leveling progression just boils down to equiping the strongest weapon/armor/artifact your class allows, and grinding exp to buff up your levels, and get dulled out your stat increases. or do you have many different skills/attributes/etc to level and personalise your character, including NON Combat specific. and many abilities, spells, skill, etc. to buy, learn, achieve?

this is the type of stuff i look for, (among many other things this post is too short to show!) in an rpg. I of course would prefer "a combat system i like". but to me. thats the LEAST important thing in an RPG. "Role-playing", game.

it'd be so much easier to actually find games you like, if they were properly labelled. I mean. even on this site alone. theres very clear cut, mutually exclusive genres of games. Even among rpgmaker games utilising the vanilla turn based combat engine. they play extremely differently. some of them barely feature any combat at all, and are mostly made up of puzzles, riddles, secrets. others on npc interaction, affinity systems. and then you have others, which are wholely quest or mission driven. and of course, the ones I really dislike. the ones based around hacking and slashing your way through millions of random encounters every 5 steps, so you can grind and surpass the level gated requirement for the next linear main quest in sequence, and get enough money to buy the "diamond" sword. cause the old "oricalcum" one has 2 less attack.

I can say with 100% certainty. that just cause you like one vanilla turn based combat rpgmaker game. doesn't mean you'll like the others. even if they are considered masterpieces. because they aren't the same type of game.
I don't even know what game you're talking about at this point, Elona or LongRPG? You seemed like you were asking about LonaRPG originally and now you're saying Elona. All you said was "what would you say the gameplay like this game is more akin to? i haven't played violated heroine.", if you wanted a more detailed explanation, explain yourself better next time, we aren't mind readers.

Btw, just play the damn games. If you're that caught up on the specific type of game it is in various ways, nobody's description is going to compare to you just trying it yourself. Takes less time to DL any of these games and find out yourself than post a message about it. You can find plenty of reviews for any of these games anyways. I probably wouldn't have had any issue explaining any of the games in more detail if you had initially described what you wanted better btw. Now I'm kind of irked by your rudeness, so meh.
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Oct 9, 2020
I don't even know what game you're talking about at this point, Elona or LongRPG? You seemed like you were asking about LonaRPG originally and now you're saying Elona. All you said was "what would you say the gameplay like this game is more akin to? i haven't played violated heroine.", if you wanted a more detailed explanation, explain yourself better next time, we aren't mind readers.

Btw, just play the damn games. If you're that caught up on the specific type of game it is in various ways, nobody's description is going to compare to you just trying it yourself. Takes less time to DL any of these games and find out yourself than post a message about it. You can find plenty of reviews for any of these games anyways. I probably wouldn't have had any issue explaining any of the games in more detail if you had initially described what you wanted better btw. Now I'm kind of irked by your rudeness, so meh.
well. since i'm online atm for another issue. i'll reply.

I was asking about LonaRPG, when i asked about the game. my reply was one of frustration. although not directed specifically at you. but at how games are reviewed, categorized, and explained in general. I have no issues with you at all. just was in a ranting mood.

---------------------more ranting
the main point of it was. (although it was a rant. sorry). that a combat system doesn't define a game for me. i'll put it this way. say LonaRPG, is like black souls I & II, in npc +quest structure, and design storytelling, secrets/puzzles, writing style, atmosphere, general gameplay, etc. only difference being 1 has real time action combat. and the other being generic RPGM turn based combat. this is a very small part of the games.

i would then say something like. LonaRPG is basically like black Souls. but, with action combat. this tells you everything you need to know about the game(besides the actual sexual content. blacksouls being male protag, with only some defeat-fuck.).

same way that if i said say blah blah is a diablo clone. i know what i'm in for probably. crazy randomized dungeon labyrinths. colour coded, randomized loot, with random enchantments, 3-6 predetermined characters, with set classes, equipment, and stats. and an arcadey skill tree leveling system with like 3-4 different abilities to choose, and some small passive buffs, no roleplaying. and a heavy focus on hacking and slashing hordes of enemies for those sweet, sweet upgrades.

not all these would necessarily be true. but Most of them would. and the general gameplay of hacking enemies, looting bodies, picking up randomized items, and selling everything else, would probably be true. I know the experience of the game.

now, on this site. yeah, you can download whatever, and try etc. (in my case, my HD is full. so i am picky). but when buying a game. this isn't good enough. and that's what i was venting my frustration with. not you in particular. either way. i always hate downloading something. getting excited, and then deleting it, because I feel jaded with the experience. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

in the end. i still have no idea if this game is similar to elona or not. i just know it doesn't have the same battle system. if that is the only major gameplay difference between the 2. then I would LOVE to play it. i wasn't asking for an essay. just if the general gameplay and mechanics are similar. not just the battle system.

anyway. I apologise to everyone for invading the thread for the game. i'll leave things here, unless i decide to try the game out. i realise it's unrelated, and not really fair to the OP.


Jan 17, 2021
well. since i'm online atm for another issue. i'll reply.

I was asking about LonaRPG, when i asked about the game. my reply was one of frustration. although not directed specifically at you. but at how games are reviewed, categorized, and explained in general. I have no issues with you at all. just was in a ranting mood.

---------------------more ranting
the main point of it was. (although it was a rant. sorry). that a combat system doesn't define a game for me. i'll put it this way. say LonaRPG, is like black souls I & II, in npc +quest structure, and design storytelling, secrets/puzzles, writing style, atmosphere, general gameplay, etc. only difference being 1 has real time action combat. and the other being generic RPGM turn based combat. this is a very small part of the games.

i would then say something like. LonaRPG is basically like black Souls. but, with action combat. this tells you everything you need to know about the game(besides the actual sexual content. blacksouls being male protag, with only some defeat-fuck.).

same way that if i said say blah blah is a diablo clone. i know what i'm in for probably. crazy randomized dungeon labyrinths. colour coded, randomized loot, with random enchantments, 3-6 predetermined characters, with set classes, equipment, and stats. and an arcadey skill tree leveling system with like 3-4 different abilities to choose, and some small passive buffs, no roleplaying. and a heavy focus on hacking and slashing hordes of enemies for those sweet, sweet upgrades.

not all these would necessarily be true. but Most of them would. and the general gameplay of hacking enemies, looting bodies, picking up randomized items, and selling everything else, would probably be true. I know the experience of the game.

now, on this site. yeah, you can download whatever, and try etc. (in my case, my HD is full. so i am picky). but when buying a game. this isn't good enough. and that's what i was venting my frustration with. not you in particular. either way. i always hate downloading something. getting excited, and then deleting it, because I feel jaded with the experience. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

in the end. i still have no idea if this game is similar to elona or not. i just know it doesn't have the same battle system. if that is the only major gameplay difference between the 2. then I would LOVE to play it. i wasn't asking for an essay. just if the general gameplay and mechanics are similar. not just the battle system.

anyway. I apologise to everyone for invading the thread for the game. i'll leave things here, unless i decide to try the game out. i realise it's unrelated, and not really fair to the OP.
You can read the reviews, many in-depth reviews discussing the mechanics and gameplay.

To answer your question:

This game is NOT similar to Elona.
Real time combat.
No branching narrative (no main quest line or narrative)
Survival sandbox needing stamina to travel, sleep and food to regain stamina.
On hell mode need to manage addictions.
Real time combat rape (the only game I've seen to do this well)
Also CG still pics and scenes for different characters and your main character (eg when you lose stamina) or get knocked out
Sex combat using sex as a weapon
Multiple capture and captive scenarios with ways to escape and also bad endings (that's like half the game content I feel)
Arena/colosseum to fight death matches for money and bet on fights
Zero dialogue options
Zero branching narratives
Small differences in characters reactions and behaviour depending on personality choices.
Simple fetch quests, escort quests, theft and sneak quests but ways and means to accomplish the goals are varied (can go in guns blazing literally chucking bombs and mines, or stealthily)

LonaRPG doesn't set out to be a crazy all encompassing game, it has a very narrow scope of ultra-hardcore combat / sex simulator.

Probably closer to degrees of lewdity in terms of freedom of choice and scope as well as consequences.

If you are looking for an all encompassing sex game, go mod Skyrim with sexlab and other mods.
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Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
SunlessXre said:
skyrim is A kings field clone(or the other way round. considering which came first!)
I think you mean The Elder Scrolls as Skyrim is the fifth main instalment of the series.
Elder Scrolls predates King's Field but not by much.

The Elder Scrolls: Arena: March 25, 1994
King's Field: December 16, 1994
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Apr 25, 2017
I think you mean The Elder Scrolls as Skyrim is the fifth main instalment of the series.
Elder Scrolls predates King's Field but not by much.

The Elder Scrolls: Arena: March 25, 1994
King's Field: December 16, 1994
Yep and Daggerfall is still the best of the series in my opinion!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Did ridiculus stamina walk 1 screen and swing 2 times and sleep get fixed?
Somewhat. The game is still heavily about micromanaging stamina though and you often have to rest mid fights. I dunno how long ago you played, but there are stam potions/herbs now that are easier to obtain than they used to be (crafting, buying, etc). There are also short/long rests now that have different pros/cons. Was so long ago I can't remember if the game originally only had long sleeps or short sleeps, I remember one of them was added eventually. You can also just try to go a heavy stamina build to cut down on that.

I think there are equips now that boost stam? I'm not sure on that one, I haven't farmed gear yet. Every time I start playing, a new version is released, then I want to wait for the translation. Then I often start over because I don't like using old saves in new versions...I haven't been making much progress lol.

Edit: Ah, I think the short naps is the one that was added later on. That makes resting less obnoxious, though it does drain food quicker.
Last edited:
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Aug 5, 2021
you can check it in
but like I said, its 29$ (15$ is a good price for me and maybe for every customer)
Sorry, I am wondering the same thing. What is for sale? Does $29 mean:
1. you get the game when it launches? Nothing for now, just wait.
2. you get the current version only?
3. you get the current version and updates as they come out (meaning better value than subscribing)?


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
For those who wanna increase sexy with piercing, vag and anal is worthless since it only add 1 point to sexy but 15 points of weak. best one would be belly and chest, lesser is back and arm

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Where can I find the file to edit these again? The answer I got was deleted


Jul 19, 2019
it's ok, i always love dark themes, if anything there's lack of content, i was looking forward to playing dress up whole game then realized there's barely any clothing or armor in the game
4.10 star(s) 190 Votes