
Sep 6, 2018
I understand the dagger, but why a halberd specifically though?
halberd hits hard and both heavy and control is uninterruptable aside from stun and parry, making it good for going toe to toe or if you're surrounded by all sides and can't get out. downside is 4 sta cost offset by con build so it's better to use starting only once you reach like 150 sta. but most of the time saber+dagger/kunai/shield combo is still the way to go especially if you have companions with you.

xD that 13 damage haha. Oh man, the struggle~ I can feel it haha.
meme sword isn't really built for damage even at 99 combat trait it will deal just 28. it is however ignores def on it's spin attack not to mention each hits give 30% chance to wound arms and also gives +2 def, hence you'll see most are hitting for 1 damage to lona in the vid due to wound stack and considering lona has 200+ sta from con build.
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Mar 15, 2021
Have you ever heard of our lord and savior Traps? All you need are some rocks! With 25 SUR, one rock trap can insta kill goblins. Got no room for loot because you are carrying around a bow, saber, enhanced dagger, a buster sword, and a halberd in your back pocket? Fear not! With our Lord and savior a single trap, it can even make a STICK kill men before they can even raise their shield to block! Need to fight an Orc? Just place a trap in front of them and watch them fall for it every single time~

All jokes aside haha, ya, I always invest like 5 to 10 CON for all my builds because of that sweet inventory capacity. And I always tend to go with 20 SCU stats for stealth cause... I want to lol. And... 25 in SUR for traps cause... traps are op... I've personally never played as a Succubus yet so I am not sure how it feels. Ima have to try it out one day haha.

xD that 13 damage haha. Oh man, the struggle~ I can feel it haha.
Try a full metal harness trap, it kills almost anything including Lona so beware.
View attachment full metal harness trap.mp4


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Have you ever heard of our lord and savior Traps? All you need are some rocks! With 25 SUR, one rock trap can insta kill goblins. Got no room for loot because you are carrying around a bow, saber, enhanced dagger, a buster sword, and a halberd in your back pocket? Fear not! With our Lord and savior a single trap, it can even make a STICK kill men before they can even raise their shield to block! Need to fight an Orc? Just place a trap in front of them and watch them fall for it every single time~

All jokes aside haha, ya, I always invest like 5 to 10 CON for all my builds because of that sweet inventory capacity. And I always tend to go with 20 SCU stats for stealth cause... I want to lol. And... 25 in SUR for traps cause... traps are op... I've personally never played as a Succubus yet so I am not sure how it feels. Ima have to try it out one day haha.

xD that 13 damage haha. Oh man, the struggle~ I can feel it haha.
I'm well acquainted. Traps were my staple for a while, since Juicing wasn't very efficient or effective until the later levels. I decided to not rely too much on traps this time around, unless it's some kind of bullshit fight, like the skeleton berserker. I currently have 20 points in Con, but it still feels like it's not enough.

Playing as a succubus is pretty interesting. It's very good at killing weak enemies, but very bad at fighting anything that either lacks a penis or has a shit ton of stamina. You absolutely need to invest in traps and a gun if you hope to tackle any of the endgame content. It's great for carrying loot and grinding levels and money. If you don't automatically get a Game Over for letting the world difficulty get too high, it's also ironically the easiest class to play as if you're going for the "We've Got a Badass Over Here!!!" achievement, since you basically never have to leave the inn.
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Jun 28, 2020
Okay, I think I miss understood you the first time haha. I thought you were talking about how regaining stamina through "rest" (20 STA per 10 hunger) costed hunger for some reason. Mb haha.

I want to lay out the situation more in detail before proceeding onto what I want to say. This simulated fight will be based on your proposed STA solution.
Each Lona uses the same weapon (The STICK) and each attack of the enemy will be the same damage and STA cost (-5 hp, -10 STA) and each attack will 100% cause an injury.

Lona A (The God of War Lona) is a skilled and dodges everything, she effectively damages the enemy and burns about 80% of her STA fighting. She needs to retreat because fighting any further will cause her to be exhausted. Lona A deals 80 STA worth of damage and can now recover the full amount of STA because she did not take any damage.
Lona B (Noob Lona) sucks at the game but knows the basics, she can land her attacks but fails to dodge the enemies 4 attacks and once she drops down to 80% of her STA because of the fight. She retreats because she doesn't want to get exhausted. Lona B was only able to do 40 STA worth of damage because she lost 40 STA from getting hit. Lona B also is injured in 4 different places so her stats are debuffed accordingly. Along with that, because she is injured she is unable to recover the full amount of STA.

Now... I think you can already tell that this STA recovery system might be unfair already. This would punish less skilled players more heavily than it is already now because of they not only would gain less STA back during a fight, but did even less damage to the enemy and is more likely to get hit more often do to debuffs.
This will make an already decently hard game into an even harder game. I am not saying this can't work though. It certainly still can work but it will be too punishing for those that like to block with their face. Like, I actually want this proposed STA recovery nerf into doom mode lol.
Because the Lona already gets punished for getting hit (Hp and STA loss and potential injury to debuff stats), I don't think a reduced STA regain would be the right call. Even with a buffed STA regain per hunger, this would be an unnecessary punishment to those that are already punished.

And now for the tricky part. When you meant STA regen, did you mean during the fight(Like you press a button and it quickly regens your STA) or whenever you break away and rest real quick to regain STA?

I am not sure if you already know this, but you can regen your STA using blue potions during mid fight. You need to equip it on EXT-1 or 2 and equip it into her Skill slot Like so. This way, whenever you use the skill slot the potion is equipped to (for example the blue potion [E]) the effect of that potion will immediately activate regardless of being mid combat or not (Blue potions recover a lot of STA and cures sickness).
View attachment 1724574
View attachment 1724577 View attachment 1724578

Also, when you are fighting an Orc, have you ever thought about using our lord and savior traps? They are incredible weapons, especially with the trap upgrade perk.
Edit1: Here is a quick gif
Keep in mind i am only using 10 levels of SUR and stones as the trap Material. Lona does have the Trait "Improved Traps" that stuns enemies whenever stepping on Lona's Trap.
Okay, so before getting into it, I'll answer some of the questions.

"And now for the tricky part. When you meant STA regen, did you mean during the fight(Like you press a button and it quickly regens your STA) or whenever you break away and rest real quick to regain STA?"

No, I meant it as in when you break away and rest real quick, but now that you bring it up, a mid-fight regeneration would be cool.

"I am not sure if you already know this, but you can regen your STA using blue potions during mid fight. You need to equip it on EXT-1 or 2 and equip it into her Skill slot Like so."

Nope, I did not know this at all, I thought those were for traps only. Either way though, I don't use potions cause I remember something about potion addiction, and I don't use potions unless its dire, usually not in fights at that.

"Also, when you are fighting an Orc, have you ever thought about using our lord and savior traps? They are incredible weapons, especially with the trap upgrade perk."

Oho, trust me, I am a trap master(not really), I love traps, easily bruises the enemy, slows them down, and way simpler to take them down, it also helps a looot with hordes if you plan it out properly, and now how to avoid it.

Now, to continue our discussion.

I can certainly see how my proposed stamina system would be punishing for beginner players, without any rpg experience, of course.

The main reason I brought upon this system though, was because of the compared stamina and hunger loss to moving through the map, traveling to different cities etc, compared to the hunger/stamina loss in battles. Like I said before, some posts ago maybe, that it felt inconsistent.

Back to the punishing point, I don't want the stamina recovery through the skills in battle after damage to be something like 10, but I want the very least amount of recovery to remain at 20 stamina, and the highest, without damage to self, to be at something like 30, and decreasing the more damage you get. So the stamina regain wouldn't be too high, but I feel it'd be a bit better, logical, etc.

I also want to clear up, that I only want the stamina gain to change, not the damage debuffs, or speed debuffs, just the stamina.

In this sense, if this was added, compared to now, if only the stamina regen changed, then the system wouldn't have change in the punishment to newbies, rather it'd basically be the same.


Jun 28, 2020
You should probably differentiate between the Rest skill and Sleep in the future as to avoid confusion.
Could stamina be modeled differently? Absolutely, but I'm not sure how your proposed system is better balanced or modeled for realism. Yes, the game tries to simulate hunger to a degree, but that doesn't mean it's trying to, or even should, simulate how an actual working stomach and body works. Like in real life, 100 swings would absolutely wind you if you're in a fight, especially after all the adrenaline has been worn out. Your muscles would ache and you'd be fatigued. In real life, you can't just go to sleep and be brought back from the brink of death. Even the smallest injuries would take days to heal. People have "arm days" and "leg days" because fatigue also doesn't just go away in a single day. And I'm certain that it's intentional these things don't work like that in this game. I feel like the hunger system is a fair substitute for having to spend days simply recovering after an entire day of trekking on foot or fighting a small army.
Yeah I'll be trying to differentiate them more so in the future.

To start of, yeah, the game is a fantasy, and it's not real life, but many aspects of it, do mimic reality a bit more, like the injury system, or the hunger system, eating food, even how after a nights sleep, injuries don't completely heal.

But, we can clearly see, how the recovery rate is way faster, meaning that Lona is like a superhuman, so she could recover fast of course, therefore, I feel like we could exclude feeling sore, and the somewhat basic stuff we feel.

Now, we know that Lona, is technically an adventurer, and all rounder, considering we don't escape fast with hacks or what not, her stamina is well, fine, or rather we know she can recover fast, therefore the 100 swings, in a fight, she should be able to recover fast, as we can see that in game too.

Through many many parts, we can see that although the game might not be trying to simulate to actual stomachs, it still is, like you said to a certain degree, and that degree, is not like other typical rpg games, I cant think one of the top of my head, but it's sense of reality is a more then others.

This is why I dislike, not that I have an issue, but dislike the in battle hunger system, since the game feels way more embedded in this type of irl system.

I'm not sure if I made proper connections and sense, my heads in a jumble right now, so if there's something weird I said don't hesitate to point it out.


Aug 7, 2021
hence you build the best build especially suited for the meme sword

you actually don't need to pump combat trait, saber+dagger/kunai by itself does already good enough damage. use halberd if you still haven't got the meme sword.
what is a "meme sword"? is that in new update only?


Feb 21, 2018
what is a "meme sword"? is that in new update only?
Yes, It's in a new update since 6.6.0. You will need to get atop "Arise Village". Follow the Mountain Trail to get to a Cave. Then, you will have to fight a skeleton while listening to "The Only Thing They Fear Is You" to pump up that Adernaline inside that head of your, because the Motherfucker, you know, won't die. I've to buy over 40 Trigger Frag for him (he died over 15).


Feb 21, 2018
hence you build the best build especially suited for the meme sword

you actually don't need to pump combat trait, saber+dagger/kunai by itself does already good enough damage. use halberd if you still haven't got the meme sword.
Helikopter, Helikopter Lona moment. Hahahaha!


New Member
Apr 7, 2021
Been playing for quite sometime, but I'm always stuck with Lona's initial clothes, is there any other besides the basic clothes and those golden things? It may be pretty obvious, but I didn't find anything


Feb 21, 2018
Been playing for quite sometime, but I'm always stuck with Lona's initial clothes, is there any other besides the basic clothes and those golden things? It may be pretty obvious, but I didn't find anything
Hunter' set: Fishtopia Island. You can go there for free if you do Elise's mission.
Golden Prostitute' Set: Until you've done all your Noer's Goblins Population Control Quest, you will get an invitation from Milo The Rich in the *PINK* castle. Interact with the guy inside the counter near a chest and you'll see a whole set.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Been playing for quite sometime, but I'm always stuck with Lona's initial clothes, is there any other besides the basic clothes and those golden things? It may be pretty obvious, but I didn't find anything
To add to XDHGX 's answer, there's also the the dirty clothes you find lying around or from killing hobos and skeletons. If you go to the colored area between the dock and the Inn, they also sell different hairstyles and glasses (during daytime).
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Yeah I'll be trying to differentiate them more so in the future.

To start of, yeah, the game is a fantasy, and it's not real life, but many aspects of it, do mimic reality a bit more, like the injury system, or the hunger system, eating food, even how after a nights sleep, injuries don't completely heal.

But, we can clearly see, how the recovery rate is way faster, meaning that Lona is like a superhuman, so she could recover fast of course, therefore, I feel like we could exclude feeling sore, and the somewhat basic stuff we feel.

Now, we know that Lona, is technically an adventurer, and all rounder, considering we don't escape fast with hacks or what not, her stamina is well, fine, or rather we know she can recover fast, therefore the 100 swings, in a fight, she should be able to recover fast, as we can see that in game too.

Through many many parts, we can see that although the game might not be trying to simulate to actual stomachs, it still is, like you said to a certain degree, and that degree, is not like other typical rpg games, I cant think one of the top of my head, but it's sense of reality is a more then others.

This is why I dislike, not that I have an issue, but dislike the in battle hunger system, since the game feels way more embedded in this type of irl system.

I'm not sure if I made proper connections and sense, my heads in a jumble right now, so if there's something weird I said don't hesitate to point it out.
My point was that the game only loosely simulates some aspects of reality. Like you latched onto the idea that in real life, a person with a full stomach should recover more stamina relative to the amount of food they've eaten. I was trying to point out that in real life, it only works like that in the short term. You eventually become too fatigued to move, regardless of how much calories you've consumed. Like there's no problem making a case for why stamina should be more efficient from a gameplay balance perspective, but trying to compare it to real life feels like you're cherry picking just the beneficial aspects while ignoring the negative aspects attached.


Jun 28, 2020
My point was that the game only loosely simulates some aspects of reality. Like you latched onto the idea that in real life, a person with a full stomach should recover more stamina relative to the amount of food they've eaten. I was trying to point out that in real life, it only works like that in the short term. You eventually become too fatigued to move, regardless of how much calories you've consumed. Like there's no problem making a case for why stamina should be more efficient from a gameplay balance perspective, but trying to compare it to real life feels like you're cherry picking just the beneficial aspects while ignoring the negative aspects attached.
Yeah, that's why I mentioned both the fantasy parts, as well as real life aspects, since we know Lona already has insane regenerative capabilities, ignoring the aspect of being too fatigued like that shouldn't be too focused on.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Yeah, that's why I mentioned both the fantasy parts, as well as real life aspects, since we know Lona already has insane regenerative capabilities, ignoring the aspect of being too fatigued like that shouldn't be too focused on.
I'm confused. Do you still believe in the following statement?
-If me, and average joe, swung a sword, light one lets say, 100 times, I'd be tired, but after a small rest I'd probably be able to do that a more times, without being hungry until a couple more hours, and still have stamina to spare.
-Yet in this system, it doesn't do that which is the main flaw.
My issue was that I thought you were saying the hunger system is flawed because real life doesn't work like that. My stance was that the current hunger system makes sense from a game balance standpoint.


Jun 28, 2020
I'm confused. Do you still believe in the following statement?

My issue was that I thought you were saying the hunger system is flawed because real life doesn't work like that. My stance was that the current hunger system makes sense from a game balance standpoint.
Ah yeah, when I first wrote what I was thinking, I didn't really have the right words to put my ideas to. So just to clear up anything, What I meant when I said the hunger system was flawed, was that it was something I disliked to a small degree.

I never meant what I wrote to come out as if the game is a complete reflection to how real life works, or that the hunger system is flawed because real life doesn't work like that.

Rather, I've been talking about the "current hunger system", and some changes I believe would make the game a bit more consistent.

I apologize that I didn't have the right words before, but I hope that makes more sense?
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Mar 15, 2021
4.10 star(s) 189 Votes