
Mar 15, 2021
It's obvious that the only function of the stamina mechanic is to waste the player's time and make the game more frustrating to play.
Nothing weird or bad about losing when HP drops to 0 or when stamina drops to 0, this applies to both Lona and NPCs and complaining about it is just stupid. In LonaRPG after depleting stamina it's not yet over, as in lights out and game over, because LonaRPG is still a fucking hentai game. Stuff happens after defeat, and it's not a waste of time for those who enjoy watching what will happen. If you don't enjoy watching what will happen there are several options
  • Reload and try again (restart in the case of doom)
  • Take a stamina potion and continue fighting (no penalty for this on hard)
  • Rely on companions while trying to rest (rapey enemies might start fapping first, giving you a chance to rest)
  • Go KYAAA!! and proceed to rapeloop (more of a doom thing but it beats dying, or dead unique companions)
It's still lights out against undead and stuff, because they'll go brains brains brains and then it's game over.
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Sep 12, 2020
"...you keep iterating the same point over and over..." Maybe I do this cause you keep on missing the point.

Haha, you are just completely missing my point and all I can now say is that you are bad. I don't think you understand what the term "exhausted" means. It is not simple matter of just doing "15 chin ups " and being winded for 15 mins and you will be good. Have you ever truly been exhausted in your life before? Have you ever ran till you felt like you were going to throw up or collapse? Well that is what exhausted means. In our case~ Lona, literally collapses cause she no longer has the strength to fucking walk.
Let me state it again. She literally has no more energy left in her body that she can no longer stand on her two feet. I am not sure if you ever had that happen to you in your life, and if you haven't, congratz! You lived a pretty comfy life and I am 100% happy for you that you never had to push yourself that hard.

"Allowing player to become stun locked is failed design." Let me clearly state this before comment on how bad you probably are at games. Never in any point in the game does it force you to be stun/hit locked. The consequence of stun/hit locked is entirely up to the player for poor piloting and choices. The only reason you should ever be stun locked is from fighting multiple enemies at the time like a dumbass, or a narrative scenario where you are also forced to face the consequences of your action. Being stun locked is a choice in this game. Sure, some mobs have BS moves and they may seem unfair, but they have plenty of cue frames and sound effects that they do before they use their annoying moves. Claiming that being stun locked is bs is because it is bs and you put yourself into that situation in the first place! And clearly, I can already tell you don't play competitive games as I can already tell you would rage quit half way through the game.

"Games are games and they are not reality. Games are meant to be rewarding for the player. " If you can't handle difficult games, you can always crawl back to your single player power fantasies that make you feel like a badass. Sure, most of those games have great game design to help you feel like a bad ass but most of those game designs are a crutch and is actively used to impower the player. Not every game is designed for you to feel rewarded (Though LonaRPG does reward its players a lot when they know how to play it properly).

I have no more words to tell you but that this game is clearly not meant for you. Go play some chess, learn to know how to get absolutely destroyed. Learn from it. Humble yourself once with a proper challenge and learn to triumph over it. Don't let yourself live in your own little pond. Learn to swim up stream. Only then can you improve yourself. Right now, you just suck and you are stuck in your own thought on that the game is bad and there is nothing wrong with you. Grow up. Stop letting yourself stagnate in life. No shame in admitting that you are bad at something.
Hell, I sucked so much on LonaRPG that I died on the rats a decent amount of times. I had to play with cheats to enjoy the game because yes! It is that hard. But now, look at me, a guy who spent less than 100 hours on the game but already on fking doom difficulty without cheats. And I can still say I suck at LonaRPG cause I still have so much to learn and I know for a fact that there is someone way better than me.
If we as humans just decided that life isn't fair and it is just "bad design", then there is no way we as a species would have prevailed over the planet like we are now. If you want to continue living in your own little bubble, no one will stop you.

Welp, that is enough procrastinating for me haha~ Good Luck~


Sep 12, 2020
...To make it easier to understand, I'll put it in branches:

Combat Getting attacked:
-This is logical, getting attacked, will confuse you, hurt you, make you lose you're breath, and the stronger the opponent, the more breath/stamina you will lose.

Combat Attacking:
-I apologize, before I think I said that the Lona losing a lot of stamina after attacking is a stamina issue, but rethinking it, and relooking over it, it seems I had a misconception, Lona doesn't seem to be losing a lot of stamina, and it seems very logical to the games premise, as well as reality.

Sleeping Skill/Hunger:
Now, this is the main issue I want to talk about
-Using the sleeping skill, not sleeping on a bed, recovers 20 stamina per 10 hunger.
-Now, lets say I Attacked a dummy, using all 100 stamina, with a 1 stamina consuming attack.
-I'd need to use the sleep skill 5 times, reducing 50% of the amount of food in my stomach I ate.
-Seems weird right? Epically since this is a game, with a reflection to realistical systems, of course in a dangerous world.
-If me, and average joe, swung a sword, light one lets say, 100 times, I'd be tired, but after a small rest I'd probably be able to do that a more times, without being hungry until a couple more hours, and still have stamina to spare.
-Yet in this system, it doesn't do that which is the main flaw.

Now, of course, situations are different. The one I mentioned above, is purely in the form of Lona attacking, without being attacked, sick, broken arm etc.

How could Eccma make this system better?
-Firstly, increasing the base stamina recovery ratio, I don't know how high, but that's why there are test builds.
-Secondly, implement a system, after increasing the base stamina recovery ratio, in which the more wounds, or status effects you have, the less stamina you're able to recover. As an example, the base recovery lets say is 50:10, stamina to hunger, then a head injury, would reduce it to 30, maybe an arm injury to 40, both arms would be 25, and head, with arms 10.

And that about sums it up, I might have things I'm forgetting.

Now I also want to point out, I'm free if you guys want to point out some things I'm either , or things I'm saying wrong, but try not to only ostracize, since we're having a discussion, to come to a common ground afterwards. :)
See, this the type of people I like to have conversations with <3. They are logical and express their concerns with the game and talk about possible suggestions!

Besides the point haha~

I understand your point on how Lona can magically put her head down for like 1 second and come out with energy the other end with the cost of some hunger, but I think this makes logical sense for the most part.
You can also think about it this way. In real life, athletes work out a lot and burn an excessive amounts of calories to sustain their body. Think about Michael Phelps. He is a world renown swimmer and he apparently ate "between eight and 10,000 calories a day " so he can be in top condition and continue training. Of course, 10,000 calories a day is insane for a normal person as a normal person is only recommended about 2,000 calories a day (depends on every person). But the average person also doesn't abuse their bodies like an Olympic athlete does so it makes sense why they need less food every day.
And just so you know... The on an average day, Lona does a LOT OF STUFF. To quote Tektarra, "...Lona is a good soup combustion engine..." and that is totally accurate. The amount of things she can do in 1 day is absolutely insane and it makes some what logical sense why she would need so much food. Though the logic is a bit stretched for convenience sake, I hope you can understand where I am coming from when I say it makes sense.
I think that this is more for a way for players to regain STA without the use of Blue Potions. I personally find no issue with the the current conversion rate of STA from Food but a buff would be nice. This way we don't need to bring around 40 Units worth of food every time we go off on an adventure haha.

For your suggestion with the STA conversion rate buff, I think right now the conversion rate is fine but a buff to it would be welcome. The injury system to nerf the STA regen might be too oppressive (unless STA recovery ratio is absolutely op) as the injury states already punish the player with their loss of stats. It might be fun for Doom Mode and/or Hard mode though haha.

Now I really need to stop procrastinating haha~ But fun food for thought. I didn't really consider how it would make logical sense that Lona would just poop out energy whenever she needed but after I thought about it haha... it all makes sense (kinda).

P.S. This game is still in early development so there can be changes to how everything works, so Don't be afraid to shoot feed back to the creator~


Jun 28, 2020
See, this the type of people I like to have conversations with <3. They are logical and express their concerns with the game and talk about possible suggestions!

Besides the point haha~

I understand your point on how Lona can magically put her head down for like 1 second and come out with energy the other end with the cost of some hunger, but I think this makes logical sense for the most part.
You can also think about it this way. In real life, athletes work out a lot and burn an excessive amounts of calories to sustain their body. Think about Michael Phelps. He is a world renown swimmer and he apparently ate "between eight and 10,000 calories a day " so he can be in top condition and continue training. Of course, 10,000 calories a day is insane for a normal person as a normal person is only recommended about 2,000 calories a day (depends on every person). But the average person also doesn't abuse their bodies like an Olympic athlete does so it makes sense why they need less food every day.
And just so you know... The on an average day, Lona does a LOT OF STUFF. To quote Tektarra, "...Lona is a good soup combustion engine..." and that is totally accurate. The amount of things she can do in 1 day is absolutely insane and it makes some what logical sense why she would need so much food. Though the logic is a bit stretched for convenience sake, I hope you can understand where I am coming from when I say it makes sense.
I think that this is more for a way for players to regain STA without the use of Blue Potions. I personally find no issue with the the current conversion rate of STA from Food but a buff would be nice. This way we don't need to bring around 40 Units worth of food every time we go off on an adventure haha.

For your suggestion with the STA conversion rate buff, I think right now the conversion rate is fine but a buff to it would be welcome. The injury system to nerf the STA regen might be too oppressive (unless STA recovery ratio is absolutely op) as the injury states already punish the player with their loss of stats. It might be fun for Doom Mode and/or Hard mode though haha.

Now I really need to stop procrastinating haha~ But fun food for thought. I didn't really consider how it would make logical sense that Lona would just poop out energy whenever she needed but after I thought about it haha... it all makes sense (kinda).

P.S. This game is still in early development so there can be changes to how everything works, so Don't be afraid to shoot feed back to the creator~
I see, giving the example of Michael Phelps, and explaining how Lona does A LOT, in one day, therefore requiring her to eat more food definitely makes sense, as she burns way more calories.

Now see, the thing is, I don't mind that at all, its fine for me! When she's moving around the map, it's logical to a certain, agreeable degree on her stamina loss, as well as the hunger she needs to replenish that.

Now, "I understand your point on how Lona can magically put her head down for like 1 second and come out with energy the other end with the cost of some hunger, but I think this makes logical sense for the most part." This part is logical for me, since I mean this is a game, there has to be some sort of thing like this, so this perfectly works for me.

Also I completely agree with, "The amount of things she can do in 1 day is absolutely insane and it makes some what logical sense why she would need so much food. Though the logic is a bit stretched for convenience sake, I hope you can understand where I am coming from when I say it makes sense."

Now, I wouldn't say it's an issue, but just something I dislike, is how I mentioned of in-fight stamina system, rather I'd like an implementation/additional features for that.

When I previously mentioned the "injury system to nerf the STA regen", I wanted it to be more for in-fights. I don't know how to explain it, so I'll give examples of what I'm talking about.

- Lona finds an orc, and lets says she's a ninja. She attacks the orcs from all sides while dodging the orc, and runs out of lets say 80% of her stamina. Therefore, she quickly retreats, and starts to regen it.


-Lona finds an orc, and lets say she's, a novice ninja. She attacks the orcs from all sides, but only occasionally dodges the orc, getting hit 20% of the times. She has to stop, as she lost 80% of her stamina. Therefore, she quickly retreats, and starts to regen it.

In these 2 situations, logically, Lona in the first situation, should be able to regen her stamina fast, as she has no injuries, and she has some training in her job.

The 2nd situation however, with injuries, we know that regening stamina would be less, as its painful, and her body tries to cope with it.

Like I said, I only want this to be more specifically for in-fight. When lona's fighting, compared to her map moving, the stamina consumption/food consumption somewhat becomes illogical.

Lona moving through lets see, Noer, to lets say, a day ahead east, would reduce her hunger by half. But, when Lona fights an orc, her hunger goes down by 50-100 average!

What I'm saying is, it's inconsistent, (as I'm writing this my reasons becoming more solid/clear, sorry if its annoying, and thank you for reading it haha). Therefore, adding more to the stamina/hunger system in fights would be a bit better.
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Sep 12, 2020
I see, giving the example of Michael Phelps, and explaining how Lona does A LOT, in one day, therefore requiring her to eat more food definitely makes sense, as she burns way more calories.

Now see, the thing is, I don't mind that at all, its fine for me! When she's moving around the map, it's logical to a certain, agreeable degree on her stamina loss, as well as the hunger she needs to replenish that.

Now, "I understand your point on how Lona can magically put her head down for like 1 second and come out with energy the other end with the cost of some hunger, but I think this makes logical sense for the most part." This part is logical for me, since I mean this is a game, there has to be some sort of thing like this, so this perfectly works for me.

Also I completely agree with, "The amount of things she can do in 1 day is absolutely insane and it makes some what logical sense why she would need so much food. Though the logic is a bit stretched for convenience sake, I hope you can understand where I am coming from when I say it makes sense."

Now, I wouldn't say it's an issue, but just something I dislike, is how I mentioned of in-fight stamina system, rather I'd like an implementation/additional features for that.

When I previously mentioned the "injury system to nerf the STA regen", I wanted it to be more for in-fights. I don't know how to explain it, so I'll give examples of what I'm talking about.

- Lona finds an orc, and lets says she's a ninja. She attacks the orcs from all sides while dodging the orc, and runs out of lets say 80% of her stamina. Therefore, she quickly retreats, and starts to regen it.


-Lona finds an orc, and lets say she's, a novice ninja. She attacks the orcs from all sides, but only occasionally dodges the orc, getting hit 20% of the times. She has to stop, as she lost 80% of her stamina. Therefore, she quickly retreats, and starts to regen it.

In these 2 situations, logically, Lona in the first situation, should be able to regen her stamina fast, as she has no injuries, and she has some training in her job.

The 2nd situation however, with injuries, we know that regening stamina would be less, as its painful, and her body tries to cope with it.

Like I said, I only want this to be more specifically for in-fight. When lona's fighting, compared to her map moving, the stamina consumption/food consumption somewhat becomes illogical.

Lona moving through lets see, Noer, to lets say, a day ahead east, would reduce her hunger by half. But, when Lona fights an orc, her hunger goes down by 50-100 average!

What I'm saying is, it's inconsistent, (as I'm writing this my reasons becoming more solid/clear, sorry if its annoying, and thank you for reading it haha). Therefore, adding more to the stamina/hunger system in fights would be a bit better.
Okay, I think I miss understood you the first time haha. I thought you were talking about how regaining stamina through "rest" (20 STA per 10 hunger) costed hunger for some reason. Mb haha.

I want to lay out the situation more in detail before proceeding onto what I want to say. This simulated fight will be based on your proposed STA solution.
Each Lona uses the same weapon (The STICK) and each attack of the enemy will be the same damage and STA cost (-5 hp, -10 STA) and each attack will 100% cause an injury.

Lona A (The God of War Lona) is a skilled and dodges everything, she effectively damages the enemy and burns about 80% of her STA fighting. She needs to retreat because fighting any further will cause her to be exhausted. Lona A deals 80 STA worth of damage and can now recover the full amount of STA because she did not take any damage.
Lona B (Noob Lona) sucks at the game but knows the basics, she can land her attacks but fails to dodge the enemies 4 attacks and once she drops down to 80% of her STA because of the fight. She retreats because she doesn't want to get exhausted. Lona B was only able to do 40 STA worth of damage because she lost 40 STA from getting hit. Lona B also is injured in 4 different places so her stats are debuffed accordingly. Along with that, because she is injured she is unable to recover the full amount of STA.

Now... I think you can already tell that this STA recovery system might be unfair already. This would punish less skilled players more heavily than it is already now because of they not only would gain less STA back during a fight, but did even less damage to the enemy and is more likely to get hit more often do to debuffs.
This will make an already decently hard game into an even harder game. I am not saying this can't work though. It certainly still can work but it will be too punishing for those that like to block with their face. Like, I actually want this proposed STA recovery nerf into doom mode lol.
Because the Lona already gets punished for getting hit (Hp and STA loss and potential injury to debuff stats), I don't think a reduced STA regain would be the right call. Even with a buffed STA regain per hunger, this would be an unnecessary punishment to those that are already punished.

And now for the tricky part. When you meant STA regen, did you mean during the fight(Like you press a button and it quickly regens your STA) or whenever you break away and rest real quick to regain STA?

I am not sure if you already know this, but you can regen your STA using blue potions during mid fight. You need to equip it on EXT-1 or 2 and equip it into her Skill slot Like so. This way, whenever you use the skill slot the potion is equipped to (for example the blue potion [E]) the effect of that potion will immediately activate regardless of being mid combat or not (Blue potions recover a lot of STA and cures sickness).
Lona Inventory Potion.PNG
Lona Skill Slot 1.PNG Lona Skill Slot 2.PNG

Also, when you are fighting an Orc, have you ever thought about using our lord and savior traps? They are incredible weapons, especially with the trap upgrade perk.
Edit1: Here is a quick gif
Keep in mind i am only using 10 levels of SUR and stones as the trap Material. Lona does have the Trait "Improved Traps" that stuns enemies whenever stepping on Lona's Trap.
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Feb 21, 2018
I'm sorry, it seems like you missed my post so I'll just link it again just in case you missed it https://f95zone.to/threads/lonarpg-v0-6-6-7-beta-hotfix-eccma417.49993/post-7798390.

Let me just clarify, what bad game design is. Bad game design is when the game does something that is either contradicting to what it is based on or just flat out unfair.
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LonaRPG does not suffer from bad game design (Besides the engine it was built on).
Getting hit stunned and can't do crap? Guess what, you can also hit stun the enemy to death. A bad game would make it one sided where only the player would need to suffer such cruel fates.
Stamina system is oppressive and unfair? Guess what, even the enemy has a STA bar to maintain and you know what is funnier? Lona is literally the only one that can recover her stamina bar mid fight via resting or portions(the hidden benefits of being the protagonist). You can literally use attacks that focus on the enemies' STA and cripple them to a crawl just because. You know what you can do to stop being crippled with negative STA? Maybe you should use the skill "Rest" to recover your STA to full before fighting another enemy~ Wow~ Revolutionary~
You are always out numbered and the enemy just gangs up on you? Have you thought about NOT facing multiple enemies at once? Maybe you know... lead them to a choke point so you can fight them one at a time? Maybe that way you will stop getting hit stunned so much cause you are being hit by less enemies~ Wow~
Oh you are doing pee sized damage? Did you check your inventory? Did you see what weapon you are using? Ya... you are using a . Maybe that is why you do so little damage. Have you tried using your lantern to burn them? I heard fire is very dangerous.
Trust me. You complaining about bad game design is the funniest thing I heard recently. Don't criticizes a game you don't have an understanding about. Heck, you aren't even criticizing the game properly, you are just trash talking it because you fail to understand how to play the game.
You don't play Starcraft like a moba. You are going to have a horrible time if you do that. And what, you are going to complain about bad game design cause you didn't realize it was an RTS and that you needed to build shit to play the game properly?
You don't play LonaRPG like a normal brain dead hentai game like 95% that come out. It is a survival RPG that is actually very much on the player's side.

If you want to have an actual constructive conversation, actually point out what is bad about the game. Then maybe we can have a cup of coffee and discuss why or why not it is bad. Do what Wowadoo did and express your opinion with detail. People are going to shit talk you if you don't elaborate. Heck, this whole reply is me shit talking you because of how much of a joke your comment is to me.

Okay okay, lets address the one actual proper complaint that you had about the game: The STA system. Because that is the only thing you actually talked about is "bad design".
First of all, lets discuss what the current STA system is. STA is basically energy for Lona. Almost every active action Lona does requires STA. Getting hit also drains STA. If at whatever point Lona's STA reaches 0 or lower, she will be forced to crawl until she recovers her stamina, passes out due to reaching -100 STA, or dies. Lona can recover her STA using 3 methods. Resting recovers 20 STA for the cost of 10 hunger. Blue potions recover a large amount of STA for the cost of 10 hp. Sleeping which recovers STA based on your hunger level.
This STA system is very fair and is quite easy to manage. First off, the main concern is to never reach 0 STA or else you are fucked... literally. Having only one dedicated STA bar is fair cause... humans only have one STA bar. If you are exhausted from punching a wall for 30 mins, you won't suddenly get the energy to break out to a full sprint all of a sudden. This is why having a "split" stamina feature doesn't exactly fit. Having a split stamina for attack and one for running literally makes you a super human. Other games use this feature so players can feel more impowered and allows them to get away with stupid shit more. Imagine if Dark souls has a separate STA bar. Guess what, players would just abuse the shit out of roll because it is not related to your attacking STA bar. They would just Roll to dodge everything (cause of I frames) and just continue to attack the enemy like nothing. It breaks the balance of the game. Same with Lona, it doesn't make sense for Lona to have 2 separate STA bars. The whole challenge of it is to maintain your STA bar and trying to avoid extra STA loss through certain tactics. Having "infinite" (one that recharges over time) STA is not the goal as Lona is built around survival and not only managing her STA but her Hunger as well.
Now, getting hit reduces STA... makes sense. Guess what, if you get punched in the jaw perfectly, you are probably gonna get knocked out. If you get punched in the gut, you are probably going to have a bad time on the ground wincing in pain. You are not going to feel like going on a marathon after getting hit, you want to shake it off and rest.
Crawling when you reach 0 stamina or lower... also makes sense. If you literally completely exhausted from doing something, you aren't just going to stand up and run away. No, you are going to be on the floor gasping for air and begging for some form of rest. Guess what, the game does that. Getting hit continuously does not count as rest so it is understandable why it will disrupt your "rest" skill.

Now, even though I justified why the current STA system works the way it does, we still got to ask the question... is it bad game design?
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Pewf, welp... I had fun breaking down how LonaRPG's game systems work and I did learn a decent amount from it as well. I don't care if you don't care about anything I just said, but your loss. Ima go start another Doom Play through.
Yeah, the first time i saw his comment, i busted my ass off laughing and asked myself: "Who the fck is this kid?". LÔL. The best thing to do here, guys. Is to stop reply to this "35yearoldsdude" comment. Or even better delete it.
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Sleeping Skill/Hunger:
Now, this is the main issue I want to talk about
-Using the sleeping skill, not sleeping on a bed, recovers 20 stamina per 10 hunger.
-Now, lets say I Attacked a dummy, using all 100 stamina, with a 1 stamina consuming attack.
-I'd need to use the sleep skill 5 times, reducing 50% of the amount of food in my stomach I ate.
-Seems weird right? Epically since this is a game, with a reflection to realistical systems, of course in a dangerous world.
-If me, and average joe, swung a sword, light one lets say, 100 times, I'd be tired, but after a small rest I'd probably be able to do that a more times, without being hungry until a couple more hours, and still have stamina to spare.
-Yet in this system, it doesn't do that which is the main flaw.

Now, of course, situations are different. The one I mentioned above, is purely in the form of Lona attacking, without being attacked, sick, broken arm etc.

How could Eccma make this system better?
-Firstly, increasing the base stamina recovery ratio, I don't know how high, but that's why there are test builds.
-Secondly, implement a system, after increasing the base stamina recovery ratio, in which the more wounds, or status effects you have, the less stamina you're able to recover. As an example, the base recovery lets say is 50:10, stamina to hunger, then a head injury, would reduce it to 30, maybe an arm injury to 40, both arms would be 25, and head, with arms 10.

And that about sums it up, I might have things I'm forgetting.

Now I also want to point out, I'm free if you guys want to point out some things I'm either , or things I'm saying wrong, but try not to only ostracize, since we're having a discussion, to come to a common ground afterwards. :)
You should probably differentiate between the Rest skill and Sleep in the future as to avoid confusion.
Could stamina be modeled differently? Absolutely, but I'm not sure how your proposed system is better balanced or modeled for realism. Yes, the game tries to simulate hunger to a degree, but that doesn't mean it's trying to, or even should, simulate how an actual working stomach and body works. Like in real life, 100 swings would absolutely wind you if you're in a fight, especially after all the adrenaline has been worn out. Your muscles would ache and you'd be fatigued. In real life, you can't just go to sleep and be brought back from the brink of death. Even the smallest injuries would take days to heal. People have "arm days" and "leg days" because fatigue also doesn't just go away in a single day. And I'm certain that it's intentional these things don't work like that in this game. I feel like the hunger system is a fair substitute for having to spend days simply recovering after an entire day of trekking on foot or fighting a small army.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Yeah, the first time i saw his comment, i busted my ass off laughing and asked myself: "Who the fck is this kid?". LÔL. The best thing to do here, guys. Is to stop reply to this "35yearoldsdude" comment. Or even better delete it.
I think most healthy adults understand that not all content that exists is meant to appeal to a general population and that niches aren't a flaw. I also think that most healthy adults would understand that after 100 reviews, a 4-star+ rating, and over 600 pages of activity in the span of 2 years that the game has a target audience that it resonates with. Clearly this dude is not a healthy, reasonable adult, which is why I avoided spending any effort trying to reason with the dude.


Mar 15, 2021
I think most healthy adults understand that not all content that exists is meant to appeal to a general population and that niches aren't a flaw. I also think that most healthy adults would understand that after 100 reviews, a 4-star+ rating, and over 600 pages of activity in the span of 2 years that the game has a target audience that it resonates with. Clearly this dude is not a healthy, reasonable adult, which is why I avoided spending any effort trying to reason with the dude.

Appropriate bit of footage


Feb 21, 2018
Unbelievable, guys. Did I see it in a wrong view? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

The "guy" post a review telling "eating sh**t" = LonaRPG and tell all of those (including all best efforts) who's making guides, providing tactical genius strategies on how to beat the game... to eat sh*t. Also shaming other people on a meme cultural forum with over 600 pages.

His review is so short compared to other constructive reviews and it's not even tell what's wrong with the gamewhat so ever, give it 1 star and tell those play LonaRPG... to eat sh*t.

In my summary, this dude (who I shall not name) is not a man, he is a complete mess of a whole generation.

If you are reading this, "non-man", "adult kid". You are a sad person.
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Unbelievable, guys. Did I see it in a wrong view? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

The "guy" post a review telling "eating sh**t" = LonaRPG and tell all of those (including all best efforts) who's making guides, providing tactical genius strategies on how to beat the game... to eat sh*t. Also shaming other people on a meme cultural forum with over 600 pages.

His review is so short compared to other constructive reviews and it's not even tell what's wrong with the gamewhat so ever, give it 1 star and tell those play LonaRPG... to eat sh*t.

In my summary, this dude (who I shall not name) is not a man, he is a complete mess of a whole generation.

If you are reading this, "non-man", "adult kid". You are a sad person.
Man, ignore his ass. He obviously checked the thread to see if anyone's talking about him and decided to throw a tantrum in the reviews in hopes that he gets responses.

Now onto a real topic: I can't believe it took me so long to find out that you can actually "wear" lanterns on the EXT slot and still get light. I always wondered how the dudes with spears and pitchforks were able to "hold" lanterns. Does anything else work passively like that?


Sep 12, 2020
Unbelievable, guys. Did I see it in a wrong view? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

The "guy" post a review telling "eating sh**t" = LonaRPG and tell all of those (including all best efforts) who's making guides, providing tactical genius strategies on how to beat the game... to eat sh*t. Also shaming other people on a meme cultural forum with over 600 pages.

His review is so short compared to other constructive reviews and it's not even tell what's wrong with the gamewhat so ever, give it 1 star and tell those play LonaRPG... to eat sh*t.

In my summary, this dude (who I shall not name) is not a man, he is a complete mess of a whole generation.

If you are reading this, "non-man", "adult kid". You are a sad person.
Someone should make a review saying "disregard the review beneath me" xD And link our whole convo we had attempting to convince this guy why he was wrong haha. All jokes aside, its not like 1 bad review will screw the rating of LonaRPG. I wouldn't worry about it. Most level headed adults will skip passed the review because it doesn't inform them on what the game is actually about. The person is just someone that got butt hurt that his/her view was not shared on the thread, therefore he/she insults the game and its players instead. Kind of sad.

Man, ignore his ass. He obviously checked the thread to see if anyone's talking about him and decided to throw a tantrum in the reviews in hopes that he gets responses.

Now onto a real topic: I can't believe it took me so long to find out that you can actually "wear" lanterns on the EXT slot and still get light. I always wondered how the dudes with spears and pitchforks were able to "hold" lanterns. Does anything else work passively like that?
Ya, It took me a bit before I discovered that too. I was reading the description of each item while looking for any untranslated bits in the game files and discovered it that way lol.
Also, I think lantern is the only one.


Feb 21, 2018
Man, ignore his ass. He obviously checked the thread to see if anyone's talking about him and decided to throw a tantrum in the reviews in hopes that he gets responses.

Now onto a real topic: I can't believe it took me so long to find out that you can actually "wear" lanterns on the EXT slot and still get light. I always wondered how the dudes with spears and pitchforks were able to "hold" lanterns. Does anything else work passively like that?
Thank you for your reasoning.
I knew how the latern work the way it is since the patch 6.4.0.
Nothing else work like how the laten do. And that's why the latern is so OP, man. Do you know that when you equip a shield, for a right timing, you can counter your enemie's attack? You can see them stumble a moment before they get back to their pattern again. This work on all human-like form enemies. I haven't test it on abomination yet. I don't think it will work on their "tentacles" attack though.
Man, I was babbling. Anyone who play enough RPG should already know this. I'm sorry.
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Thank you for your reasoning.
I knew how the latern work the way it is since the patch 6.4.0.
Nothing else work like how the laten do. And that's why the latern is so OP, man. Do you know that when you equip a shield, for a right timing, you can counter your enemie's attack? You can see them stumble a moment before they get back to their pattern again. This work on all human-like form enemies. I haven't test it on abomination yet. I don't think it will work on their "tentacles" attack though.
Yeah, I noticed. Problem is that they usually slap me faster than I can ready it, so it becomes a cycle of block>counter>get hit> repeat. Playing as a melee character the second time around, I really miss having the fat ass carrying capacity I had as a Nympho with nothing but CON. What good is being able to cut people in 3 hits if I can't carry the loot? :cry:
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
hence you build the best build especially suited for the meme sword

you actually don't need to pump combat trait, saber+dagger/kunai by itself does already good enough damage. use halberd if you still haven't got the meme sword.
Man, that thing weights like 3 and a half halberds and my companions have a hard enough time avoiding friendly fire without an aoe attack. I understand the dagger, but why a halberd specifically though?


Sep 12, 2020
Yeah, I noticed. Problem is that they usually slap me faster than I can ready it, so it becomes a cycle of block>counter>get hit> repeat. Playing as a melee character the second time around, I really miss having the fat ass carrying capacity I had as a Nympho with nothing but CON. What good is being able to cut people in 3 hits if I can't carry the loot? :cry:
Have you ever heard of our lord and savior Traps? All you need are some rocks! With 25 SUR, one rock trap can insta kill goblins. Got no room for loot because you are carrying around a bow, saber, enhanced dagger, a buster sword, and a halberd in your back pocket? Fear not! With our Lord and savior a single trap, it can even make a STICK kill men before they can even raise their shield to block! Need to fight an Orc? Just place a trap in front of them and watch them fall for it every single time~

All jokes aside haha, ya, I always invest like 5 to 10 CON for all my builds because of that sweet inventory capacity. And I always tend to go with 20 SCU stats for stealth cause... I want to lol. And... 25 in SUR for traps cause... traps are op... I've personally never played as a Succubus yet so I am not sure how it feels. Ima have to try it out one day haha.

hence you build the best build especially suited for the meme sword

you actually don't need to pump combat trait, saber+dagger/kunai by itself does already good enough damage. use halberd if you still haven't got the meme sword.
xD that 13 damage haha. Oh man, the struggle~ I can feel it haha.
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