
Sep 12, 2020
I decided to play a second run as a mage and it really shows how unbalanced the game is. Like, I am level thirty already and I have all books and staffs, but seriously. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

The attacks are pretty much crap. The splash damage is good though, but as they're splash dmg you can't save any women with them since you straight out murder them. Firewall is the only thing that's somewhat useful for not hurting the women but as far as I can tell you need to do it at the exact right frame. Otherwise it wont ignite any enemies.

No minding the fucking flaming pyre, the goblins just runs through them barely getting hurt. Would make much more sense if the fire would "take" and ignite them as soon as they'd run into the already blazing fire. But no. You need to hit them at that one frame when they're entering. You can miss them four times in a row while they run circles around you bonking your head to oblivion.. Oh, and that's another thing. You get one or two stacks of damage to the head? Congratulations, your WIS-based mage attack is pretty much worthless now..

Found this in the changelog for
-*fixed, Firebook heavy(firewall) now with longer stiff frame.

"now with longer stiff frame", fucking great. Sounds like eccma really doesn't want anyone playing as a mage because fuck you for even trying.
Do not forget there are different types of staffs you can use. The most stable and all purpose one is probably the fire staff and book. It provides a nice CC to stun groups of enemies which will give you enough time to cast a fireball to deal loads of damage.

The Electric one is the one that deals the most damage when used properly. This also provides the most AOE and best way to clear out rooms full of hostiles, infested, or even traps. Do be warned that it can and will deal friendly fire so be careful when using it. Also don't use it when you are on top of water.

I personally find no use for water staff and book. Its kinda useless...

Filth staff and totem are a bit... unique. They are situational but you will never really find a use for them unless it is for cheesing a certain boss.

Screw being a mage when you can just use the musket! You got one shot and got to reload! You got to kite the enemy like a mad man and run around in circles till you land the shot! And deals shit damage :D But its fun~

But ya... mages are very hard to use properly. And I do not recommend going a mage play through until you are at least have like 30 points in WIS.

Well... Time to check up on Lona and see how much content I missed! Also thanks for keeping the community updated so far with the latest ENG updates~ I was busy with other games and now got the craving to start up another fresh DOOM run. Hopefully I will be able beat all the content before I rebirth~
Also if there is any missing translations that needs to be done, please let me know~ I'll look into it~

Red Marc

May 1, 2022
SI am in trouble at some points in the game do you know where I can find a guide where there is also advice on the latest updates? and sorry english i am using google translate
Aug 11, 2021
Do not forget there are different types of staffs you can use. The most stable and all purpose one is probably the fire staff and book. It provides a nice CC to stun groups of enemies which will give you enough time to cast a fireball to deal loads of damage.

The Electric one is the one that deals the most damage when used properly. This also provides the most AOE and best way to clear out rooms full of hostiles, infested, or even traps. Do be warned that it can and will deal friendly fire so be careful when using it. Also don't use it when you are on top of water.
Yeah, I guess electricity can useful against deep ones.. Or such. It's useless against zombies as it only deals DMG and no STA. My biggest gripe is that they're so sloooow. Especially firewall.. Too bad.
I personally find no use for water staff and book. Its kinda useless...
The only thing would be the splash knock back if surrounded I guess. The staff normal attack was very pew pew..
Filth staff and totem are a bit... unique. They are situational but you will never really find a use for them unless it is for cheesing a certain boss.
Oooh, I didn't know you could use them. I see. Well, I got lots of totems on my tough shinobi run. So, perhaps I'll find one and a staff. A certain someone gives you one if you complete a task.
Screw being a mage when you can just use the musket! You got one shot and got to reload! You got to kite the enemy like a mad man and run around in circles till you land the shot! And deals shit damage :D But its fun~
I found the musket very slow, but since my tough shinobi Lona had just 10 in WIS I guess it didn't deal a lot of damage for me to justify using it over the blades.
But ya... mages are very hard to use properly. And I do not recommend going a mage play through until you are at least have like 30 points in WIS.
I'm at 12 now plus the boosts from the staffs and glasses. I'll maybe not hate being a mage after 30 thouogh.
Well... Time to check up on Lona and see how much content I missed! Also thanks for keeping the community updated so far with the latest ENG updates~ I was busy with other games and now got the craving to start up another fresh DOOM run. Hopefully I will be able beat all the content before I rebirth~
Also if there is any missing translations that needs to be done, please let me know~ I'll look into it~
There are some sentences in "TagMapDesertIsland1.txt" googles MTL didn't really help me with.. So I left those as they were. BTW, did you see:
So I am going through CaiNanE's treasure trove of patched files... And I again must say, that guy did a lot of quality assurance work.
From official release in "CompDavidBorn.txt" for example, you have:

\CamCT\m[fear]\plf\Rshake\c[6]Lona:\c[0] Huh?\optD[I'm leaving now! This is not right!<r=HiddenOPT1>]

while in CaiNanE's file you'll see this instead:

\CamCT\m[fear]\plf\Rshake\c[6]Lona:\c[0] Huh? \optD[I'm leaving now!,This is not right!<r=HiddenOPT1>]

See that missing ","? That means the official release have only one option and the hidden one (based on certain SCU/WIS/??? stuff) is ignored/missing.

I would have to go through CaiNanE's all files and diff them against official to find all these kinds of bugs... I'm not sure I'd have the time though. It's many hours of work. What I don't understand is why official translators hated him when he did all this work and QA stuff.

Edit2: I'll upload a new release with the new (old) corrected CompDavidBorn.txt at least.
Edit3: from CaiNanE's last post: " Last updated: 2021-06-16_22:24 UTC " That's a one year anniversary today.
So, official may have more of those bugs. I may do a diff check later on, but.. It's a lot of files..
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Sep 12, 2020
SI am in trouble at some points in the game do you know where I can find a guide where there is also advice on the latest updates? and sorry english i am using google translate
Don't worry about your English haha. I would say the best guide will still be the one ZedTed made a while back. That is probably the best starting point. From there you can always just ask questions in this thread and there should be plenty of people willing to help you out! If you are looking for the latest translations for ENG, you can find it at this post~ I can vouch for the quality of the translation~ If it is other languages... I don't really know how to help you but to ask the thread and hopefully someone knows.


New Member
Jul 1, 2018

I'm stuck on the Cocona questline : after i take her out of her den, and talk to mama, i'm can't team up again with her. It's showing this error message.

It's show the pictured text box, and focus the camera on Cocona until i talk to another Npc with Lona.

Any workaround ?
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Mar 15, 2019

I'm stuck on the Cocona questline : after i take her out of her den, and talk to mama, i'm can't team up again with her. It's showing this error message.

It's show the pictured text box, and focus the camera on Cocona until i talk to another Npc with Lona.
View attachment 1875065

Any workaround ?
Yeah, it's called downloading the latest version.


Mar 15, 2019
I decided to play a second run as a mage and it really shows how unbalanced the game is. Like, I am level thirty already and I have all books and staffs, but seriously. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

The attacks are pretty much crap. The splash damage is good though, but as they're splash dmg you can't save any women with them since you straight out murder them. Firewall is the only thing that's somewhat useful for not hurting the women but as far as I can tell you need to do it at the exact right frame. Otherwise it wont ignite any enemies.

No minding the fucking flaming pyre, the goblins just runs through them barely getting hurt. Would make much more sense if the fire would "take" and ignite them as soon as they'd run into the already blazing fire. But no. You need to hit them at that one frame when they're entering. You can miss them four times in a row while they run circles around you bonking your head to oblivion.. Oh, and that's another thing. You get one or two stacks of damage to the head? Congratulations, your WIS-based mage attack is pretty much worthless now..

Found this in the changelog for
-*fixed, Firebook heavy(firewall) now with longer stiff frame.

"now with longer stiff frame", fucking great. Sounds like eccma really doesn't want anyone playing as a mage because fuck you for even trying.
Mage Lona is pretty much exclusively powerful at high level with high wisdom, pretty much at the Wisdom levels someone else mentioned (30+). At like 40+, that's when it dominates over every other 'class'. Essentially it is a rebirth class because a low level mage is garbage. Generally, use Lightning book and Lightning Rod to set up large AoE damage from afar and have the water book in an EXT slot (yes, you can do that) to use that wave spell whenever enemies start to get too close. The fire wall (or even lantern, which with the recent firewall nerf, has a faster 'cast' and yes it scales with WIS) is good against undead as the DoT burning effect with high WIS will do 50+ stamina damage per second to them, which will down even the helmeted skeletons quickly. Undead are also much easier to set alight than goblins because they're slower and seem a lot less aware.

I would say that Mage Lona is certainly not an easy class to get into due to it needing a much steeper investment than other classes, but it certainly is unmatched in raw power later on. Another reason is you're not given much reason to switch from the ol' sword and board which requires no investments in COM to be effective.
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Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
I find myself laughing.
His server OS needed an update, so he updated. Now all his settings are fucked up.

I'm not gonna repost his shitpost. It's the usual vitriol and misuse of a word that begins with "fa".
It's seen as offensive when used by people that aren't "fa"s themselves.
Interestingly, in old British English, it means this: An unpleasant or contemptible woman.
  • Haha
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Aug 11, 2021
Mage Lona is pretty much exclusively powerful at high level with high wisdom, pretty much at the Wisdom levels someone else mentioned (30+). At like 40+, that's when it dominates over every other 'class'. Essentially it is a rebirth class because a low level mage is garbage. Generally, use Lightning book and Lightning Rod to set up large AoE damage from afar and have the water book in an EXT slot (yes, you can do that) to use that wave spell whenever enemies start to get too close. The fire wall (or even lantern, which with the recent firewall nerf, has a faster 'cast' and yes it scales with WIS) is good against undead as the DoT burning effect with high WIS will do 50+ stamina damage per second to them, which will down even the helmeted skeletons quickly. Undead are also much easier to set alight than goblins because they're slower and seem a lot less aware.

I would say that Mage Lona is certainly not an easy class to get into due to it needing a much steeper investment than other classes, but it certainly is unmatched in raw power later on. Another reason is you're not given much reason to switch from the ol' sword and board which requires no investments in COM to be effective.
Well, mage Lona struggles with the easiest tasks and can't even beat the Goblins in Noer Arena. I restarted that save ten times before giving up. Albeit that mage Lona was *only* 25 WIS at the time. Doesn't matter if you're the greatest mage if you can't land a single firewall now, does it? Or the stun ball not stunning unless direct perfect hits, and they remain only stunned for 2 seconds in which time I haven't realigned Lona for main fireball attack. Oh, and the others bashing your head in while you try just that.

So I concur with your statement, low level mage Lona is indeed garbage. Pure and simple. I can't do a rebirth Lona since I don't care for being pregnant and I guess that's on me perhaps. And frankly I didn't know you could rebirth until a day ago and someone above said true deep Lona.. Wat?

And for the other stuff.. I want to *save* the hostages not explode them or electrocute them to smithers.. Firewall being nerfed as it is now just adds insult to injury. Yeah I am a great fire mage, better use my fucking lantern as it is faster and better. Great balance there. Makes total sense that a level 0 Lona has higher chance of burning an enemy than my level 26 mage Lona has.

I'd like to see a dominator Mage Lona fend of my level 90 shinobi Lona. Pretty sure who the winner would be there.

But I guess I'll try a bit more. I had fun playing my first run as shinobi Lona. Real fun. But this mage is just pure frustration at this point and no fun at all. If the game only had mage route I wouldn't reccomend the game at all to anyone ever.

Edit: And why the hell does the casting start AT Lona's position? I have firewalled/and stun balled myself more times than I have the enemies. By a factor of 2.

And WHY does speaking to hostages make Lona stop hiding? Like, uh oh, here there be goblins and orcs, I better STAND UP and SHOUT: "FOLLOW ME TO THY SAFTEY MY LADY!!"
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New Member
Oct 26, 2019
Hey guys just got the game, the difficulty really shocked me at first, but slowly getting used to it.

Is there a cheat/mod that lets me reduce my base stats? (Combat, scoutcraft, wisdom etc).

Thing is I would like to try between different builds but there's only the cheat to add trait points, or remove the traits in the right side panel, but I can't seem to find the tool to reduce the base stats


Active Member
Nov 13, 2020
Lawl, I can't get back to the Deserted Island XD The RNG of getting the Swept Wave had a low % Chance but even more so to actually get the event to get washed up on the Island and not some random place on the Mainland.


Mar 15, 2019
Well, mage Lona struggles with the easiest tasks and can't even beat the Goblins in Noer Arena. I restarted that save ten times before giving up. Albeit that mage Lona was *only* 25 WIS at the time. Doesn't matter if you're the greatest mage if you can't land a single firewall now, does it? Or the stun ball not stunning unless direct perfect hits, and they remain only stunned for 2 seconds in which time I haven't realigned Lona for main fireball attack. Oh, and the others bashing your head in while you try just that.

So I concur with your statement, low level mage Lona is indeed garbage. Pure and simple. I can't do a rebirth Lona since I don't care for being pregnant and I guess that's on me perhaps. And frankly I didn't know you could rebirth until a day ago and someone above said true deep Lona.. Wat?

And for the other stuff.. I want to *save* the hostages not explode them or electrocute them to smithers.. Firewall being nerfed as it is now just adds insult to injury. Yeah I am a great fire mage, better use my fucking lantern as it is faster and better. Great balance there. Makes total sense that a level 0 Lona has higher chance of burning an enemy than my level 26 mage Lona has.

I'd like to see a dominator Mage Lona fend of my level 90 shinobi Lona. Pretty sure who the winner would be there.

But I guess I'll try a bit more. I had fun playing my first run as shinobi Lona. Real fun. But this mage is just pure frustration at this point and no fun at all. If the game only had mage route I wouldn't reccomend the game at all to anyone ever.

Edit: And why the hell does the casting start AT Lona's position? I have firewalled/and stun balled myself more times than I have the enemies. By a factor of 2.

And WHY does speaking to hostages make Lona stop hiding? Like, uh oh, here there be goblins and orcs, I better STAND UP and SHOUT: "FOLLOW ME TO THY SAFTEY MY LADY!!"
Mage Lona does take some getting used to, just like melee combat took some getting used to when you first started. You can beat the goblins though. This isn't my video but it showcases how you can handle the arena goblins. You do have to start getting rather precise with your inputs though.
View attachment sneaky_magic_vs_easy_goblins.mp4

You can skip all the semantics of getting and being pregnant with:

I do this because it's a pain in the ass otherwise and can be a crapshoot. You'll pretty much have birth on the spot. Just make sure your hunger is high and that you're in an inn with a key. You can put in another race other than Human of course, but I don't think it guarantees the race, it just assumes what made you pregnant (so you can still get a human child if you put in Moot).
Aug 11, 2021
Mage Lona does take some getting used to, just like melee combat took some getting used to when you first started. You can beat the goblins though. This isn't my video but it showcases how you can handle the arena goblins. You do have to start getting rather precise with your inputs though.
View attachment 1876027

You can skip all the semantics of getting and being pregnant with:

I do this because it's a pain in the ass otherwise and can be a crapshoot. You'll pretty much have birth on the spot. Just make sure your hunger is high and that you're in an inn with a key. You can put in another race other than Human of course, but I don't think it guarantees the race, it just assumes what made you pregnant (so you can still get a human child if you put in Moot).
Thanks for the rebirth code stuff. I have never used the console before, never cheated, but yeah, it's a lot of semantics just to get pregnant so I guess it's the smart way of doing it.

That video has a number of weird things in it. Like, that lona seems to have a really high SCU and that trait "From the Shadows" and possibly even "Into Darkness" as the goblins ignore her even though he's right infront of her then turns around looking at the thrown rock and doesn't care about her using skill. Like so with the others.

You can also see how fast she moves? Impossible without really high SCU. I'd guess it's around 20. Or maybe this is a Lona without any personality trait even. Also, she carries 1184? Impossible feat. It would drain the STA in seconds or at best 30 seconds of walking. Chugging STA potions would make you sick after a few bottles.. So, that video doesn't really do it for me since it's obvious the creator has used cheats or smthng to get like that.

The goblins I met in the arena imediately ran to my position and they ignored my thrown rocks since my SCU is too low even when trying to hide. But sure, if I try to level my SCU before my WIS and get those skills you do at level 40 and then level the WIS I guess it's possible. But that's nowhere near were I am today.
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Red Marc

May 1, 2022
Don't worry about your English haha. I would say the best guide will still be the one ZedTed made a while back. That is probably the best starting point. From there you can always just ask questions in this thread and there should be plenty of people willing to help you out! If you are looking for the latest translations for ENG, you can find it at this post~ I can vouch for the quality of the translation~ If it is other languages... I don't really know how to help you but to ask the thread and hopefully someone knows.
thank you very much for helping
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