What did you do?! So smooth! I have to relearn my fighting tactics since I was used to the lag. This was indeed a huge boost in performance.
So, delete the "0_O_FromTheoAntilag.rb" IF it casues the game to crash. Otherwise leave it be? Must be nice to be a coding guru btw.. I see all code but understand less.. Way less.. : )
0_O_FromTheoAntilag.rb changes a bit how events get started when you enter map.
Only way for it to crash anything is if some event that shouldn't start gets started at some strange place... For example in Elise's scene a projectile gets started during scene when interpreter is paused and then after scene ends it gets started again (because its Move Route is set to start it if target is player, that's in RPGMaker editor and fixing it would require repacking game), but at that point it already lost its user so it crashes when trying to see where it should fly from... Only thing in it I don't understand is why it doesn't start&crash in base game.
It does give a bit of performance on event-heavy maps as it prevents it from checking all events on map if they should start or not each frame so removing that file permanently is... idk. Not good?
seedbed is from abominations the game crashes when you mix the joy potion with when all holes are full, and turning to the next cycle while the seedbed reaches a certain stack it is either two or three can't remember right now
Did you mod pregnancy length? From what I know, game only crashes if resulting pregnancy length is <=0 so if you set pregnancy length of stage to 3 days, on 3 stacks it'll become 0 which will crash game. You need to also modify how much seedbed status reduces pregnancy.