My niece, a real asian beauty, 31 years old, baby face, 1.54m in height. Is she still a loli though ? This is a common thing in asia. Many western guys flock here to marry such petite girls though...
Beside, I mainly chalk this off to Eccma's artistic vision of Lona. Now if only he draws more Cecily aka the western bimbo archetype. Well, a man can dream.
i wouldn't say it's just in asia, or among those of eastern asian blood. but it's not that common in, I would say most 1st world countries.
i personally haven't really seen any extremely young looking easterners in person though, and i see alot of them lol. they seem to come for the coast here for holiday's i guess. And you have alot of asian locals. (i'm in Australia)
although, I have seen a couple really young and small looking adults here aswell. and you of course always see them on porn sites or w/e, with the less mature looking guys and girls to fill in that market. most of the ones i've seen in person are white. likely because they are the majority in my area. on porn sites it's a big mix.
and yeah, i think your niece could fit the definition of loli, as a pubescent or pre-pubescent girl in appearance.
for height though. average height here for women in aus, is about 5'5. so 5'4 isn't all that uncommon.
i'll touch on the malnourish thing. i think it's kind of interesting. boys for example, who don't recieve any, or enough testosterone will pretty much grow indefinitely, because testosterone is one of the hormones responsible for both starting puberty, and ultimately closing the growth plates. alot of them will surpass 6'. even if they wouldn't have otherwise.
yet, people in the medieval period all supposedly looked much younger and less mature because they hit puberty later. but were also alot shorter than we are now, with men averaging at i think 5'5-5'7 in europe. likely similar or a bit smaller in other places.
you'll see even among nobles that many of the plate harnesses made were for smaller statured men.(not how tall they are when mounted on a stand, but by the size and fit of the armor components.)
but yeah. malnourishment definitely plays a huge factor in growth and appearance, and was one of the things that prevented most people of the pre-industrial age from ever completely reaching physical maturity as we do today. i guess that would be both a blessing and a curse.
edit: lol, just realized you're the guy i gave the game rec's too, and i've been singling out all your replies by coincidence.
if you end up liking any of those games, just give me a reply. just want to make sure i'm recommending the right games. that goes for everyone aswell.
and as said in my earlier replies. if anyone knows another awesome H game like this, link us! it's always good to have more games to play. i'm personally looking for one where you can play as a Male MC.