bro.. your assumptions are hilarious, and your defences being up to essentially insult and argue based off your own assumptions due to a vague response to your original arrogance is amusing, i have worked in the gaming industry for 5 years. when making a personal request, do i need to list EVERY DAMN thing needed to be done to accomplish it to prove i know what im talking about? no! or do i need to do it encase ass hats like you try go on your false high horse and go on the rant you just did. DUDE. whenever an indie dev sets up a discord with a suggestions tab, or a wishlist tab.. nowhere does folks have to then state their experience and a HOW TO guide to accomplish the things they ASK/REQUEST for. Fkn behave yourself, you made yourself look like a tool. if i wanna make a damn request, i shouldnt and dont need to justify it TO YOU, nor do i need to prove my experience with making shit either. feck off, kindly. i dont mind you assuming then kindly educating. but to go out your way on such a vague comment and basing your assumptions off that, is ridiculous. learn some humility, learn not to assume. now, thats all i am saying on the matter. cause 1, youre not worth a ban. and 2. i got better shit to do than to argue with clearly a child on the internet on a fkn porn forum. and word of advice, if i was gonna learn further shit about my field of work, the damn last place im gonna go is to a damn porn forum mate. so maybe chill before you assume shit. cause thats whats spiked it off. now this is my only response, and my last. if you respond, i aint reading it. but last words. noone needs to prove their experience on a PORN FORUM when making a wishlist or request. noone has shit to prove. i come here to wank and jerk off, not to have you review my fucking resume.