alright a little bit of a long post probably. i have played a bit of 5.0 now. great game. but a couple things are still bugged. for example the 2 bugs that i reported earlier in this post
bugs are still there. the difference is that the window (on the second bug) now says 5.0 instead of 4.9.4. i explained
here how to trigger this bug. there are also several other minor text bugs ( like the ones in the first screenshot ) but i forgot to screenshot them, sorry.
with that being said, am i even supposed to report here all the bugs i find? or is this gonna be annoying? im just not sure where to do it. CaiNaE said in his eng patch post we should tell him when we find stuff like this. should i just use DM or should i keep posting these here once i find them?
now second question: is there a way (there probably is i just dont know how) to enable HELL mode WITHOUT the food removal and the non-healing when sleeping effect?
basically, i like the idea of being forced to go to the toilet once in a while. i like being forced to run away or hide from enemies till they lose agro, instead of being cheesy and just leave the map even tho they are right on my ass.
i like Hell mode. it makes it more realistic. the problem is that this whole food removal and never healing during sleep is just to hardcore for me.
so is there a way to edit the files so that the healing and food works just like in HARD mode, but the rest is HELL mode? do you know what i mean?
and lastly; i dont know how important that is. but i have no idea how to install the (official) 5.01 patch lol.
Here Squark explains how. but i have no data folder. there is no data folder in my game. i check all subfolders too. so no idea how to install this patch. i then just dropped the data folder into the main folder, but i feel like this wrong, since nothing was overwritten etc plus the game still says its 5.0 instead of 5.01.
or let me ask this way: do i even NEED this one, or is that one automatically included in the 5.01 eng merged patch?
thanks for reading