Picking up lona again and gonna try to build up the mod a bit

saw a few posts of other people modding some things, so I'm gonna try and add them (toggleable) into the mod
My goal is to make it easy to use and easy to undo cheats, so you can try stuff out, get some training wheels early on, then stop relying on it over time
Let me know what people want (and I'm gonna try to fix the item no-despawn feature)
PS: please quote reply so I get a notification if you have suggestions
Hey, the current cheats "Heal wounds" wasn't working cause of a mislabel. I also added auto healing to heal wounds as well.
For suggestions, I would like it if there was a way to heal sickness and any other negative status effects (similar to heal wounds) but sadly I do not know the command to such a thing.
Being able to toggle on and off friendly fire would be neat (This isn't really that important as I can always just remove the code) as I want to keep my doom playthrough as pure as possible while indulging in some power fantasy through my cheat play throughs haha.
IDK how you implement because its not like other cheats where it using console commands to get it to work... This might cause bugs (I also don't know jack about coding) so I'ma leave it up to the expert lol.
Game Tick speed change would be neat to. I think i saw somewhere that there is a command like that in the game but I don't remember off the top of my head on how to change the game tick speed. But for people that might find the game difficult, slowing down the game might be a nice thing to have (and for those rescuing captured girls, speeding up the game would be a god send lol).
For new starting players, traps and dark rooms are probably one of the hardest parts of the game. A way to toggle lights for the map and make traps more "conspicuous" would be lovely but this is just asking too much haha. This would require altering the game in ways I do not understand. I am not sure if there is a console command for this but ya... gl with this one if you are going to attempt it.
I am also curious if you could add the debug tool commands into the mod (as the debug too includes many useful things like the Armory (more organized/less buggy summon page for items only), ToMap, Teleport, insta kill, etc) but that is something I have no idea how it can be done... and maybe too complicated to add into the mod so ya...