I decided to play a second run as a mage and it really shows how unbalanced the game is. Like, I am level thirty already and I have all books and staffs, but seriously. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
The attacks are pretty much crap. The splash damage is good though, but as they're splash dmg you can't save any women with them since you straight out murder them. Firewall is the only thing that's somewhat useful for not hurting the women but as far as I can tell you need to do it at the exact right frame. Otherwise it wont ignite any enemies.
No minding the fucking flaming pyre, the goblins just runs through them barely getting hurt. Would make much more sense if the fire would "take" and ignite them as soon as they'd run into the already blazing fire. But no. You need to hit them at that one frame when they're entering. You can miss them four times in a row while they run circles around you bonking your head to oblivion.. Oh, and that's another thing. You get one or two stacks of damage to the head? Congratulations, your WIS-based mage attack is pretty much worthless now..
Found this in the changelog for
-*fixed, Firebook heavy(firewall) now with longer stiff frame.
"now with longer stiff frame", fucking great. Sounds like eccma really doesn't want anyone playing as a mage because fuck you for even trying.
Do not forget there are different types of staffs you can use. The most stable and all purpose one is probably the fire staff and book. It provides a nice CC to stun groups of enemies which will give you enough time to cast a fireball to deal loads of damage.
The Electric one is the one that deals the most damage when used properly. This also provides the most AOE and best way to clear out rooms full of hostiles, infested, or even traps. Do be warned that it can and will deal friendly fire so be careful when using it. Also don't use it when you are on top of water.
I personally find no use for water staff and book. Its kinda useless...
Filth staff and totem are a bit... unique. They are situational but you will never really find a use for them unless it is for cheesing a certain boss.
Screw being a mage when you can just use the musket! You got one shot and got to reload! You got to kite the enemy like a mad man and run around in circles till you land the shot! And deals shit damage

But its fun~
But ya... mages are very hard to use properly. And I do not recommend going a mage play through until you are at least have like 30 points in WIS.
Well... Time to check up on Lona and see how much content I missed! Also thanks for keeping the community updated so far with the latest ENG updates~ I was busy with other games and now got the craving to start up another fresh DOOM run. Hopefully I will be able beat all the content before I rebirth~
Also if there is any missing translations that needs to be done, please let me know~ I'll look into it~