So while my previous post was about flipping off and agitating folks
I wanna drop my two cents about the latest version of this game/VN.
I am kinda torn about it.
The update itself is very good. Lot's of fun times with all the ladies.
Very decent amount of content. Qualitiy stuff. Story wise it's great too. Kinda.
Before starting this game/VN you read the synopsis, take notice of the banner and check the preview screenshots.
You start the game, the MC meets some lovely ladies, an inbred hillbilly and NO bikers.
The MC gets closer to the ladies, update no. 2 comes around, you meet some more lovely ladies,
get even more connected to the ladies and have some adult fun with the ladies. Yet again, no bikers.
Now with the latest update, (SPOILER: no bikers again!) you get a lot of more fun scenes with the ladies
as well as a conclusion of the JD story and then leave 3 quarter of the lovely ladies behind.
Huh? How, what, whenm why?
So this is the torn part.
I don't have enough information about the game to judge but introducing 4 fun characters
just to leave 3 of 'em behind or out of future updates...doesn't feel right as the banner is about them.
At least they didn't die in some fire, huh?
BUT if it's like those 80ies TV shows, you know, back when TV shows didn't have overarching 13 season long story arcs with nothing happening in each episode but where each epidsode told and finished a story, then this could work.
Like on his way west, the MC stops in different towns, meets new ladies in each town
and takes down a local bully or solves some kind of issue.
That'd be kinda asset heavy tho.
I kinda feel a bit trapped in limbo here. I don't know which direction it will go but the possiblity to
not have interactions with the already introduced characters feels wrong to me.
Again this is me not having enough information and thus being lost.
The production quality and the content of this update are great.