VN - Ren'Py - Long Road Home [v10 Part 4 Beta Hotfix] [OBDGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Loving this game. Loving the characters and the story, loving the comedy.

    Minor nit-picking - sometimes the written dialogue just needs to be proof-read for minor grammar and spelling issues

    Overall, a fantastic game, and I am eagerly awaiting the next update.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a great and underrated game: the story is interesting and different from the usual, the models are very nice and the release cycle is quite stable!
    Recommended if you are interested in games with a strong lead MC, lots of love interests, and stories about biker clubs and motorcycles.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is alot of fun, and achieves an impressive good balance between the quality of the models, the engaging story, comedy and sexual content. Seeing a new update pop up brings excitement and anticipation.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    A kinetic novel starring a Z movie "badass" . The dialogue/characters/humor/events are poorly written, and the events happen in a rushed manner so there is no character development. In fact these characters are so thin that character might be too strong a descriptor for them.With that said good character models and there is quite a bit of rapid fire erotic scenes.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game honestly surprised me by a lot! I'm really enjoying the story and the characters.

    Good points:
    * The personality of the main characters, they are really nice and fit very well into the story.
    * The looks, despite not having the best models around, this game does have very pretty characters like Rachael, Jessy, Stacy, Kat and Katy
    * MC is smart enough and pretty much badass.
    * There are several funny bits and other more emotional parts that do fit into the story perfectly.
    * There is an actual story going on, despite not having a crystal clear goal right off the bat the things do pick up and clear objectives start poppin up.

    Bad points:
    * Lack of sound effects and music, sure good music has some cost, but it is possible to put at some musics and sound effects in without blowing the whole budget. Some scenes would be much better if there was at least some audio track there. I guess people are still sleeping on how effective the audio stuff is on a game.
    * Rushed things, some stuff feels kinda rushed, there should be a few days to pass before some characters opened up to the MC (not talking about sex), a few time skips should have done just fine.
    * Overall render and animation quality, i understand the struggle to get amazing renders and animations, but if they are not possible at the current stage i feel that it would be better to tone down the amount of them.
    * The Respect/Disrespect system feels a bit off sometimes, like is hard to know if a choice is supposed to symbolized risk taking factor or is directly showing the outcome of said choice (like the choice at the bar when they first arrived), while the affection related choices are very straight foward,i would like to have the Respect/Disrespect choices to be more clear if they are supposed to symbolize the risk you are taking or if its directly the outcome of it (again remember the bar choice for Jessy).

    Overall i absolutely recommend this game to everyone that is looking for a nice game without shitty grind and with a nice story and enjoyable characters.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    In all honesty If I could I would give this game a 4.5 out of 5 stars because they sex scenes are %80 in the same position; but the models look so amazing that I had to round up. This meets 8/10 of my main fetishes which is not an easy thing to do especially when they don't make tags for it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Great concept. Great writing. A great job all around, can't wait to see more! Keep up the amazing work! This is one of the freshest concepts I've seen in a while, and I am so happy with the incredible amount of content already in the game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. Sons of Anarchy vibes. I'm sure that's what the dev was going for here. Gorgeous girls and really good story so far. Not sure what if any story branching there is as I haven't tried different playthrough yet.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 396172

    Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Story : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    renders : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Animations: ✭✭✭✰✰
    Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Girls physique : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Graphic : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Sex Content : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Creativity :✭✭✭✭✰
    Note : I love it ! all the best to the developer.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Phenomenal game. The models are very well done. There is a wide range of body types. The dialogue is obviously written by someone a little older with lots of pop culture references. The flow of the game is excellent, there is always some action not too far around the corner. The story itself is actually enjoyable and doesn't get in the way of it being an 'Adult' game. Very well done. If I had to nitpick anything it would be the over abundance of body piercings and tats. is kind of fitting for the story's setting.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games here. Most fun I've had in a long time from a game on this site. Well done. Like the models. Like the story(which is sadly VERY rare here). Hope to see this continue. Looking forward to more.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, especially going on with the story! There are some really interesting characters! Really curious to see how it evolves.
    Jessy and Rachael are currently two of my favourites! I have become a Supporter, I hope it helps as I think the game deserves much more attention!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Rated Average for the following reasons:

    Average graphics/animations. Not outstanding, not poor. Models are fairly interesting.

    MC: Above average in most areas. He's not stupid and doesn't stutter like moron around the ladies. He is competent in handling problems and drama. He's below average in tastes in women since they don't match up with mine... he likes his wwwaaaayyyy too bisexual. If I'm going to have a relationship with a woman, her focus is going to be me. I don't share.

    Story: Slightly above average at first, then takes a dip, I lost interest when we reach their first post trip hotel and diner experience. Then it turned into the MC and Ashley story and I have no interest in farming girls for Ashley.

    I like that the dev gave me the option to opt out of girl on girl sex scenes. That is greatly appreciated. However, this is overshadowed by the story, which by its character focus has me skipping over quite a bit of these scenes, and I have to put up with farming girls for the tag-a-long.

    I liked the white-knight part of the story and the rescuing girls out of a bad situation part. I also liked the edgy aspects of my MC's character along with the girls. None of us faint at the sight of blood nor break out into hysterics when facing drama. The MC has some PTSD and that makes his character flawed in an interesting way.

    Dialog is not bad at all, maybe a bit too reliant on the witty end of the spectrum but it's not Engrish and it seems to be servicably edited.

    If you're not into girl-on-girl sexcapades, this one may not be for you. If you are, it's more likey you'll enjoy this.

    I make absolutely no bones about getting what I want out of a game. If I don't enjoy the story, that's going to affect the rating. Same as with a movie or book.

    Usual disclaimer: I feel devs are entitled to make whatever kind of game they want about whatever they want. I make no demands, this is just a review. Just my two cents.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    after receiving a warning about a negative review that was getting a lot of support from the community, i noticed that none of my reviews strictly adheres to the site rules of reviews as outlined by the trial moderator who messaged me regarding the warning.

    i asked for instruction as to how to remove all my reviews, in order to comply with the rules and firstly received a speedy response telling me that a warning is only to highlight that i must change the rule breaking review.
    except that the review in question had been removed in its entirety and was no longer available to change, making complicity impossible.

    as no further requested instruction was given as to how i may conform with the site rules and remove all rule breaking reviews of negative and positive support, i kindly ask a viewing staff member to remove this

    i apologise to all developers who may be effected by my loss of support

    also worth noting that no positive review non-complicit to site rules for the same game have been removed which is rather curious
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Clear, obvious quality improvements as releases have progressed. Interesting story with cliche elements but good twists and unexpected character depth, great renders, and the 0.7 animations are *stunning*.

    Can't wait for the next update!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Funny, touching and exciting story that I want more of. Sexy girls of different types, even if the big tits selection is a little too many. I like tits, yes, but some variation is good (my only complaint). The sex scenes are also good, getting better in the end then in the start (Dev development). The violence is avoidable, but I don't avoid. (I just love the Kill Bill-movies even if I'm a very non-violent man myself!) I found it hot with Girl-Girl scenes so I don't avoid that either and threesomes is just too good to miss. :devilish:

    One joke got me really going wild, Fructose Father, even if Fructose is a sugar I should avoid. So more of a Glucose Landlord myself! :ROFLMAO:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent, nice storie with spiced events.good regard on the post-trauma vétéran militaries, city promoters and politic corruptions, biker's gang wars, and lot of others thematics. :):) happy waiting the next opus. (y):love:
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game probably is one of the finest Adult VN

    I don't think it requires a long exaggerated review because it will spoil a lot of fun it holds but on accounts of three pillars

    Story: It is has its own prologue inbuilt which then begins the actual game. Both are written intricately and choices furcating in not too different scenarios hence I would say that this is more of a linear VN with few here and there bumps

    There are many girls with their own backstory and gratification too which I adored entirely. So on accounts of plot and pace, it covers a whole lot of ground

    Sex Scenes: They are good, not animated but the gratification associated makes you so happy and blissful. There is one LI and others are part of your harem but boy oh boy, every girl is enjoyable and fun to be with. Some good lesbian POVs too

    Content: This review is based on 0.6 version and for me, there is enough content to go through so this sure is a must download

    In the end, just play it, goddamnit
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Review/Mental note to myself:

    In the first minutes there is some unavoidable lewd with a lady i dont like that looks like a young girl from the 60s, or a old woman from 2020. The next sex scene is unavoidable also. Sex scenes are this thing where you pick options, but in my opinion they are boring copypaste of countless games, its more like asset showcase, but we have already seen everything there.
    The relative (i guess) of the old girl dresses like a 15yo but she looks like 26.
    There is some slight NTR here and there but since i dont care much about the characters, i didnt give a fuck, really.
    There are a lot of sex scenesss, but for me it was a boring snowball of sexscenes.

    I think the visuals improve a little as the game progresses but still,nothing extraordinary, so im gonna rate it average, cause it feels average. But if you just like to watch sex scenes, this games has lots of almost free sex scenes.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Man

    honestly, before chapter 5 i would give this game 3/5, way too many grammatical errors, short ep, renders varies from pretty good to pretty bad, ok animations, story not interesting enough, rushed relationships.
    But in chapter 5 all this has changed, just a few grammatical errors, ep long enough, story starts to get interesting, with all the motorcyle gangs atmosphere, hot chicks, improved animations that went from ok to good, way better renders. I mean, it's still more focused in being a porn game than a visual novel, all girls are atracted to you, they all accept a open relationship, you are the most badass man in the world, and the town has like 3 mans and 600 hot girls, but i can see that the dev is already changing it, so, keep playing that you won't regret.