VN - Ren'Py - Long Road Home [v10 Part 4 Beta Hotfix] [OBDGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most underrated games on the site. Good renders, original story, wide variety of girls. Some of the art is a bit sketchy in the beginning but the quality gets better as the chapters go on.

    There's a lot of content already and the story barely seems to have gotten started so it's definitely gonna be a long one.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for version 0.6 of the game.
    The story is pretty good and straightforward, it is not a deep story but nonetheless is very entertaining, I hope for the twists and turns that the story will take as it advances, and also, girls and motorcycles, perfect!
    The renders in early versions weren't top notch, but the more versions, the better the renders have become, that speaks really well of the game since there has been an improvement.
    Unfortunately the game has no sound, I'd like for it to sound like southern rock or something along those lines.
    Playability and performance are fine, it is a VN so its pretty simple A or B.
    No bugs that I've encountered.
    Animations, same as renders hace become better with each version, also the motions are well worked.
    Each update has enough content, enough in terms of sexual content, enough in story development.
    Five stars.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + While some parts of character stories are disturbing I can't say I've not enjoyed it. Overall we have a well-written story and it's pretty enjoyable.
    + Our MC is not a whiny little b*tch. He is a cool guy, powerful and fun to play.
    + We have lots of animations and positions/angles for sex scenes. I wish I can say the same thing for their physics and quality as well...
    + The game has its own walkthrough and you don't need any walkthrough mod for this feature.

    Bad Points
    - Like I told our texture/visual quality is not good enough, the game is 4 years old and it's shows. Especially with all that noise effect and there is even a mod for that making game images sharp and denoised, which is a pretty bad point, especially considering someone outside of the development team making a mod to fix your game problem and still it's not fixing everything.
    - Animation physics needs a lot of work, while DEV made some improvements they are still far from being great nor good. They are like 5/2.5 or something and it's not enough.
    - Angelica and her act was quite annoying... Especially her thoughts about MC's love interests were quite bad. She did become better with the latest updates and got character development enough to be likeable, but her act until the latest updates was annoying and it's something people should consider before start playing.
    - Despite spending all that time to fix the problems related to the club MC giving up on club manager role like that made no sense at all.
    - Despite it's being clear as a day MC not reacting nor having zero monologue about the ring makes no sense at all. It's pretty clear that shinny and new ring wasn't there for years, and it's too convient that quacks ring to be there, literally the guy killed by our cast and buried is very SUS, MC is not stupid, he should know there was something behind that and should react at least with some monologue. And despite it's understandable why Stan & Della planned this and decieved Angelica since Stan is dying, but still they are manipulating Angelica, literally the girl running and staying away from manipulative people and thinking she found her home, and family or how they are using Jessy for this, etc, was very shameless, Stan & Della was better than this, at least writing was on that point before this act, so this move doesn't make sense enough, and makes them unrespectable characters, unlike their original character we get to know before.
    - There are some unavoidable content here and there.
    - The game lacks romance type of relationships and even the ones feel like romance type of relationships are gets ruined by DEV constantly pushing them to wrong directions, making them work at club with very forceful ways, with bending plot with nonsense plots, etc, he even ruined very traditional woman like Larisa's path with forced and nonsense plot, he constantly trying to make everyone have same or smilar jobs makes no sense at all.

    For The End
    Well, what can I say? This game had great story before problem about club getting fixed, after that things started fall off, still it's not that bad, but together with other problems the game quality is not good enough to say 3 stars, I would say 2.5 stars rate is accurate at this point, considering how writers butchered respectable aspect of the Stan and Delle, and other stuff happened with latest update 3 stars feels bit flex, and that's why I'm giving 2 stars.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorites. This update did not disappoint. The story just keeps getting better, and the new woman are just getting hotter.

    The writing is A+ this VN could get by on the writing alone. 5 stars from me . Thanks for the great story..
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Niv-Mizzet the Firemind

    Review for 0.6

    There is not much to say. The game is excellent.

    The story is very good and it moves at a reasonable pace, the characters are well written, the dialogues are good, for the most part make sense and are peppered with humour. If you're looking for a good story, it's guaranteed to keep you on your chair playing.

    The renders and animations are very good. They start a little rough at chapter 1 but they improve chapter by chapter, especially after chapter 4.

    Tldr: Highly recommended, download and play right now.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello, excellent, very good story, great character and so what beauty in this game and great universe, I hope it will have a sequel even if it is already long. Here I think I said everything about my test of this game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is so awsome
    the characters are cute
    the choices , the plot , the scenes are well designed
    the conversations too in general a good scenario these kind of games , that we must see a lot ....
    good job crazy gamer
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A very interesting drama oriented VN with lots of story and sex involving beautiful women. The character design and exposition is done particularly well: despite the slew of characters introduced, I never got confused who was who and what they had done previously. This can become a big problem in VNs with a large cast but hasn't been the case here and long may that continue.

    On that note, I hope the creator does not get caught up in the trap of introducing evermore characters into the story. I feel that with just a couple of more vital additions in terms of antagonists and we should have all the ingredients required to make sure that the characters present get the development they deserve as well as give enough scale for a kick ass story.

    The other hope for this VN is that the MC gets more action than his sidekick. Not all women the MC encounters need to be bisexual.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    Awesome game , I love it. Great Artwork, but I hate this BIG Black Textbox! Why not Transparent and scaleable or better only Text and No BOX. I am sure I pressed the H Button over 100 times. The Animations look really realistic and very nice, its a sin to cover them with a black textbox.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A really good game with more than just the standard porn game story, even though it has plenty of sex in it.

    There is a short goody two shoes route, which already includes sex with a mom and daughter and them both playing with each other.

    The slightly worse path delves right into it, with a strip club and the MC basically fucking every available woman.

    The girls have diverse looks in regard to body types and sizes and the sex scenes are animated.
    The only thing I would wish for is if we had a few more CGs per sex scene which are not animations.
    I just feel the flow of those scenes is better if the pics tell a part of the story as well.

    But that's just complaining at an already high level.

    There's a lot of content and fun to have had in this one, good stuff.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Yet another amazing game with little support.

    Seriously, this game is really good. The models are sexy and there's some pretty good animations with multiple points of view. But for me, the best of all is the story. It's really original, with strong and different characters that actually evolve over time. This has a lot of potential and the released content so far already has quite a few hours in it.

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  12. 5.00 star(s)


    thats it! thats how you make a game

    Watch and learn you so called devs, this shit is how to get it done

    interesting and intriguing story
    funny and exciting dialogs
    optional sex scenes
    beatiful and a lot of characters
    no bugs,errors

    this thing here is how you should make a game
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    S Carbinez

    Nice Story, with good renders. It checks all the boxes that i am looking for and is worth a look. There is a decent amount of content and the update i have seen also carried a decent amount as well. The story progresses in a logical path and what happens fits the story and doesn't appear to be added for shock value or in the attempt to check a box.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The game started off great thought I had found a really rare gem, good writing, interesting story, beutiful renders and choices to boot.
    Then It quickly turned into a extravagant fuckfest where you are forced to stick it in everything that moves.
    As that wasnt bad enough you have to get involved with a rape victim who let herself be abused over the fear of her mother finding out she watched her homemade porn.
    Sure it might be embarrasing but not to the extent you raghter be abused and raped.
    This part should probably have been left out, more thought through pr atleast optional.
    I have no idea why you have the blue and red love/corruption choices when every character is already corrupted fuckdolls that serve no function other then being holes for the protagonist and muffsandwiches for every female with a tongue in the town.

    If I was given some choice as to what routes to take and with which girls I would have thorougly enjoyed this game I imagine, a shame Jessy character was demolished with rape and weak plot aswell but I could live with that If I had the option to not get involved with her atall.

    Shame that a game with seemingly top tier potential decided to cuck everyone not into lesbians, rape or sharing/NTR.
    Weak execution on what could have been one of the more original and better made games on this site!
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Soth

    I`m an old Metalhead who used to hang with bikers including ex Hells Angels back in the day

    This VN takes me back to those days a bit with the characters. There is plenty of sex and violence which always combines well. Renders are a bit average and anims the same, not the best on here but far from the worst.

    The story is an enjoyable tale of bad boy helping the underdog biker MC against the other gang. It`s hokey at times but enjoyable enough. Feels like the Movies Roadhouse meets Stone Cold (Lance Henrikksen/Brian Bosworth biker movie)

    Its a great distraction and promises more thrills to come.
    Five stars from the Mac.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Scenes are great, and plentiful.
    Story is excellent, and could be made perfect with some tweaking.
    Models are great, and plentiful.
    Renders were very good, but slipped a little in V0.4.

    It was lovely to see Tracy come back for the Christmas special. She is missed.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    House Of Black

    The Renders are really good, with nice animations that will satisfy players. The story other the hand is disappointing to me. This whole Jessy and JD thing was cringe and wasn’t handled properly. I don’t like rape, but I had no problem with the Dev telling a story about it. It was the actions afterwards that made me shake my head.

    Forcing people to see the rape then, nuking it as if it never existed. After Jessy told Mc her story we saw him see red literally and then they had this whole emotional moment and then... they fucked Brooke like nothing happened. Mc’s dialogue didn’t change afterwards, he and Jessy just sort of went on as if that life shattering rape story didn’t just take place.

    It was the same with killing the scumbag, there’s no emotion after having just chopped off a man’s penis and seeing him killed, maybe it will come later on in the series, especially for Jessy who knows. My problem with Tracy was that, okay we get that you were a slut in your past and still is, but you couldn’t keep an eye out for your own daughter?

    I mean the rape didn’t even surprise me because, for one they’re leaving in a trailer park and the whole vibe just screamed hillbilly lifestyle, Plus the guy had a mullet. I’m more surprised that Tracy look shocked as if JD wasn’t capable of doing something like that to Jessy. Like get a clue.

    Jessy is still the best thing about the game, I might change this review once I know exactly where the Dev plans on taking this. Killing JD just felt rushed in my opinion, the storyline probably should’ve been saved and built on seeing as how much people hated him. The players already were forced to see him raped and sodomize Jessy might as well turn him into a full on villain.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Entertaining story and beautiful models, for the most part, the sex scenes offer plenty of interaction. plenty of warnings for the faint of heart. Looking forward to the next update as the future storyline looks promising.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game is:


    - Great Renders
    - Great Sex Scenes
    - Nice Milf`s fun
    - Lots of Screwing Scenes
    - Nice Lezzy Scenes
    - Great Story
    - Great Animation

    - minor typing errors

    The Game has great Renders,Great Animations, no Slowing Pace in the Game.
    Love the way the renders have been done,minor typing errors, lot of women of different ages,lots of nice bed scenes.
    There was no slow pace and loved the harem scenes,also lot of girls for different tastes....also some great fighting scenes going on here, also love the biker scenes...

    Keep up the Good work.
    Damn worth support and Download.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    'Hwite Trash - the Porno Novel'

    That's what I thought when I read the description. The prospect of encountering among the oriental monstergirl -infested wilderness that is f95zone what appeared to be an unexpurgated coup d'œil into the sexual psyche of a bona fide Son of the South was not one this rootless communist banker would abjure.

    I'm happy to say that it did not disappoint! Our author is fairly candid about the PC's ideological, cultural, economic and needless to say sexual leanings. The 'story' for the most part serves as the landscape where the psycho-sexual complex generated by the nexus of such leanings plays out. Graphics/animations are nothing special but get the job done.

    There isn't anything else to say, really. I'm fairly certain 'death of the author' does not apply to my review. If you want to experience authentic redneck sexual fantasies this game is for you. And it's likely the only one, which is why I'll bump up the rating to 3 from the 2 I had planned when I started writing. Knock yourself up!

    PS there are two branches of the story, denoted in choices as red or blue text. The blue(pilled... lol) branch ends with a kind of happy ending. The 'red' branch is the story our author actually wants to tell, setting up entry into the biker gang mentioned in the description by the end of the current version. So I recommend choosing that.