I wasn't haveing a go Motseer just pointing out there are often more words in the English language
that will fit a sentence.
And while they may not be all technically correct as long as they make sense it's all that really counts.
Especially Considering the amount of slang that has been added to the English dictionary over the last few years.
Some of which even I would be at a loss to know how to use in a logical sentence.
I admire your attempt to help OBD it may not of sounded like that.
But then I'm just twisted and sometime's can't help myself
And I hope OBD doesn't mind me saying this.
Its not really what he needs help with.
I have noticed over the time I have played this game.
That kinda like me he will add the same a word twice close together.
When the second one is not needed and breaks the reading flow.
Example from latest update not sure if he caught it with the patch this is from the pre-patch.
Dev: "Ryker is accustomed to standy by to stand by from his time in the military".
what he may have meant was""Ryker is accustomed to standy by from his time in the military".
also sometimes he will miss a word out of a sentense and by that break the flow.
This is harder to judge as it is not always a mistake.
It's for reason's such as regional dialect and in some case's charcter's lack of education.
If you correct these then you ruin the feel of the story.
Not in this story and as I'm not American so not as familier with American colloquialisms.
But two british example would be.
"Hoots mon"or "Away Man".
Well I supose you could use "Och aye" but well " Oh Yes" doesn't exactly scream scottish.
And "go away" dosent really conjure up a gordie the same as "Away Man" do's.
Just sayin.