I have already explained in previous posts what my problem is with the ally path. I don't like how the MC drools over her, it breaks my immersion in the story. The fact that I may refuse her in the future doesn't matter if I don't get there at that point because in the meantime I have no choice (other than make fubar the entire game with scorned path). I can't play a character so distant from my tastes. If it weren't for the scorned I would have dropped the game without even finishing part 3 of episode 10. And I might still do it in the future if this path is as horrible as Dima predicted, but that doesn't matter. Mine are neither requests nor threats, I'm just expressing my feedback (just because someone is interested or not doesn't mean I can't do it here). Dima must tell his story as he wants. But no one is obliged to finish a book, a TV series, a film, or a game if at a certain point, they stop liking it. And I'm sure Dima won't lose sleep because of me, so no harm done