A judge? Wonder if she feels any guilt.
Don't know how the law is written over there, but in the US that three year gap could have gotten her arrested.
As I recall, the law in most places over here is a maximum 2 year gap for underage folks having sex with other underage folks.
Besides me and her, no one ever knew of us even knowing one another, much less all that went on.
At that time, I was already taller than many adults, had to shave everyday, and could pass for much older, unless I spoke (LOL) voice took a bit longer to catch up. If we were seen together no one would bat an eye.
We were in a small village in a very rural zone, I spent all my time between breakfast and dinner (at around 8PM as is customary here) out of the house, lost in the mountains, supposedly alone. We found a hut in the woods. We made it ours. We were both avid readers, we talked books for hours, before and after. I was in love, she was horny.
Saw her a couple years ago, when visiting family for a Hundredth birthday. She's no longer hot, I'm no longer in love, but were I single, I would still jump on that, for the memories... just for the memories.