That was pretty mild as far as rants go. I usually type a whole page venting my spleen, read through it a couple of times and then delete it. Just writing it is cathartic. I've regretted every time I've hit the send button...Dimitri57
Glad you enjoyed my rant. I wasn't actually pissed, just taking a piss as the Brit's say. But, all of the items in that rant are things that generally piss off this grumpy old fuck. Haha
Just tested the new script. The snoring is flat gone! Can't say that I miss it in the least. Ladies don't generally snore anyway, at least not like that cheesy sound bite. That sounded distinctly male and MC was driving with no other males in the car. So, I must express heart felt thanks for giving us the fix for that annoying snore! Huzzah!
Adventure ever on my friend, Phat
PS: Went all the way back to my save with Rin sitting in Piper's tattoo chair to select the option to help Rin rather than make her my spy. Averone1974 is right... that was just cold. Otherwise, I made all the same choices. Ready for more once you have it ready for us. Huzzah!
I hear ya. Searching for non-cheesy sounds effects is the bane of my existence. The scene could probably do without it. I'll have to push back on ladies not snoring. Sober ladies yes, drunk party girls? Oh yeah!
Good choice with Rin. Besides being the stand up thing to do, you would have missed out on seeing her cherry blossom.
L8r m8
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