I havent texted Jenny yet, only met her at beach and gave my number.. I progressed up until the part i had sex with Ann where you can choose to have Vanessa Join by letting her know or not.That image shouldn't show up until around the end of day7 (you went to the underpass with Vanessa, Joey, and Ann), did the text message exchange with Jenny. Have you gone past those scenes already?
If you have, then I can probably come up with something that will go back and grab all the posts you were supposed to get already.
At this point the image already shows up on the original game, i have the save to compare.
It does not show in the port however which is why i was wondering it was one of the changes you mentioned where it will show up later in the game
How can i tell what day number it is btw?
Also i want to emphasize after you gave me the new scripts.rpa file, i loaded a save from before that image was supposed to load, I started from Joeys Birthday party when Anns insta first shows up in the game, so coulnt have passed it if thats what you are suspecting