Story is pretty decent but also a bit boring, not a fan of NTR but atleast you can turn it off, and somehow i think this was more ment as a NTR game then not, which could be why it dident really stick with me, also got annoyed with the bitch that keeps trying to fuck MC, no means no.....i wish MC would man up and tell her to go fuck her self instend of letting her sleep over and go around nude in hes room..its hes friends girlfriend so it really just dosent make any kind of sense letting her do that.
The biggest problem i see is the animations since i wouldent say its an animated game when some sex scenes arent animated at all but just picture to picture and the animations that are there has some decent and some bad.
Virgin scene was pure shit, no blood no real pain no nothing so alot of build up for a shit scene girl goes ahh ahh ahh then mc cums scene done, and on top of that it wasent even animated just picture to picture so nothing but a fail, if any scene should be animated it would be the first time you fuck someone.
Story 3/5
Ok but a bit boring, could be it was ment to be played at NTR but not being into that i turned it off.
Girls 4/5
They look good.
Animaitons 2/5
Well its lacking in both quality and some scenes are just picture to picture.
Music 0/5
Well there is none.
Not sure how this has gotten so many high ratings, people are to nice since it really dosent come close to a true 5 star game, not with animations and 0 music so dont really get it, i would say its 2½ stars game but i rounded up to be nice.