tbh, my thoughts on chris were that he is that "used car sales man" that words things in a way that he can play innocent if confronted, but his actions are that of a snakey dbag. "hey, im just here to help ann with acting" and 5 minutes later is staring you down during a bj, total shit eating grin on his (very punchable) face. lmao
when you read literature of any kind, you want it to engauge thought and emotion, good and bad. here i was thinking that chris was written this way on purpose, and my hat was off to ttrick because i thought the balance of, "its your fault, but hes kinda fucking with you" was done really well. so finding out none of that was intentional is like opening up an xmas presant and finding socks. im still greatful, but cant help but wonder if this is a trick, and youre just playing with my emotions

meh....ive been wrong before, and my opinions on the character dont make the game any less fun. your breakdown of the expressions was well done btw. cheers!