Have surprise NTR turned on, be on Joe rival path and agree for him and Emily to date, then make up with him.how to unlock last scenes with Emily?
wait there is exclusive content if you have the NTR out of your control option turned on. Good to know for when I do replay this as I need to redo all of my saves. I go with the full control optionHave surprise NTR turned on, be on Joe rival path, make up with him and agree for him and Emily to date.
can you share your save when will you get to new scenes with Emily?wait there is exclusive content if you have the NTR out of your control option turned on. Good to know for when I do replay this as I need to redo all of my saves. I go with the full control option
you are gonna be waiting a long time. I'm probably won't replay this for at least 2 weeks - a month or longer. + not a good idea to use saves from rando'scan you share your save when will you get to new scenes with Emily?
First ask the mc if they want you to change their name.How to change MC's name? there is nothing in search
Do you ever get to see Emily with anyone except her ex?Have surprise NTR turned on, be on Joe rival path, make up with him and agree for him and Emily to date.
There's another situation with pure Ann if you let Chris get her number. But don't tell her to stop talking to him the 1st time she brings it up. Then tell her to stop at the fair. Scene eventually happens when she goes off to college. Think the second video chatwait there is exclusive content if you have the NTR out of your control option turned on. Good to know for when I do replay this as I need to redo all of my saves. I go with the full control option
I downloaded it (`resources.zip`), seems to have a React web app inside of it? Weird. (Of course I left it at that.)readme.txt said:use it only if the gallery is not unlocking for you
place in the main folder location