VN - Others - Long Story Short [v0.10a1] [TTrickGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm actually a long time fan of this game, but for some weird reasons I never did write a review about it. In the meantime, the game continued to improve, especially regarding the visuals and the UI, so if I could give 5.5/5, I'd do it.

    I really love the girls in this game, especially Vanessa (for her looks and her personality), even if the renders of Alex and Emily are simply fantastic, they are, like, simply beautiful.
    You could also say that the game cater many of my kinks: wild naughty girls, exhibitionnism, sharing and some elements of ntr too. A lot of effort have been made regarding the choices available for the player, which lead to a large number of paths. I really like that aspect, your choices really matter, and I strongly advise anyone to do multiples playthroughs if you want to see more than 20% of the game.
    On one hand, it's not always that rewarding for the developper considering the nightmare of possibilities (thus effort) it leads to, but on the other hand as a player I really appreciate it a lot and I think more people should emphasize that aspect too. You're really "playing", not only reading (and fapping).

    I hope this game will continue for a long time, it's one of my all-time fav.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game. I came for the hot girls in the screens and stayed for the story. I was actually engaged and didn't skip through dialogue to get to the tiddies. Well done! Headed over to Patron now to support this dev.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely solid game. You won't be surprised by any of the character models you'll see as all the old favourites from other games are in there but overall they've been tweaked to the point it isn't tiresome. The plot is interesting albeit somewhat wrapped in shadows as of v0.6 but you know enough in the short term to work out what the goals are.

    Another good point is the different plot threads. All intertwined but sufficiently distinct that it's a game which would reward replaying it in a different manner. All too often game developers make their games too linear and after a quick blast through it you drop it like a hot tattie until something better comes alone.

    As an aside, I rather enjoy the UI. I guess this is probably down to the engine being unity as opposed to Renpy but it just looks nicer you know? It's the little things which just add up to make it a more interesting game.

    Certainly one to follow to see where it goes but the dev certainly seems to not only have a plan, but it seems to be a good one.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, sometimes the reviews are so hard for be objective or gentle, this is not the case, because I can be total objective, and suuuupah gentle cause the quality of this game;

    -Awesome designs of main LI. Forget about another standard design for the females, here u can have a hybrid from Mila Kunis with Selena Gomez haha
    -Interesting plot; can looks like the plot is simple, but is interesting because u really dont know what happened with the MC and with who is talking
    -Real choices; yeah, one of the few games where every choice will change ur path, ur scenes and ur outcome with every character in the game. This is a must for rerun because every path is sooo good
    -NTR avoidable AND WELL BUILT; forget about ntr forced or sooo bad implement with the plot/characters, this is not the case so TRY IT although u hate the NTR, TRUST ME
    -VANESSA, u no need more than this for try it
    -Interface/menu so professional; when u see it, u will understand this game and the dev team take this so srsly and are so professional
    -Although the game is with unity engine, the dev team provides us with ANDROID PORT, this is a great and important thing for someone like me that cant play with the pc !

    -The game is not finished
    -The game doesnt have the fame that it deserves

    Like u can see, the only cons for dont play it is stupid, so why dont try RIGHT NOW?
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall an very excellent game. Amazing renders and cgs (tho sadly no animations), great story with multiple choices/routes, believable characters and engaging events. This game also has a very well made user interface. This is one of the best games out there, I can see that the developers really doing something great here.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a no-brainer for me to rate this piece of art 5 stars. I apologize in advance since it's hard for me to not praise this game. It really got me hooked. This game is exceptional. Among the very best I've seen and experienced so far. Bleeds atmosphere.

    The art is gorgeous, every character fits well into the story. The user interface and comfort features play in a league of their own. The replay value is very high due to numerous branching paths. So many possibilities! Every single one is spicy and intriguing.

    One of the best features: It's not hard to play multiple paths at the same time. I can easily use different folders for saving and switching between game paths.

    And the most important thing: The girls are among the hottest I've seen so far in any adult game. I like all of them and their personalities - especially Vanessa, Emily and Amber (Mario's girlfriend). The guys fit in quite well too.

    Long story short: I am very picky about which project I support on Patreon. But this project won me over in an instant. Never had that happen before. The devs are extremely cool and friendly. I hope they get the well-deserved support. My advice: try the game. There is a good chance that you will love it. And if you do, support the devs. A buck each month or occasionally is not much for such a great game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Story: There's an interesting dynamic between the characters and their relationships. Takes some strange turns that makes it more interesting than the usual fare. The bit with the family was amusing.

    Graphics: Renders are great, no problems here.

    gameplay: a few devious and funny choices that set up conflict. It doesn't pay off just yet, hoping it will in the future.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I am giving this game 5 stars and not 4 because the engine is not renpy but still gorgeous. From the looks alone this game is a masterpiece, renders included.

    Luckily I only started playing with the current version (.6) and from the patchnotes it looks like the framework was pretty crap before (heating graphics cards, no read-dialogue skip, no gallery mode, load times). I had no issues whatsoever playing it now. It also has a nice dialogue-log and the save function is really good and fast.

    About the meat of the game:
    It has some of the most impactful choices I have seen in visual novels of this type. While some key events happen in every playthrough, the player can actually influence what happens, with side events and variations happening depending on those choices. That said, the story is not much to write home about. It is basically a dating sim with two girls.

    The main fetish, NTR, is sort of disappointing. One of the main girls is just a pathological slut and I cant get myself to see her as a love interest even when trying. I like her as a character, but when she fucks around it does nothing for me.
    The other main girl is cute though, and being able to corrupt her is great. The secondary fetish, said corruption and domination, has a good start but then the game ends. I dont think there will be any satisfying developments in the next couple of updates. Her NTR route is just as bad as with the other girl, just because there isnt much happening. She chooses another guy, who I dont really dislike, and posts a few tame instagram pics.

    There are also frequent English mistakes, but while noticeable I'd call them mild.

    In conclusion I find the game kind of falling flat on the erotic side, especially disappointing because it looks and feels really high quality, plus has some really good sexual teasers that then arent explored enough. (Mild Spoiler: I mean the slut getting involved in corrupting the cutie, and the cutie being a natural submissive. Those things are established, but then nothing more comes of it in the current version).

    Still five stars because of the potential, but it might take another year or two before the game has actually earned it.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The good thing about this game are some of the girls are really really pretty and hot (but at the moment you get h scenes with a couple of them)

    The story is not bad, not great either.

    The very bad thing: using unity on a choices based game, this is a really bad 'choice' made by the dev. You can't go back in a decision, there is no clear hint of what can happen if you choose a or b, you may play the game from beginning, even following the walkthrough and you won't be able to unlock some scenes, and by the way... Liar points ? WTF is that?

    In conclusion, if you want to play it 30 times to unlock (20 or less) scenes, may be this is the game for you, if you can't afford to lose so much time just download the pictures or something...
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The amount of player choices is truly unrivalled. And the choices aren't just cosmetic, they are very consequential, branching the story into many different paths and sub-paths. This means that all the different kinks are optional, so if there's something in the tags that you don't like, chances are you can avoid it. The renders are also some of the best of any game on this site. All of this is wrapped in really stellar UI, making this one of the very best games on this website. (y)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    We love long stories with a twisted plot, lots of characters and so on. But sometimes, when you are immersed in such stories, you just want to interrupt the narrator and tell him: long story short...


    Long story short... this is a rather simple but deep and complex story. I'm not a fan of typical TV shows where the main story and the character stories are loosely coupled and luckily that's not the case in this game. I will not go into details, as I do not want to spoil in the review. I can only advise you to try it yourself.


    But I can't tell a long story short about graphics.. I like realistic shadows and colors in renders. They are made with high quality and do not find fault with them. Regardless of the location, they are pleasant to look at.
    Characters are a much more difficult question. My opinion is this: this is taste. Someone may not like them, someone, like me, will. Characters and models are made of high quality and unique.
    In most cases, the shot is well done and hard to notice. There are a couple of scenes in which it was possible to do it differently, but this is not critical.


    I'm not a Unity fan. But I can't help but admit that everything from the main menu to Alex's Instagram is done perfectly. There is nothing to find fault with.

    Overall, I really liked the game. It has flaws, but it is definitely better than most existing projects. I definitely advise you to try it in your free time.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The only good thing about this game are the choices and the UI imo. If you love choices, choices that matter I might add. You may love this game.

    There is a lot more to a game than good choices however, for one, the characters look like aliens. Their eyes are way too big for their head. Also, the English is not great but definitely passable. This leads me onto the next issue, the dialogue and story. The dialogue and story are very juvenile and nonsensical.

    I hope this game improves since i really do want to enjoy it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    As it stands in v0.5 the game is simply too good to be true..literally. Let me be clear that this game is amazing and one of a kind right now. But I think it will be extremely tough to write a middle and impossible to write an ending to this game, without cutting some of the branches off the tree. Honestly I wouldn't mind if some of them just end in Game Over to simplify. There is a core group of the MC, a male best friend and two women in a love triangle/square, the problem is that the decision are almost TOO impactful..I had a lot of fun getting every possibility but they're so unique in their branching that it will get exponentially tough to detail each branch. If you thought that sounded like a doozy, it appears more characters may be added into the lord.

    But let's talk about what's absolutely amazing about v0.5 for now. Your best friend is dating a girl and they're trying to set you up with a shy innocent girl. Sounds generic but it is not and it is all about the execution; you can be best bros with your friend or back stab him and ruin the relationship. You can take his girl or not. You can corrupt the innocent girl, go NTR or not. I haven't even described all the major variables that influence branching now or will have to in the future. All these things are interconnected logically in this story. It's truly amazing. You will play through this multiple times even though it's only v0.5

    A couple of notes; the character models are amazing. The environments are OK, but the (female) character models are perfect and I'm A-OK with that tradeoff. There is a feature to look at the social media of the girls and I would encourage more of that because it's excellent for the corruption storylines.

    Also game creator if you are reading this thank you (and please allow skipping of unread lines)
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    vanessa's lover

    SO EPIC that it should be in epic games next to fortnite wow definetly one of my best 3 games i ve ever played in this site, great story, love the cheating sexy bff' s gf and looking for more and honestly great renders this game should be advertised more it s easily one of the best 10 games of all times but though few patreons less then 150 .I hope the dev don't stop with this fine art and I am definetly a patreon after this
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't recommend enough
    This game is very well made. The UI is smooth and beautiful. Even the main menu has multiple themes you can select from the settings. It works well with unity although you don't get the option to rollback like you do in RenPy.

    It's a game with many paths. There are a good number of characters for now and more to come later. There is some sharing/ntr that's optional. The girls are pretty hot.

    Try it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Just two words HOT STUFF

    You have many options/paths neutral, sharing or harem
    It gives the game diversity

    Also the scenes are few but hot the tease is immense you cant play this without pause or you will have to fab

    Vanessa and Emily are espeically hot I hope the developer will feature more amazing scenes like that its incredible hot I cant wait for more
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    It has an extremely comfy and accessible plot. Throughout I found myself smiling. The renders are nice. Not the highest quality, but attention was obiously given to the environment. I love the skin textures. I never got uncanny vally feelings from overly smooth, doll-like appearances. Not the greatest sex apeal, but there's some heart in it. Definitely not your average throw-away porn game.
    If I were to criticize something, the kissing renders look... off. Also, the story leans into a lot of cliches but in a way that still feels natural. This NEEDS editing though. The english leaves a lot to be desired, leaving the flow of conversations to your imagination.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    First game I've bothered to review.

    English isn't perfect, but not a real issue.

    Biggest compliment is there's not novels of text to read. I'm not reading a shitty story like most games, it's just sentences like a real convo would be.

    Choices are interesting, characters interesting (Joe is a bit weird though).

    Hopefully more content comes soon.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A welcome surprise of a game. The way the story has progressed thus far suggests several pathways for progression which offers replayability. The renders are good and the character development is trending upward. Lot of hope for this project and look forward to future releases.
  20. J
    5.00 star(s)


    Great game, easy to understand and playable, a good story that unfolds in an unforced and fun way as proposed and excellent images, with a variety of models and paths, without exaggerating the dimensions or taking the story off from a logical path. It has great potential.