Unity - Loser [v0.11.00] [Night City Productions]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    It's kind of sad i like what this game is trying to do. But the over complication of game mechanics + the sheer amount of grind+ little pay off makes this game a 1 star.

    I don't mind grindy games but this..... this is something else, not only do you need to figure what stats you need (there are loads of stats) but you need to almost endlessly do the same thing.

    You do this for a stat increase and then finally and probably after several hours (if you're not cheating) you get a transfer where like two extra events open up but don't worry after that you're back to the grind again.

    This is the whole game loop no story no nothing just endless grind for little to no payoff just to grind again afterwards.

    I have never seen a dev disrespect a players time this much.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Brok TheDog

    I haven't been to these games for over a year, and that was my surprise, well no surprise. These games are all simply unplayable, no information to unlock the subjects, no information to tell us what the different routes correspond to. This is one of the most repetitive games I have ever seen. Only the graphics are not bad. The hours of play are not the scenes, but the action is repeated. After 5 years of development I expect much better.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Perfect S

    -Unavoidable trans/gay/sharing content (parties/Becky Route).
    -Heavy grinding required (not the good, rewarding kind, but the mindless repeat kind)
    -Money is badly balanced (almost impossible to get at the start, useless later on)
    -Has an antagonist (dad) for no reason that requires even more grinding to get rid of
    -The MC seems to be a different character when interacting with different family members (multiple personalities issue)
    -Guide REQUIRED to play
    -Lacking QoL shortcuts/warps so you end up having to do many cumbersome clicks to do anything
    -Promises an illusion of a good slow burn, but it's actually just masked grinding
    -Bad UI that requires many clicks to do basic things/go through multiple menus
    -Uses a week based system with limited time-sensitive events that requires you to click through another week just to repeat it, with no option to fast skip to a certain day
    -Insane inventory management needed that rivals MMORPGs
    -Item required to do anything/item bloat
    -Engine lags/crashes
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    best game out there, no other comes close to its level of detail and variety, only criticism is the lack of animated scenes so far however the story line and the way in which it develops more than makes up for it !
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Top Tier incest themed game! :coffee:

    This game is a prime example of the how to handle a mom son incest story. The build up is fantastic and the payoffs are stellar!

    Right off the bat the Mother is smoking, she has a fit milf design that might be one of the best 3d models on this site.

    But the real magic is how the game handles the story, so many games just start off with the MC and the other characters jumping into sex with no build up, and that defeats the entire point of the incest theme, it might as well just be (Dude Bangs Milf)

    But in this game the characters start off normal, they have a bond and its basic at first, but as time goes on and the characters are exposed to incest situations they slowly find themselves indulging in more and more taboo experiences.

    At first Diane is a regular caring mother but as time goes on and she is exposed to more and more inmate scenes with the MC, it starts off with very casual sexual interactions and little by little the Taboo nature of the experience overwhelms her and her son, eventually they give in to the desire as the pleasure of the sexual situations is overwhelming.

    The mom takes time to develop her Jocasta complex (Desire to have sex with her son) and that makes the scenes so much more compelling.

    That's what so many other games are missing in this Genre, the whole Taboo aspect of the situation is what draws people in.

    Starting the characters off as regular people and allow the sexual themes to envelope them over time.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    What can i say. at first glance this seems like a super open minded approach to a sandbox game. however, progressing through the game is fucking mystery.. the games guides itself isnt clear enough and concise enough.. i have been playing for over 3 hours and have yet to have a sex scene.. i have even cheated stats and relationship stuff to trigger events. nothing. just an endless conversational loop of clicking over and over, then sleeping and so on. its fucking boring, and mindlessly and tediously clicking away for no visible progress.. no indications of if you can have sex, and how to. even after basically cheating all the stats, i still have no action changes. its wayy to complex at the trade off of fun, which is strange as i love sandbox games. but the grind isnt worth the lack of reward.

    most of the tags here barely even qualify to count.,

    after the horrendous grinding thats the most tediously boring and repetitive that ive seen in any sandbox game to date. the payoff isnt even worth it, with still image sex scenes. how you gonna have your players grind that much and put that much work into playing your game, if you refuse to put the same level of effort into making the reward fucking worth it.

    avoid it.

    edit: the premise and idea of the game is amazing, the fact you're not all of a sudden going to banging your mother and siblings and everyone. i like the slow burn. my issue is, the sex scenes being still images seem like a huge smack in the face with the amount of work you need to put in, in order to reach em. its deflating. i love slow burns, for a worth while reward. but the insanely slow burn here for still image scenes aint worth it. now if it was still images of amazing art, sure. but its generically in engine made scenes. it isnt worth the time invested. now if the developer revises all scenes, then ill sure as shit come back and review it again. but to be mislead with the spying on parents animated scene, to then each scene i got from that point being a still image.. the quality is inconsistent. and at time the grind seems to be just for the sake of there being a grind, with little to no worth while reward.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A very grindy game, at some point you might feel lost and think the game actually doesn't have any content but there is a lot of it after you understand what you need to do. Overall is a great game if you have the patience or use mods, would appreciate if there was some sort hint for available scenes. Overall great story and renders
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Yet another game where you're a guy trying to perv on your family. The gimmick here is that each character has a current "archetype". As you play, your goal is to keep changing the archetypes to the next available one. Each archetype has a different outfit, different schedule, different room actions, and generally is hornier than the previous one.

    First and foremost, I do generally appreciate a sandbox game that adds some friction between scenes. I like my games to have a little gameplay.

    This game, however, has at least two disastrous systems that don't respect the player's time:

    First, the conversation system. It's the core of the gameplay, and it's not fun, just pure grind. In an unmodified game, you have to play the conversation minigame at least twenty times for each character to move them to the next archetype. You don't get any new dialog or content while doing that, just a couple pictures of them reacting and the opportunity to fail and have to do it even more than twenty times.

    Next, the hotbar system. You have a big inventory of topics and items, but during conversations (and certain actions) you can only use them if they're equipped in your hotbar. This means you might try to do a thing, find out you don't have the right item equipped, and have wait a whole in-game week before doing it again. This system isn't interesting, it just adds pointless friction.

    God bless the people who have written and maintained the cheat mod, this game is barely playable without it.

    If you play with the cheat mod there's actually a lot to love. It's fun to see what changes every time you level up the characters to a new archetype! It's fun to see the different attitudes and outfits they have! The game doesn't need the extra burden of the conversation system and I hope the developer can rethink it.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    it s not crak cocain, it s a slow iv drip of ketamine, slow as all hell, doubling the values wouldn't hurt. renders are good but be prepared to put over 4h of gameplay/grind before you non-con flick your sisters bean (or i've been doing things wrong. the game is obscure at best).
    i find myself increasing stats 3% at a time meaning upwards of 25 interactions (about a in minute each) to get what i need ...
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Loser might be one of the grindiest games on this site, but it's one of the BEST grindiest games on this site. A personal issue I have with Renpy VNs is that all of the hard work a Developer puts into writing a story can be ignored by installing a gallery mod or by having Skip Unseen Text on and hitting CTRL until you get to the sex part. With Loser you need to learn how to play the game in order to get the sex scenes giving the player a sense of reward.

    The Arch Type system is one of the game's most interesting concept. I like slowly changing a characters personality to get more sexual content and when you get to vaginal sex with a family member you can return her back to a previous AT to get more sexual content for an older AT(currently only available for Gina and Diane).

    This game also has so much variety. There is so many lifestyles to choose from. Choose to embrace a life of Order to gain more money from jobs and more topic storage. Or choose to embrace Disorder and to have a bit of a criminal life like be a dealer or steal parent's car keys. Also, there is many ways to make money like asking to borrow money, be a streamer, or make money by selling a family members nudes to name a few.

    5/5 CG and 5/5 Gameplay. If you take the time to learn the mechanics of the game(and read the Tutorial), this can be an enjoyable game for a lot of people.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The preview pics describe perfectly how the first 5 hours of your gameplay look like. Just wandering around the house doing pointless tasks to level up pointless stats with the mc jerking of alone in his room. I literally played for 3 hours on the easiest setting and got absolutely nowhere.

    Maybe i did something wrong and would have gotten to the content faster if i did something different or maybe i missed something. So i looked for a walkthrough. Problem is, that the only walkthrough available reads like the instruction to building a fucking rocket.

    Then there are the awful interface and the fucking loading times. Seriously what in gods name excuses a loding time of a fucking Bethesda game?
    "Aw its because of the engine we used." Than fuck that engine, use a different one.

    So since i dont even have a visual of what im working towards in the previews i wont even bother.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Do you enjoy doing the same actions for hours on end with no progress to speak of? Then boy do I have a game for you!!

    The grind is the worst I have ever seen, combined with how bad the interface is it's probably the worst game I've played on this site.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Good cgs, good models, mediocre story, absolutely horrendous grind combined with annoyingly slow UI destroys it. 4 stars with cheats, 1 or 2 without.

    To put it into perspective, depending on start, you'll need ~2 hours to see a titty and (extrapolating based on my experience) ~8 or more hours to see any sexual content. You need ~50 of the same, repetitive interaction to change a girl's archetype (basically stage of corruption). The game would feel ok at 20 times increased xp gain, but as it is just use cheats instead and play it like a visual novel.
  14. 5.00 star(s)



    Though the "too grindy" comments are understandable (It *is* a grindy game) and there are some bugs, this still is a 5/5 game for me. This game actually wants to be a game and once everything clicks I find it incredibly rewarding to min-max everything and try the different ATs of everyone. Renders are nice too and all of the characters are visually appealing.

    It's definitely not for everyone, though
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Grindy, but the character models and general idea of the slow corruption is cool. When I try to influence Diana while she is in her room as Immediagram Mother, the UI disappears and I'm unable to advance her AT. Any help would be great.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I mean the game is good, there is a lot of grind, and it's not for everyone, but my problem is not with the grind is with the lack of a guide, is ridiculous like I was searching for the topic to level up younger sister forever and it was the first level, if there was no guide in the forum to tell me you need to level fashion I think I was not going to be able to figure it out by myself and now im stuck with mother dancing topic. I mean the game is good but if the developer made a better guide, like you need to find that topic to level up, you can do stuff in these hours or maybe just hint something that makes you progress without thinking wtf im doing.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Mh... Actually, I don't know how to rate this game. Renders are awesome and there's a lot of scenes to go for but... Can a game be good if you have to play it with cheat to enjoy its content ? It's already been said countless time, without cheating, it's a grindfest and the first hours are pretty boring. But fast forward to content and then yes, quality is definitely there.

    So I'm torn for the rating. I'll go with good as cheats make it enjoyable and in hope that the game will continue.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Insane grind, like too much. Too many combos and things to track, and a slow UI. The game tries to explain itself, but it's very hard to progress without cheating. and even with cheating it's slow.

    Good art and characters, though.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this Site. Yes you have a bunch of grind to do. But If you make it this game has one of the best Character development, it has a bunch fetish and huge potential. After a some time the game becomes easier, if you understand the mechanic. But it is worth it. I love it. (y)
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, take my review with a pinch of salt... What I like may not be what you like.
    This project is for you IF you like slow paced games, developing your character before you can slowly corrupt your family. As such, it does it amazingly well. I seem to remember reading the developer defining the project as a game with porn... importance in the game.
    If you want to jump directly into the smut, leave this project now. It took me nearly 4 or 5 hours slowly developing skills until I managed to get the first sex scene (other than peeking on your parents than can be done straight away).
    The mechanics of the game are not straightforward, so it takes trial and error until you find how to progress, and progress is SLOW... but at least for me the rewards are quite good. If you persevere, the progress is considerably faster once you have the right skills, as changing archetypes is done considerably faster later in the game.
    Scenes are well written, the slow path into corruption is "believable" (as much as you can believe the MC banging his family and half of the neighbourhood) and the models are quite nice.
    To sum up. If you want just porn and a quick wank, go somewhere else. If you like to spend a decent amount of time playing a game and getting some well written scenes, give it a try.