Basic strategy is to do activities to gain "topics" while managing your Focus, Stamina, and Health. Focus can be gained by playing video games on your computer, Stamina gained by (napping (1hr), resting (3hr), or sleeping (6hr)), health by the same means as stamina. All three can get a boost by snacking in the kitchen.
The GOAL is to upgrade the archetypes (AT) of the girls you meet- right now that is Diane, Gina, Becky, and Charlie. Gina is the easiest, Becky is the hardest. Gina and Charlie have the most porn content. Each has a different schedule (what time they are around) which can vary from 0600 to 2400/0000 dark, and varies by day of the week. Check every hour of every day to build up a sense of the schedules. As their ATs get upgraded, their schedule may change, and their responses to things will also change. Usually you will also get more porn.
That is the game loop in a nutshell- do activities to get topics, use topics to improve girls, change their ATs to get porn. Lather rinse repeat. Time doesn't matter in the sense that it is endlessly summer.
To change their AT, you need to get /their/ skills up through conversation. Only positive conversations will increase their skills (when you see a +relationship boost in the upper right after the conversation is over). Basic tactic is to use 2 topics listed in their positive attributes, and 1 non-banned topic. This will let you build up a non-banned skill over time. Keep in mind that you will ALSO get skill points based on the topics you use and the conversation bubbles the girl brings up. You might occasionally get a topic from the girl as well. At the bottom of their character card is the list of ATs you can transform them into. Sometimes this is BACKWARDS to an older AT so be careful unless that is your goal! Build the skills you need for the secondary interests that qualify them for the new AT you desire, then 'encourage' that secondary interest. Once they have both as secondary interests, you can promote the new AT. Some ATs require a special scene to promote, for example promoting Popular Sister Becky into either Queen Bee Becky or Less Bitchy Younger Sister Becky requires you be at the Friday night party! NOTE WELL: AT changes only appear /the next day!/ It is not instant, you have to go to sleep and wake up for them to get their new AT.
You start out with only a few options to earn topics dependent on your build (what you picked as your stat in the beginning). Check your bedroom for videogames and porn (computer icon), working out, and posting on social media (maybe), check your bathroom to clean yourself and maybe practice charm, living room when it's empty to watch TV and sometimes play social (bookface) games. Check the interests and bans of the people you meet to make sure you are talking about stuff they like or at least don't hate. If you have a topic and don't want to use it in conversation, you can 'burn' it by clicking on it then clicking on the thinking statue. This will give you xp in its relevant skills, which in the beginning is a good thing to do.
Try to get Videogames, Trivia, and maybe Laziness and Entertainment up as quickly as possible. Videogames lets you play more videogames for focus without getting bored and unlocks the livestreaming job for money. Tivia boosts two core stats which is huge. Laziness lets you nap more for stamina, Entertainment lets you watch more TV.
You can mow the lawn on the weekends for some cash. You can also beg cash from all of your family at a cost in relationship, but they won't ask you for the money back so if you are good at relationship management its an ok source of money.
Later you can sell any photos you get of people (Charlie easiest, Diane when she is a few ATs deep, Becky gets some in one of her late ATs) for a bit of money.
Faster is Videogames 3 and do the livestreaming job in your room. Other skills support this job, and you can buy better camera's to improve the money even more. Energy drinks reduce focus cost, gamer throne reduces the stamina cost.
Your 'chore' is to clean the living room, if you let it get messy Diane will clean for you and you will lose relationship. If you clean it, you get relationship with Diane and occasionally a topic.
Gina's chore is to clean your bathroom. If you clean it you will gain some relationship and a topic occasionally. Try cleaning it when she is there! Also, watching TV very late at night can be beneficial...
Becky's chore is to clean the kitchen. She will only have one or maybe two times a day when you can start a conversation with her, making her the hardest to advance.
Charlie sunbaths on the weekends and can be bribed with a gift card from 1700 on weekdays.
All other characters are not implemented outside of on-off interactions or participation in other characters interactions.
Save files are stored:
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Night City Productions\Loser
and are currently called "". I mention upthread how to edit them, but for completeness DONT use a text editor, even one as robust as Notepad++. Use a Unity save file editor such as
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