
Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Confusing as hell! Almost all communication uses symbols instead of words and visiting the online shop means a sudden end of game because there is nothing you can do anymore - you can't even leave! Trying to take a nap can result in being forced to sleep for 6 hours instead of one because you can't go back there... o_O
This game needs rollbacks and everywhere the oportunity to go back and decide anew. And textual communication so that you know what you are doing...


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2016
I fear for if I ever have to restart this game from the beginning after a new update. 15-20 hours in (or maybe 30-40...I've lost track), I feel like I know what I'm doing and that it's currently the most efficient way to lvl without gaining negative skills. But there has to be a better way. I've been improving myself just so I can find the best way to gain Diane's 2 traits (social media and fitness) for her other personality. best way I can figure is grind "marketing" topics (it's RNG is unforgivingly brutal, and I have actually maxed my trivia skill and have yet to get enough to social media to get diane to 100) and purchasing fitness mags both lvl her up without any negative traits are coupled with topics she likes. I just feel something could be done to minimize the grind of everything. Maybe 100/200/400 instead of the current 100/300/600.

I have yet to find a time where Diane is in the shower and I can peek or gain the ability to peek at Gina in the shower. Early post says someone has a shower peek scene. I did that insane stealth grind with the other sis. Eventually just slept 4 times and peeked over and over to knock the 100 peeks necessary to get it. Didn't give me the Gina scene, but I'm guessing it was necessary for the Parent scene.

I'm a patient guy, but as the system stands I don't know if I could muster the willpower to redo what I've currently done.
18 skills, 4 maxed, 3 at rank 2, 6 at rank 1, which leaves 5 visible. No idea where to go to buy the different "gift" options I've unlocked. I'm guessing the mall, still grinding shopping to 2 to find out. Half the stuff I've unlocked might not even be implimented. No way to tell. Also, no idea when/how to watch movies.

It's a solid game though, can't wait to see how it developes
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2016
Confusing as hell! Almost all communication uses symbols instead of words and visiting the online shop means a sudden end of game because there is nothing you can do anymore - you can't even leave! Trying to take a nap can result in being forced to sleep for 6 hours instead of one because you can't go back there... o_O
This game needs rollbacks and everywhere the oportunity to go back and decide anew. And textual communication so that you know what you are doing...
you have an old version, this is the current version. All those problems are fixed, the OP just hasn't been updated yet.
I fixed the charisma bug in version . Same with the shopping bug.


Game Developer
Feb 15, 2019
The livingroom is your chore, which is why you gain +5 with Diane when she isn't in there, but she definitely would be pissed with you if she saw you while she was cleaning up your mess. The kitchen is Becky's chore so she actually appreciates the assistance if you help clean at 16:00, and you won't get negatives for seeing her.

As for the bathroom mirror, I noticed that too, but it seemed like a double edge sword and I avoided using it upon second attempt of the game because it boosts vanity as well. Which in higher ranks can give negative stats. He just patched the mirror a few days ago (it used to accidentally be a second shower button) so I suspect it isn't intentionally ignoring your stats. Shower looks like it's nothing but positive stats. Use it while you can, because I'm sure it will be patched next version.
Ahhh got ya, I missed that the livingroom was my chore. Thanks for the explanation, because I couldn't figure out what was going on. (She starts off in a good mood, and spends time watching TV, then she turned into a rage monkey. ))) LOL).

And I had seen that he'd fixed the bathroom stuff the a few days earlier (I follow him on Patreon, and have been reading his posts.) and I just wanted to make him aware of the Mirror.

There was a lot of stuff I never got to open up skill wise so I wasn't sure if they were good or bad. (Perversion, sexual, stealth (Think that was the name), and I could never get the voyeur stuff to work either. (1 Sister locks the bathroom as she showers, the other leaves it open but I can't do anything other than go do something else, and the parents room stays locked from like 7pm till 10 or 11am.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2016
Baal7734 Is there a reason Videogames rank 1 "unlocks videogames"? it seems like this attribute of Videogames rank 1 ultimately does nothing because you either unlocked videogames via another skill, giving you access to play video games before rank 1 or you have somehow miraculously gotten videogames to rank 1 before an unlocking videogames with something else and video games is unlocked due to being displayed like any other skill....Just seems odd.
You get improved focus from videogames rank 1. Also it will be a requirement for another I plan to add next update.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2016
I fear for if I ever have to restart this game from the beginning after a new update. 15-20 hours in (or maybe 30-40...I've lost track), I feel like I know what I'm doing and that it's currently the most efficient way to lvl without gaining negative skills. But there has to be a better way. I've been improving myself just so I can find the best way to gain Diane's 2 traits (social media and fitness) for her other personality. best way I can figure is grind "marketing" topics (it's RNG is unforgivingly brutal, and I have actually maxed my trivia skill and have yet to get enough to social media to get diane to 100) and purchasing fitness mags both lvl her up without any negative traits are coupled with topics she likes. I just feel something could be done to minimize the grind of everything. Maybe 100/200/400 instead of the current 100/300/600.
Well you have to understand a few things. One, the Family isn't going to be the early games primary focus. But I do have to build them first since the MC lives with them. The neighbor will actually be the introductory character to a lot fo the mechanics, and she'll be a lot more forgiving than Diane, Becky, or Gina. Those three will be for all intent and purpose "advanced characters" to pursue, due to the automatic difficulty of them being related. Also, Social media is only about halfway done being built. There's a lot of other options I plan to add to it in the next update. I developed Diane's second Archetype so that I could design the systems needed to convert a character from one Archetype to another. I picked Diane because honestly hers was probably gonna be the easiest with what was planned to be in the game. It will become easier once I add in more actions. Every action gives xp, and almost every action builds up topic generation. The only RNG in the game happens to be when browesing videos online and watching tv. There currently isn't a way for you to generate Marketing topics, until you've converted Diane over to her second archetype. Then it becomes one of the topics she likes to talk about. So you'll need to mix in some neutral topics about social media (such as internet profile) with some of her preferred topics, like house chores.

As for your suggestion. With every action giving xp of somesort, and every conversation also giving xp from topics they talk to you about, I think the amount is fine. My intention is for the journey to be as rewarding as the skill up...but it's just super early in development right now so the journey seems really short...which just leaves the skill up. And when I build a character, I have to build it with the idea that the player has been playing the game for months. So I understand that you may feel like you "Have" to get all the content, and to do that, you have to Grind. But a lot of that is just how early in Dev we are. I'm sure there will be people that Grind like mad. There always are. But, Ideally it won't feel required in a few builds.

I have yet to find a time where Diane is in the shower and I can peek or gain the ability to peek at Gina in the shower. Early post says someone has a shower peek scene. I did that insane stealth grind with the other sis. Eventually just slept 4 times and peeked over and over to knock the 100 peeks necessary to get it. Didn't give me the Gina scene, but I'm guessing it was necessary for the Parent scene.
You have to convert Diane to her second Archetype to get her shower scene. She's too uptight as generic Mother. Always locking the door, and bugging you about cleaning :/

I'm a patient guy, but as the system stands I don't know if I could muster the willpower to redo what I've currently done.
18 skills, 4 maxed, 3 at rank 2, 6 at rank 1, which leaves 5 visible. No idea where to go to buy the different "gift" options I've unlocked. I'm guessing the mall, still grinding shopping to 2 to find out. Half the stuff I've unlocked might not even be implimented. No way to tell. Also, no idea when/how to watch movies.

It's a solid game though, can't wait to see how it developes
Shopping hasn't been fully developed, nor the Mall, or movies. I rendered as much as I could realistically code into the game, which was a decent amount, but there's still a long way to go before the current skill list is finished being implimented. I'll keep the changelog in game updated every build. And saves will carry over. So don't worry too much about that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2016
Well you have to understand a few things. One, the Family isn't going to be the early games primary focus. But I do have to build them first since the MC lives with them. The neighbor will actually be the introductory character to a lot fo the mechanics, and she'll be a lot more forgiving than Diane, Becky, or Gina. Those three will be for all intent and purpose "advanced characters" to pursue, due to the automatic difficulty of them being related. Also, Social media is only about halfway done being built. There's a lot of other options I plan to add to it in the next update. I developed Diane's second Archetype so that I could design the systems needed to convert a character from one Archetype to another. I picked Diane because honestly hers was probably gonna be the easiest with what was planned to be in the game. It will become easier once I add in more actions. Every action gives xp, and almost every action builds up topic generation. The only RNG in the game happens to be when browesing videos online and watching tv. There currently isn't a way for you to generate Marketing topics, until you've converted Diane over to her second archetype. Then it becomes one of the topics she likes to talk about. So you'll need to mix in some neutral topics about social media (such as internet profile) with some of her preferred topics, like house chores.

As for your suggestion. With every action giving xp of somesort, and every conversation also giving xp from topics they talk to you about, I think the amount is fine. My intention is for the journey to be as rewarding as the skill up...but it's just super early in development right now so the journey seems really short...which just leaves the skill up. And when I build a character, I have to build it with the idea that the player has been playing the game for months. So I understand that you may feel like you "Have" to get all the content, and to do that, you have to Grind. But a lot of that is just how early in Dev we are. I'm sure there will be people that Grind like mad. There always are. But, Ideally it won't feel required in a few builds.

You have to convert Diane to her second Archetype to get her shower scene. She's too uptight as generic Mother. Always locking the door, and bugging you about cleaning :/

Shopping hasn't been fully developed, nor the Mall, or movies. I rendered as much as I could realistically code into the game, which was a decent amount, but there's still a long way to go before the current skill list is finished being implimented. I'll keep the changelog in game updated every build. And saves will carry over. So don't worry too much about that.
Thanks for the response on everything. That's amazing of you. I was actually avioding the the "post about your day" option because it builds vanity exp. Was I wrong in thinking that I should avoid some skills? I thought I recall seeing a negetive stat on it's second lvl. I guess I could just build it and attempt to avoid hitting lvl 2. Is there any skills that give negative effects at lvl 1? I also avoiding anything that builds laziness exp. because I figured it would be a negative skill. (which is included in all videogame and porn options...for now)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2016
All negatives give a bonus.
Laziness reduces some stats, but you can nap more often, and watch tv more.

With Selfishness, you'll take a Rep hit at level 2, but it does increase how often you can do vain actions in a day.

There's others but ultimately, they tend to balance each other out. with thier opposites. And yes, there's a few skills that give negatives at level 1. If you want to avoid it that's cool. Play how you will, but vanity is the only reliable way to generate socialmedia <currently>. Outside talking to Becky, which can be difficult with her interest set.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2016
I will also note that Reputation won't really matter for a while. Only specific types of character arechtype will care about reputation, and those are a ways off.


Nov 24, 2017
Anyone up for sharing what "mini-events" they've encountered?

I'll start:
Friday and saturday midnight: Living room - watch TV - Gina drunk - can use incest rank 1, 2, fitness 1

More obvious ones are:
Every working day: Diane - Living room 12-15h - watch TV - +5 relationship
Every day: Becky's room 21h - stealth XP
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New Member
Jul 3, 2017
Really expect to give Dad some "education"
Then go to track the action what Dad will do.(〃∀〃)

Of course, also very incesting to let sisters taking the initiative to Raider Dad.(ゝ∀・)b

I'm th3 best teacher、son、brother all over the worldヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡


Sep 9, 2018
Anyone up for sharing what "mini-events" they've encountered?
19:00 Kitchen - Becky doing homework, if you clean you get +10 affection instead of 5
17:00 Front Yard (weekdays?) Charlene comes home (seen on Monday and Wednesday)
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Sep 9, 2018
Has anyone gotten + temporary appearance from taking a shower? Wanted to play as gamer, but Becky won't talk to me, says I offend her, and figured I could use the shower to fix it, but when I take a shower then visit her, says I offend her still.


Dec 14, 2017
this game really needs a tutorial, after 1 hour the game just don't avance, already talked to the 3 characters, do chores, games, watch porn, all options and yet don't unlock any scene/progresse.


Nov 24, 2017
As I said previously, love the mechanics but currently is too much of a grind, hoping for lessening of it when there's more content in place.
Also, the grind is made way harder in the way of the interface, you must go to your room each time you want to set up the "dialogue" - completely unnecessary in my opinion.
The transitions (darkening) between actions also slow the game terribly.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
The need to load your conversation topics from inventory each time is kind of annoying. It would be nice if the game would just keep track of some sort of counter for each one that you have available and they're just always there. So if I've used up all of my social media topics or whatever then it's just greyed out when I talk to someone but I don't have to keep loading it from inventory. Have only just briefly messed around with the game so far. The mechanics do look interesting. Looking forward to seeing more.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Also just an FYI, I don't know if it's intentional but alpha v0.01.09 is accessible from the publicly viewable patreon page. You don't have to be a patreon to get it.
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