I don't want to upset the developer, and I haven't finished the prologue yet, but the plot is weird as hell and not coherent. Well, think for yourself.
- a girl knight patrols the coast alone. Why? For what? Unclear.
- she finds an incomprehensible bum on this shore and immediately drags him to her home.
- Literally an hour ago, she first met this bum, but it's time to fuck him. At the same time, she does not even know who he is (he said that he does not remember anything and that is enough). Yes, it will be hard for such a country. Not surprisingly, the raiders came to the village as if to their home right after the knight Freya.
- Freya says "Careful, this armor was given to me by my jarl."
* One fight later
Fuck this armor, I need to flaunt my panties in front of the whole country sooner.
- in the middle of the fight, the main character finds time to put his dick in the raider's mouth, while his partner at this time can be cut to pieces (or he was a quick shot and did it in a couple of seconds)
- after defeating two of the two raiders, the heroes together kill an unknown guy. Is he really a raider? There were two of them.
- it is hard to believe that the knight did not have spare clothes. Does she sleep in armor too? She would at least put on a nightgown.
- the knight will not calm down in any way and continues to drag the bum with her everywhere. It was not enough for her to drag him to her home, then try to drag him to bed, now she is dragging him to the jarl. What if he's a assassin? And it's not his cock sticking out from under his torn pants, but a dagger? The first bum who comes across can go to the jarl in shorts after he has killed the raider. Oh....
- and again she drags the bum to her home. Send him to the hotel already, maybe he is sick with something or some kind of psycho, why are you dragging him home? He's not a stray dog.
- as soon as the knight comes home, as a typical cliché older tsundere sister starts to put pressure on her brain whining "Have you already killed your orcs there?". Does anyone there understand what it means to be a knight, or is it an interest circle in which the knight-sister disappears in the evenings, instead of helping at home with cleaning?
I've stopped there for now, but I don't understand what's going on in this game at all... By the way, the renders are great, but please don't turn them into a slider. Developer, you didn't try so hard for the render to flash by 0.033 seconds and only the elite tried to catch it with the middle mouse button and examine it.
* I do not force anyone to anything, I do not oblige anyone to anything. I express my personal opinion, as the game is interesting, but I definitely see flaws in it, which may not be flaws for others. It is your right.
You have gone to the Cinema Sins school of criticism, where most of the "problems" you have with a plot are really just... ordinary questions. Questions you're kind of supposed to ask, and questions the story has already answered. I'll answer some of these for you myself, because I appreciate the high effort posting you have engaged in, and I appreciate that you've played and thought about my game so much! Thank you again for playing. (I think these answers are mostly self-evident, though)
The reason Freja is patrolling the coasts alone is because the Knights are spread thin, because their kingdom is being attacked from all sides, by Raiders, Ghouls and Orcs. Jarl Iris mentions this when they reach the castle. Also, Freja is a really really good fighter, and the game does not exist in a gritty realistic universe, it exists in the type of universe where a protagonist can kill like 50 people if they're cool enough. That's just the tone of the game. Not everything has to be realistic.
There are two reasons Freja takes MC in. 1. because the Knights, as I've said, are spread thin. They need more men to defend Gothenburg, and as she explains, she'd rather it if a muscular peasant joined the Knights than the Raiders. 2. because of her faith. There is a prophecy that foretells his arrival, which Freja strongly believes in. She mentions it to him at the end of the prologue before he goes to sleep, when he asks "Why me?" She says "People will say I am mad because of my faith..." This will be explained much, much further, in a future update, but the hint is clearly already there. She takes a personal interest in him because she wants him there to protect her family. Because of what she suspects he is...
When she takes him into her hut, she's not afraid of MC killing her, at first because she believes he probably wouldn't be able to, even if he TRIED, she's just that good at fighting. Even if he WAS a legitimate threat, Freja fears nothing, she's stubborn that way. This is another intentional aspect of her personality. People don't always act rationally, especially when they're a stubborn grimdark warrior with a decade of trauma.
She took her armor off because she was about to fuck him, because Freja has low self-esteem and treats men like meat, this is an aspect of her character relating to her trauma (her scars). She doesn't put spare clothes on because the village is burning/detroyed and she has no time to rifle through ruins for her armor, she needs to immediately warn Gothenburg of the attack. Also it's sexy!!! Yes she says "Careful with my armor, it was forged by..." but this is less about her genuinely caring about her armor, and more her trying to establish that she is noble, because she wants MC to respect her. It's also a way of reminding him of his place in relation to her...
Yes, it IS odd that MC couldn't help but stop to face-fuck the random Raider girl when he should have been helping Freja. It's almost like he's a lust demon or ... Incubus ... or something.
Your comment about the tsundere daughter made me laugh. The reason Trella bitchily criticises Freja is because Freja is respected as a "noble" Knight--but Trella knows the REAL reason her sister fights. And it's not for any noble, heroic reasons... it's to satiate her own bloodlust (read: trauma, read also: scars). Trella wanted Freja to overcome her trauma, but Freja instead let it define and consume her.
Other questions I can't answer without spoiling shit.
Thank you for your questions. I hope you liked my answers. And really, thank you for playing the game and engaging with the story, I hope you will like the update. Peace.