VN - Ren'Py - Love and Temptation [Ep.5 S2] [GruBoop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Hipper Slime

    Nothing to complain about this,
    Graphics are quite good
    Environments are really great to look
    Models are top notch
    Story nothing's too crazy going on yet, but the slow burn is quite good in this game
    Character are really lively & they actually gave some effort into showing us in depth character development and their behavior
    But most important thing is the game isn't about some nonsense a$$ story where everyone goes jumping headfirst into sex maniacs from the get go

    Anyway this is quite good game, one of the best VN I've played recently
    Highly recommended
    Props to the DEV, WELL DONE
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love and Temptation [Ep.5 S2]

    * Talk about what I like in short *
    - For me I really like the appearance of the female characters in this game.
    - and For me I like that the game gives you clear choices on what to do.

    * Message that may not be necessary *
    If I had to give a suggestion, I would say that I want the game to have as many paths to choose from as possible. Honestly, in other games, I have had some characters that I don't like, but in this game, I like almost all of them. So I would like most games in this genre to make the choices clear. In the end, this is just my opinion (I like MILF :D)

    I don't really like reviewing games because it's quite difficult to rate, but I would give this game 5 stars because I like it and I think it deserves 5 stars. After all, this is just my opinion. (My review may not go into much detail. I usually like to talk about the big picture because it's easy to understand if you don't think too much.)

    * Most importantly *
    (I'm not very good at communicating, so please understand my lack of language skills :D)

    * The last thing to say *
    .....Thanks for work dev :Kappa:
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    (Review of Ep. 5 S2)

    This is an AVN with many things in common with your typical dating sim. For example, no matter how old the characters are they tend to behave like they are 13, and even some of the poses remind you of Japanese games. English is also subpar and could do with some proofreading.

    The gameplay includes a number of choices where depending on your selection you accumulate love, evil and darkness (?) points with every character, unlocking certain scenes. A HUD appears on the top right corner of the screen displaying the stats whenever a time comes to take a decision that will affect them, so you immediately can see the result of your choice.

    The teens and curvy models are quite nice to look at and so are the pleasant renders. Animations are mostly fluid and well done too, though some transitions play too fast; visuals are clearly the strong suit of the game. The story however is weak and quite skippable and action sometimes switch places all of a sudden; continuity could be better.

    In summary, not a bad game to spend some time with but also there isn't anything terribly good or original to see here.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The first "season" piqued my interest and was actually decent. It featured some hot, kinky scenes and cute characters, though the story had a bit of flow, the plot was still quite weak. I then tried season 2, and honestly, it felt like an entirely different game. The connection between the two seasons is tenuous at best. While the renders remain beautiful, the story in season 2 doesn't make sense and feels disjointed. For now, I can only give it 3 stars. I hope it improves in the future, as I see potential in this game if these things got fixed.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Was skeptical and a little disappointed at first due to the reboot, but so far, GruBoop's new story caters a lot more to my tastes and feels much more focused. Not everything makes the most sense, like how every MILF wants to jump MC's bones. I think the dev can be more focused on specific characters rather than introduce a new one each update. What I really enjoy is the Miyuki and her story. I thought Ep. 3's bathroom scene was hot and then Ep. 4 blew that out the water with Miyuki helping the MC bathe. I'm someone who enjoys slow burn story's but I understand why F95 members don't with how often games like that end up being abandoned. I'm willing to give Gruboop the benefit of the doubt as they have been consistently updating their game with new content every two months, until that changes I won't hop on the band wagon of hate. F95 should know what they should expect from an update depending on the time frame to build it out, so while these shorter updates don't gives a lot, I've been enjoying them more and more and feel like they're building towards something great, and hope to see whats to come next, as I feel that in the future this game could be 5/5.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It`s review about firs season.

    First about graphic, it`s most beautiful renders I`ve ever seen so far. Camera angle, posing, lighting, are top notch. Character design, fases, bodies, clothing, are the best.

    Second- music: love music in 18+ VN and in this one is enjoyable.

    Third- plot aaand we don`t have any here, just some event`s that go one after another. Game is reelly short and it will be fine, if it has solid faundation, but for me it seems like dev just give us some scenes and that` all. No story, no character development, just some very pretty scenes.

    I think that dev a relly good 3d artist that want to try create a game, but as a game, it`s not very good, as 3d art work, its incredible.

    Its like 35 minutes for 1 season, give it a shot and maybe i will like it as I am. Thanks for work dev(y)
    Likes: dydvr
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    A couple of the screenshots are intentionally misleading, showing thin girls. I say intentionally because the shown images are the only images anywhere in the game that show healthily sized people.

    All characters in this game range from obese to morbid and most have inhuman proportions like breasts that are saggy and long - longer than the characters thighs.

    Maybe that appeals to you, I don't know if that is a fetish or not, but if it does not appeal, know that this probably is not the game for you

    The writing is also very very poor - it seems like it was translated from chinese word by word rather than by sentence, to maintain meaning.

    There's no plot.

    The renders are poor, everyone looks waxy

    The UI is fine
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    As the previous dude said, there is no plot at all, just a lot of terrible dialogue, the characters are not developed or introduced at all. All the sexual content is a dream or a stupid scene with Miyuki's friend. The game is more like a chore simulator than an erotic game. The only good thing about this game is the renders of Miyuki and Ayame. And don't forget that the dev abandoned the first season when things started to get spicy.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent VN! Story is solid, the writing is good, and the character graphics are simply stunning. No critique at all (except jumping on the ridiculous colossal dicks bandwagon), keep doing what you do. 5/5!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    There is slow burn and then there is this. The only time this loser has dipped his wick he never ever even completed the act. There is an occasional handy or blow tossed in just to break up the long continuous droning on and on about stuff that does not even mean anything.

    2 downloads available. You would think it picks up where the other left off but NO that is not the case at all. It is 2 separate entities with the same name and characters. Very annoying. Especially when you can enter your name but you can not see it on your screen. Although the neighbor calls you both by your name and the default as well of hero.

    Too inconsistent for me.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Changing the game rating from 4 to 1. As of reviewing Ep3S2. Will say the game has osm renders and models but lacks on all the other departments a adult VN should have. Blueballing is fine but even with EP3S2 the content is very short not even 30 minute of gameplay, the story is all over the place. Nothing much happens in this game.
    If you want to see some awesome renders with blueballing then you will like this one otherwise it's not even worth rating with such small gameplay.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    User Interface:.....5/10
    User Experience:....7/10
    Avg:..............4.86/10 [2.43/5]

    The visuals in this are great. Anyone who denies that is blind, a liar, or is one of those weird playstation guys that need the most realistic graphics ever to consider a game good. I want to get that out of the way first before I say all my criticisms. From what little I remember, the story is BORING. "A guy lives with his very asian caretaker and her TOTALLY not daughter." The end. Do things get lewd? Sure. But it's full of that weird peeping-tom energy that most people should grow out of leaving their mid-teens. All the dialogue is very sterile up until the brick wall when it isn't. It's also disjointed and frequently doesn't make sense. My faith is further diminished by the fact I can barely remember much about the game from the last time I played. I remember nothing happens with the main women, they're there to make some "love story" and MC leaves at night to do the sex with women that are horny for him before knowing he exists. By all means, like a game because the characters are hot. But don't try to tell people you "love everything about the game" when all you did was hold CTRL and skip the dialogue to see nudey bits. Even if the so-called "English" in this makes me want to do that.

    The story starts with MC admiring Miyuki, the mother type, as she makes food. WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND, is she's making food in the kitchen... Then says "We're not eating this food, we're gonna go to the cafe to eat other food." And Miyuki exudes this "I'm your mother and am nostalgic for when you were a baby" type sentiment. And that's her character for the rest of the game. At least until the "temptation" side actually starts in 2 years when it's a sex-fest. Anyway, she asks MC to wake up Ayame. MC taps on her door, and instead, barges in and goes through her computer? To which she then wakes up to beg him not to see her being bullied. And MC, rightfully, says "Let me help you with that." But no, she bought a weapon to assault her bully? That's gonna go over well. Circling back, MC woke her up for nothing because Alice came over to hang out with Ayame. Then MC goes to the cafe with Miyuki and the English dies here, but you also meet the titular Sara. She's gonna move in and needs MCs help for no good reason, but Miyuki acts weird about it? Like she's already jealous of another human being interacting with him. Usually, I'd praise interpersonal drama and say that's an interesting thing. But it just feels weird because MC is obviously an adult and he could have not only said he'll go on his own, but been asked directly. Because at no point before then was he supposed to do anything else. He's literally just gone room to room to introduce characters. And the dialogue just changes sentiments mid-line. Miyuki will ask a question and talk about something else all at once.

    Then, when the scene abruptly changes to meeting Sara at home, it does that again to follow her to the club. What help she needs from him? No one knows. She just wanted him to come to the club to... Rub against him in a rubber gimp suit? I guess for him to be her primary, or only, customer. You then get to see what is considered a penis in this game. The size is whatever, don't care. But the shape and texture make it look like a sausage with reptile scales. It looks very odd to me. It's also at this point I'm completely frustrated because the text speed DOES NOT WORK. I read fairly fast, and if the text isn't instant, or very fast, I have to wait for the text to finish displaying, limiting how I read this story. I hate it. Then after MC's virgin blowjob, he's pushed ito a private room with Kerry for no reason? An obvious hooker leaves her private phone out for a John to look at? That's how stalkers and problems are made. But for some reason Sara, who orchestrated this whole meeting, interrupts in the middle of Kerry's monologue about cheating on her husband, to say they need to leave? What is this story?

    Next day, because baby boy MC fell asleep after being all tuckered out, is woken up by Miyuki to invite him to help buy clothes. Because that original idea is definitely not overused. And he's not allowed to say no? To which he's mad about? He hasn't been upset about being led around by the nose until this moment, why now? Everyone talks to MC without listening to him at all. Every word he's said is either inconsequential to what they want, or completely disregarded, even if he says what they want to hear. It's weird. I think the scene with Alice is the only time a character listens to what he says. And then the teacher goes on this weird sexual and ethical tirade about a bunch of made up talking points and I couldn't be bothered to listen to any of it. "Vegans and vegetarians are forced to eat meat for essential nutrients." I don't know where you live, but vegans and vegetarians are not forced to eat anything. If anything, they're very vocal about how other people eating meat offends them, personally. This weird conversation makes Alice cry for no reason as well. She's sad because the ideal person doesn't exist? Aren't they in college or some other censor evading grade? By the time you're 18 you should understand that not everyone is nice and no one is perfect. So I don't get how this is breaking her worldview. The 5 minute conversation also somehow takes up the entire class and it ends right there. Almost every interaction in this feels like padding. Helen says "Wait, I'm waiting for a call and don't want to say it yet" A time skip and MC dumbly walking in on her, contrivedly, changing later, she says "Alice needs someone to look out for her" Are you kidding me? She could have said that while she was at her desk without even looking at MC. But no. He needed a way to see her naked for some reason. I UNDERSTAND this is a sex game. But not every character needs to be naked right after meeting them. Leading to a game of truth or dare for 8 year olds.

    The events in this are written, not only by someone that barely speaks English, but someone who seems to have never talked to, or been spoken to by a person above a 5th grade reading level. This has to be a joke. I get a lot of weirdos like younger girls, but to also treated like a child is odd. This next episode I guess they reworked Sara's model and explain it away as tanning? But Sara was in a gimp suit for 80% of their interactions so, even though it's only been 20 minutes since I saw her, I don't remember what she looked like. Good job drawing attention to something no one noticed. Also, tanning adds age because it's literally harming the skin so... And I also don't get why, because the MAIN THEME of the LIs in this game are MILFS and older women. Doesn't age come with that? Then she passes out and goes to the hopital because her neck hurts? There's infinite diseases, viruses, illnesses and whatever else in the world. You chose "her neck hurts?" I now think this story was a repressed memory of mine, that's why I don't remember it. Kerry shows up to the hospital to visit, whose only trait we know about is she wants money to leave her life behind, bought a new sportscar to show MC? The $100k you spent on the shitty convertible could have been used to... I dunno... Start a new life? The one thing she wanted? She also takes MC to drive with no gas and strands them in the middle of nowhere. There's stupid characters and then there's the characters in this, I swear. I went back to see what happens if you turn down Kerry and they just send you to Kerry anyway? There's the ol' illusion of choice! Why are we making choices if it all goes the same way? Sure, one or two "negative" points, but the only thing that might happen is you won't see sex scene 3A, only 3B. Leading up to them going to the beach.

    The ride there has the "Alice has a secret" conversation. You met her two days ago, her business is her business. And at the beach you find another Japanese woman with insanely large boobs. Where is this demographic? Can you tell me? I will credit the writer here though, this is the first time I've seen an AVN have MC with a scantily clad LI approach other men that didn't immediately try to sexually assault her. I'm glad at least one thing in this isn't brain dead. But it goes right back to being stupid because Alice, now called Alisa, shouts that she's lied and she doesn't actually have parents. Sure, she lied, but that's a major part of her life and she's only known these people a month or less. And any time she's in the scene for more than no time at all, she has to start crying? Why? They then all gently coddle her because she's this poor little lamb. It's weird because the beach visit has now turned to a vacation, right after Sara was hospitalized. There doesn't seem to be anyone making this game that reads the work they wrote the day before. You can almost see the exact moments the writer left and came back because it continues to be disjointed. Like right after the crying scene, it hard cuts to MC being asleep next to Miyuki. And MC recently walked in on her changing, there could have been a bit more dialogue about that. He's obviously a weird peeping tom, wouldn't he have every thought under the sun about being in the same bed as her? No, because this game is made solely to lord the possibility of maybe one day having sex with Miyuki, one of the only decent looking characters. Yeah, you get a drugged up handjob from her, but it feels and reads empty. With that in mind, even though the game opened at a shady strip club and MC nearly having sex with Sara, this game should be called BlueBalls. If the story was good, I wouldn't care, but google translate can't even write a good sentence, much less a whole story.

    The second 'season' opens up, once again, as if the last game just didn't happen. The last part ended after MC got an awkward handjob from Miyuki. And now we're just... Doing tiktok pranks? And introduce another new milf? There is ZERO planning going into this. The UI is greatly improved in the second season, but the renders all look worse. And the font and textbox changing does no favors for what little consistency there was in this. I'm 5 minutes into this next part and suddenly it's winter, Sara doesn't exist, Ayame's bullies suddenly exist again, MC had someone send him candid pictures of a new teacher, and she's strict to an almost evil degree. Oh, and MC walks in on the girls bathroom, where the bullies were and somehow he overheard something embarrassing? That she had to pee? People do that. It's not embarrassing. They've added even more unappealing characters to a new version of the game that seems to have NOTHING to do with the last version. I just don't get it. As well as an overall visual downgrade, it's a shame. His penis, that's finally revealed again is also like 3 inches longer. It's almost like the dev is scared of being consistent. Start of the game? Sex-fest. Next part? Slice of life boring. After that? Secret love affair. After that? Escaping to a pool party at the beach. And then a complete revamp in the next section. I honestly feel like the only person that read this. Because no one writing a story could possibly change everything this much.

    This will give you whiplash. That's the best I can say. The English in season 1 is awful. It's inconsistent and adds to how robotic it feels. In season 2 it's fine, like they got one person to do it all so its only robotic and less "Engrish." The UI in part one is almost dead stock and part two is mostly fully customized. You know if you change the UI, saves are still compatible, right? The Art in part one is amazing. Yeah, Miyuki and Sara are the only attractive models, but the renders were all done really well. But part two takes a giant, noticeable dip in quality. The renders are grainy and the animations all have black bars or extra grain. I will say, all the models are the same. Giant hips, pigeon toed, and curvier than a slinky. Yeah, they added the new girl that isn't bustier than a museum. But not only is it too little too late, but she's pretty ugly too. I just don't get it though, how much terminal ADHD does one have to have to get to this point? The Dialogue and story are just nothing. There isn't one consistent point in this at all. And I swear Miyuki treats Ayame and MC younger and younger every sentence. I expected her to ask MC if he wants his blankie and baba by the time it was over. Frankly, this isn't one to keep your eye on. Maybe when it's fully completed in the next 3 years. But the next update could have them be interdimensional travellers that fight evil dinosaurs so you don't know if you'll like it. If this stuck to one theme or story, maybe. But as it stands, even the overview is now a lie, with Sara written away, based on how this game changes shape so much.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Well this is an odd least for me...

    1. Very nice animations
    2. Nice models, reasonably good looking, often on the more "thicc" end of the spectrum but nice
    1. Season 1 and Season 2 have no connection, season one has 5 episodes then stops abruptly with nothing to show for it. Season 2 just starts a new game...WTF!
    2. Episodes are incredibly short!, you burn through the content in 30min tops
    3. Dialogue is not good, English is clearly not the authors strong suit
    4. Story is all over the place, nonsensical.
    5. Game is more a tease than anything else.
    TLDR: Great models and animations (when there are any), rest of the game blows and is mindless drivel, the write was clearly on some recreational substances when he churned this out.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    There's basically no build up to any of the relationships, and the english translations are pretty bad and filled with mistakes, which I imagine is part of why half of the decisions character's make and how they react make little to no sense. There's basically no coherent plot whatsoever.

    Case and point, the scene in season 1 where Sara sends you to Kelly's room for no apparent reason, Emily tells you you can't where cloths in that room, seemingly setting up a sex scene, and then you just fall asleep on the bed until Kelly arrives?? Then, you chat with her and Sara comes in and tells you it's time to leave? What on earth was this scene supposed to be about? Why are we even there? It makes no sense at all.

    The renders are the only saving grace of this mess. They're surprisingly good, and they aren't just the same stock models you see in every other game. Beyond that, though, this game is really kind of a mess of google-translated garbage.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the build-up of the story. I personally loved the narrative-type style of gameplay, where there are not many consequences to the actions, and it just tells a story. Though I understand some people might not like it, it reminds me of reading, so I like this style a lot. The story is interesting, too. The renders are beautiful. I would recommend this game to anyone.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This one just wasent for me, story and plot is just meh andmost characters are just to fat or have extremly ugly huge saggy tits, sure for people with big tit fetish this might be good, but for those who dosent have that should stay clear from this one.

    Its not that i mind big tits in the game i just want to have a choice to do anything with them or not and you just dont, LIs are forced on you which is one thing i really hate.

    It has a relationship system which arent explaied and apprently means nothing, i tried going for 100% broken hearth and shit choices with the mother but still ends up with MC and her doing sexual stuff, so it really dosent make any kind of sense.

    The only good thing is the renders they are nice, animations are pretty good to but it dosent help when everyting else is shit.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Besides the confusion of Season 1 to Season 2, I have mixed feelings with this VN. The story is rather disjointed. Transitions from one location to another sometimes not making sense. Characters are dropped on you like you should already know who is who. It's not terrible but I can't say it's good either. As of right now, I'm not even 100% clear on what the story is about.

    Besides that aspect, the models and renders are top of the line and I would honestly continue playing for that aspect alone. However, hopefully things start to fall into place with the writing because I do prefer having a good story to go along with all those fantastic renders.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Really great models, but there's no coherence. The plot is paper-thin, and scenes transition without any explanation or closure, making this seem like a disjointed series of unrelated stories forced together. Scenes that do manage to build up end abruptly, while some characters are introduced and never brought back. (Season 1 review)
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6838420

    I feel both generous and greedy after rating this game as 3 stars. Because the only good thing is ingame renders, which is amazing. Other than that, everything is below average. Adding decent story and a few compatible game mechanics can change a lot in this game.

    But you should definitely play, every render is a masterpiece.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Loved the 1st 5 episodes, everething was progressing well, and then looks like the dev decided to reboot the game, erase all progress with the girls and call it Season 2.

    After the episode 5, was looking forward to the next update cuz things was heating up, after this stunt called Season 2 cant say im excited for more.

    Great renders and models, but dosent seem like the dev know what to do with the game.

    Season 1 (that never ended as a season) - 4 stars
    Season 2 ep1 - 1 star