This was alright. The humour mostly fell flat for me but I think that'll vary person to person, I did find whatever Emma's (the little French maid) schtick was to be alright though.
Girls were a mixed bag, lots of kinda chubbly ones, but I appreciate just getting to reject them - was interesting when you turn down the fat teacher and she does that thing cutting up the heart balloon to indicate you're off her path or whatever. That said I did turn down the chubby ginger for studying then after the club meeting the MC went and studied with her anyway.
Celia's the hottest, hopefully she's gotten pregnant from that load and gets more action. I know I must have a terrible character flaw to like them immaculate, bitchy, rich types... but I do. Could do with a lot more dickgirl, I don't just mean actual Frankie action but there being more than 1 token ladydong. June woulda been perfect it's nice when it's the princessy types, or Cass (she's prob my second favourite atm), but we've seen both their downstairs so that's out... maybe Risa?
I like monster girls too so hopefully that'll come more into it later. Lily (was that the skinhead's name?) was more interesting when in big red mode, just a shame she's bald.
That's such a janky Nicole, haha.