I think what's happening is you're trying for a minmax run the first time through; the game's structured so none of the early choices have a huge influence to make or break your game.
Poker/Gem wise, yeah... I could do a better job of providing additional tutorial information there. Part of it is of course the fact that I'm one guy doing art, design, code and writing on this. Some stuff had to give. But I wonder if now that book 1 is done, it might be possible to do a video walkthrough and make that an optional ingame resource.
I wasn't trying to min max my character, I was trying to understand the interactions in the system to make informed choices. Explain why trying to make the early days an enjoyable progression, rather than stepping in gopher holes, learned about after the fact, is a bad thing. I think that I acknowledged that missteps could be recovered in following play, but that's hardly the most pleasant progression.
In any event, once through the gauntlet your game is really entertaining. Truly excellent. I'm glad I was too stubborn to walk away. I offered my view point because of the enjoyment your game provides me and because I know that I am far more reluctant to give up on a game than many players.
Ask yourself these simple questions. In a typical game which of the three statistics would most players deemphasize? Strength, intelligence, or charisma? Which stat checks, if failed, are most disruptive to the flow of progression in the early game? If you don't think the charisma stat checks feel like a setup, given the assertions that a player can choose how to invest in stats with no loss of access to the game, you're kidding yourself. Sure it turns out that you're mostly/technically correct, but it sure doesn't seem that way in the moment, and frustration is an enjoyment killer for a lot of people.
I get that you have limited resources and must choose wisely where to spend them. If you can find the resources for a tutorial I sincerely believe it would really improve early play for newcomers.
My input was offered as positive feedback. It comes for free and you should take it for what you feel it's worth. I'll say it again, I'm really enjoying your game. Thanks for creating it.