I think there is a typo in the tutorial. When Robochao teaches the Special Attack, he starts by saying "Amazingly, let's now start to learn [...]" I supposed it was meant to be "Amazing! Let's now start to learn".
There is also a comma missing in a sentence during the Vanilla's store part where Robochao says "Super now let's" where he should say "Super, now let's".
Finally, during the items presentation, Robochao says "condon" instead of "condom" and "LifeUp" instead of "Life Up" (although this last one is perhaps intended?)
Of course, it remains completely understandable, so this is nitpicking. Just want you to know it's there.
Also, still in the tutorial, Robochao tells the player that the enemie "cannot injure you but they will do bad things". While this is generally true, it is not entirely the case. Typically, ranged attacks like the Incubus's rose will technically injure you. Of course it still fill the sperm bar like all other attacks, but still there is not only catch attacks. Maybe there is another way to say this that could teach that enemies have special attacks, including the "injuring" ranged one?
I also got an interesting bug in the arena with Blaze. I was fighting several raptors (more or less 7 of them) and after a rape animation (the one in the leg glider position where Blaze forces herself to orgasm), instead of standing up and getting her clothes back, Blaze disappeared. I was then distracted by something and left the game playing for something like 30s-1min before hearing the rape warning sound. Strangely enough, Blaze had indeed reappeared out of nowhere. I suspect this might be a relatively rare bug and only happening in very specific circumstances so it's probably not urgent. Just worth mentioning.
The rework of the Arena is really interesting and pleasing in order to provide a way to create one's own fight. I'm so grateful for you to have implemented that. (Although, if the ancient arena wasn't great, the idea of a big fighting challenge against a lot of enemies is still a good idea. Maybe much later you could think of something to fulfil this role again. Maybe something akin to Classic Mode in the Super Smash Bros. series.)
You did a great work on the arena, no complaints. However, if I may suggest, I have several ideas that could make it even better:
- Making the ring bigger would be great, it's a bit cramped especially if you add several enemies.
- There is a button that kills the player character, very useful to change characters using a credit. I wondered if that meant it would also be possible to have a button that fills the bar to the max without killing the character. Mainly in order to more easily enjoy the death animations and the ovum-semen-impregnation animation. It is not worth you spending much time on it, I'm just wondering if it would be easy and quick to do for you? Since the ** button is already present and is almost the same principle (by the way, what does ** means here? Creampie?)
- Maybe down the line, have different stages to choose from. For variation sakes.
- Being able to choose between various enemy colours would be good too. Maybe either a button dedicated to this or simply having enemies spawning with a random chance to get either of their three colour scheme.
This is what the end result looks like:
View attachment 2374097
Seems definitely cuter and better. I always felt like the original spider lacked a bit when it came to design. They seemed a bit shapeless, not very defined and a bit shapeless. The design of your version has much more personality and uniqueness to it.