VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Love Season: Farmer's Dreams [v2.0 Final+DLC] [MuseX]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I just wanted to say the story is very good. I was so interested in the story I forgot to jack off. And, uhh, pros are a lot and cons are, the lighting could be a bit better, there's not much animations as of now, also there's no sfx for sex scenes I think.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Highly enjoyable.

    Good renders. Good sex scenes. Good women. Good english. Serviceable story.

    Kind of a direct port of the original farmers dream for those who prefer RenPy.

    Writing and dialogue is good and the story is your typical heroes story though tis very early so can't say where its going. As a vehicle for lewd scenes its great but only time will tell if the story will stand on its own apart from the lewd scenes.

    Only complaint is the weird hair for MC. MC looks like almost mixed race white/asian/hispanic with frilly black hair but his dad is a ginger white southern looking dude? I get mixed race families exist but at least show a picture of the mom then lol

    edit: Because I really like to know - as of version 0.5.1 about 5-6 hours of gameplay.

    also a minor complaint. for some reason the "skip" button skips frames super slow so if you want to replay its almost faster to smash the enter key rather than use "skip"
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing, one of the most well-made games I've played.
    Scenario and dialogs, story, models, scenes feeling natural and hot - everything about this is so good! Looking forward to the next chapters! 5/5
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The artwork and the models are first rate. The script is excellent ( if you can forgive the wimpy, socially awkward and inexperienced mc). English is good. I give it 5 stars on the strength of the artwork and models alone.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Top notch quality renders and beutiful female cast, also initially a very good character development and solid story to boot, but then suddently all that takes a back seat and the focus seems to shoft mostly to fucking everything with a pair of tits and the story suffers greatly for this and the utter lack of abilility to shape the story whatsoever, What I mean by this is all the "choices" that are just an illusion of choice basically.
    If the game stayed with the strong story raghter then turning into another "fuckfest" game and god knows there are already enough to go around of those, this could have been one of the best productions ever on the site.
    Especially if you could chose to avoid certain scenes or to persue certain wimen.
    Then thos would have been a 5 star game without hesitation and the early chapters definetly are in my book, but forced content is just lazy development.
    And with what potential the game has and how much detail went into character development, dialogue and storytelling early on it's clear that the developer can do much better.

    Im not sure if this is setting up for a harem or something along those lines, but if you want a true master peice which this could very well become, try to cater to a wieder audience and diversify the options on what exactly the story entails.
    Some people just want porn, some people want a wholesome romance and others just want to become harem king

    So my honest tip from turning this from another game with just hot scenes and pretty renders is focus on story more then sex, and add meaningful choices not just in relationships with the cast but also with how you act in this world.

    Best of luck! Hope to see some improvements over time then you might have a new patreon right here.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Highly recommend checking this game out. The artwork is superb, despite there being no animations. The sister is a standout, but there are plenty of other young women who are also gorgeous and make the game worth playing.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review written at 0.5

    Pretty renders, evocative writing and good characterization. Despite the cookie-cutter chosen one prophecy the game drops at you, it shapes up to be a great "heroes journey" story.

    The narrative is constructed with care, and characters show their depth far beyond stereotypes. Easily a must play/read for me.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome! I didn't think I had missed such a jewel before playing it... The story is awesome, and it's REALLY well told. Girls are cute, funny, alive. It has a very decent amount of content already. I really enjoyed it and can't wait for updates!
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    This is what a VN should be like!

    The renders are really nice.
    The models are really pretty.

    The story holds itself quite well, and is even somewhat believable (magic and monsters not withstanding :) .)

    You don't get lost, things are clear, the dialogues makes senses, plenty of renders...

    I can not find a single fault in this one :)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders are reaaly nice. Moreover girls are attractive and hot. Story is also very well written. Just a thing which is missing is animation. I hope the dev get more support to upgrade his workstation to release episodes faster and to add animations
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    Lovely game! But a bit boring...

    Let's start off by saying that in terms of visuals this is one of the nicest games I've seen on this website. The story takes place in a gorgeous colorful world, and on top of that all the female models look freakishly sexy! :love:

    The writing itself isn't that bad either. The developers came up with a decent story, believable character personalities and smooth dialogue. I've seen some people complain about the social inadequacy of the MC, but that didn't really bother me personally. Guess that's just a choice of the creators.

    However, what started to annoy me after a while is that this feels like an adventure game, but without any adventure. All the requirements are there (fairytale world, mythical creatures, medieval village, soldiers, MC who wants to prove himself) but in the end there is no action and you're basically just clicking through a shitload of decent but uninteresting dialogue.

    And that in itself isn't even the problem, because I understand that it's not supposed to be an adventure game but a porn game. But with only one real sex scene per chapter I found it difficult to stay interested and not start skipping.

    The only reason I wanted to keep playing is because of Nova! She's the only female character that is teasing you from the start, keeping you in suspense and keeping the game interesting. And WOW, her sexy scenes in chapter 3 were hot as holy hell!! It's just that apart from her storyline, there's not a lot of interesting stuff going on...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting. After I've just tested a game that I considered the best I've yet encountered in this genre, here is another. In a fantasy world this time, again those elements I consider most essential, excellent writing, a few things I might change, not much, & maybe already in the works, and excellent graphics. They have a good writer, has spent the first two chapters letting you get to know some of the characters, & making you wonder if there is a deeper story there they've not gotten to yet, meanwhile a dream mermaid (not a spoiler, it is at the very beginning of the game) who transports you to to a mystical place, where you are offered a sword which, if you (& you do) choose to take will offer you the opportunity to explore your potential. Yes, that vague, no indication of the underlying motivation of the sword's giver, nor do you have an insight into that 2 chapters into the game. So there is at least this mystery to solve beyond the interpersonal ones of a young man entering his rite of passage into adulthood. So Gen X in a medieval setting. Will deinitely be keeping a good eye out on this one.
  13. S
    3.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders sullied by an MC who is boring, lazy, cowardly, socially inept, and borderline mentally handicapped. The MC says the worst possible thing in nearly every instance, is treated like the pussy he is by everyone around him, and is vapid beyond reason.

    Couple this with the lack of any real choice in the game, and the few choices in the game being incredibly deceptive, offering up neutral wording that's then turned pretty offensive/immature when the MC actually opens his mouth.

    I love the renders in the game. They're very well done. But the writing is subpar at best, and embarrassing most of the rest of the time.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Publius Clodius Pulcher

    ✓ The girls are appealing and diverse.

    ✗ There's one sex scene per chapter (in the third one there are some more, but quicker and with no penetration) and they tend to be very short, shown in quirky and non exciting angles. Very low effort.
    ✗ Too wordy for a generic setting, uninteresting plot and really shallow interactions between the characters. It really feels like a waste of time.
    ✗ MC is a total wimp through most of the interactions with the rest of the villagers and playing a weakling without emotional intelligence nor social skills gets boring fast.
    ✗ There are no real choices, not one of them seem to matter atm.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Love Season is one of the best games I've ever played. You could make a legitimate argument that it's a better game than Farmers Dreams. The girls are all gorgeously rendered,with believable personalities. The MC actually shows some balls,and has a believable relationship with the cast of NPC's. The only reason it doesn't get 5 stars,is because the presence of Darius suggests there will be NTR eventually(which I'm not a fan of),and it doesn't get updated nearly often enough,which is understandable considering it's a side project.

    In conclusion it's well worth a download.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Freed Justine

    Yup...this is way better than "Farmer's Dreams", in my opinion. No bugs and easier gameplay.
    What makes me want to play farmer's dreams, though, are the female models.
    They're unique, never seen them before and very attractive...and Nova is just perfect for me.
    Loving the fresh storyline and the beautiful renders. It's a gem!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm glad I tried this game, it has almost everything I like in a VN

    ---- Characters : (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
    ---- Renders/Graphisms : (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
    The characters have a more unique look than what you usually find nowadays. They have charm, they have charisma, they have personality.
    I like the MC as well.

    ---- Story/Writing : (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
    ---- Background/Atmosphere ::love::love::love::love::love::love:
    The main story/idea is not striking so far but the writing and storytelling is of high quality. The most impressive part for me was the atmosphere and background that was built. It made me really immerse into this little world, and it is not often a sexy VN can achieve that. The music is a perfect fit to the atmosphere intended, the renders are nice, the interface is pretty neat

    ---- Animations : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    ---- Sex scenes : :love::love::love::love::love::love:
    The animations are quite simple and average. What save them is the story and emotions that are around. The sex scenes are intense, not in term of animations, but in term of emotions. They do not come from nowhere and therefore they have great value.

    ---- Gameplay : :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
    ---- Contents/Updates : :):):):)
    The gameplay (at 0.2) is a pretty forward VN. The choices probably just change some relationship points with the girls, but you will not see any impact on the main story yet. Imo, it is probably the point that needs more work atm, as we don't really feel we have an influence whatsoever on the story.

    === I tried that game by luck, and I am happy I did, I will follow the updates because I really want to see what's coming next. Great job Dev ! ===
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1044747

    Sweet dreams

    The good
    • Beautiful (animated) renders
    • Mostly attractive girls
    • Nice music & sound effects
    • Proper English
    • A pinch of romance & humour
    • Text box with good readability

    The so-so
    • Introduction of too many characters within a short time (who was [name] again?).
    • Cheesy story
    • Simple choices / lack of choices (we can't refuse having sex with Nina).

    The improvable
    • No working Mac version of chapter 2 (I was only able to get it to run with the Ren'Py SDK).
    • At times uncanny eyes and facial expressions
    • Characters aren't very complex or interesting.
    • Bland dialogue (mostly trivial small talk)
    • (Repetitive) stale tropes (people's dicks & boobs popping out - sometimes without them even noticing).
    • Continuity errors (during the cave scene renders of Nina alternate between her being bottomless and wearing panties).
    • Typos

    Love Season: Farmer's Dreams is an atmospheric and charming visual novel.
    If you're down for some light(-hearted) adult entertainment and don't expect anything beyond that, give it a go.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Richard Miles

    Excellent game, til now the plot it's going very well, a lots better than the game made on rpgmaker


    - Good animations
    -Good renders
    - The plot it's going well but can be improved in my opinion


    - The last update felt a little forced but still have my 5 stars

    Keep up the good work
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    While I have no issues with RPGM, Farmer's Dream wasted too much in its gameplay, thus resulting in certain periods of boredom. This visual novel removes all that and keeps us glued to the story the whole time