VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Love Season: Farmer's Dreams [v2.0 Final+DLC] [MuseX]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    None of your decisions affects the game, everyone fucks you no matter what and.. the dialogues that will lead you to sex is stupidly unrealistic. Only thing that's good in this game is the renders but idk.. watch porn instead of this bs, save your time.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Harem Trooper

    I cant go higher then 2/5, with the only reason its a two is because of the good renders, good models and that the beginning was quite good for what it was back then.

    And while I prefered this version over the RPG one (despite I enjoy RPG myself), I cant disagree with how stagneting and bad the "story" got the more years it took to "finish".

    After playing it to it end from the beginning in the last day, I cant enjoy the game how much potential got wasted. From how instandly it ended, you would think its a rushed ending. And you would be right. Also the main reason why people prefered this over the RPG one, was that its been Harem focused. And while we get one, it was one of the dullest I saw in current years.

    Not only you dont end up with all, not only half of the female cast vanish into thin air and dont come back, but also the ending was fully focused on NTR... yeah. Tho I must say most are avoidable, some are not since the excuse here would be "They are not the main LI so who cares?" Well, the dudes who followed this game for years obviously lol.

    Anyway, the second biggest part is that it as I mentioned a very, harsh rushed ending. I wouldnt NOT recommand this game anymore. Only for science purposes on how NOT to end a game... except the whole reason was to milk your customer base aka Blizzard style.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I first played this game in early 2022. I had played the RPGM version in 2020 but didn't like it, and just didn't realize this was a visual novel game based on the RPGM game. This game started out quite good: a classic story, pretty girls, and some good sex scenes, but then... I don't know what happened. The story got too messy, the art style changed, the sex gravitated to more controversial kinks, and the gameplay/relationship-system fizzled away. If I had to guess, either the development team changed at some point, or the game started out with a good plan, and at some point, the dev decided to modify the plan to extend the story/game, but no real planning was ever done for the extension. The art style and rendering style totally changed in the later part of the game making the love interests all look similar. The ending was obviously rushed and it was a complete letdown. It could've been a 5-star game (or maybe a 5-star kinetic novel) if it had stayed consistent.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game had true potential. The story had nice intrigue, the artwork was very beautiful, the decision of where to put choices and what choices was good and the sex scenes were very well made. Somewhere along the development, the story and characters became uninteresting and very chaotic , without adding any positive. Also the introduction of AI, has made it so without reading the name of the character, you cannot know who is present in the scene. If the game would start like that, I would give it maybe 2 stars more, but baiting the viewer and the people who want to help you like that, I don't find it ethical.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly it's a shame .
    The game started strong , even if it felt weird from the start to have a Good/corruption system in place that was barely even used and coming up .

    The renders were good , the characters felt interesting , even the doofus pseudo rival Trevor that you pretend to befriend to increase girl points .

    Then around chapter 5 , or rather starting chapter 6 , it all goes down the toilet . I'm guessing either internal issues or a general lack of interest happened . It devolved into a mess with bad renders , cheap porn sex scenes every minutes , a constant influx arrival of new useless characters that are barely designed , obviously smell of AI generation .

    At chapter 8 i even stopped trying to follow the plot anymore , and just activated skip unseen scenes to just watch them at 3x speed and witness the generic AI girls invasion . A shame really .
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Started out alright, showed promiss by having a relationship system in place making you think you have choices in the game, but truth be told its an absolutly pointless system since girls are constantly forced on you, and it will always be a turn-off to have LIs you hate forced on you, game is also full of fake choices where no matter the pick it will be the same outcome, which make you wonder why guide has a green and white option when theres 0 diffrense.

    Even when you pick every single bad choice with someone by going against the guide you still end up fucking them, picking corrupt or horror ends out with fucking the most ugly LI as well, its just none stop and i just hate forced LIs and fake choices so game is unplayable to me.

    Also games turned into being a true mindless fuckfest game jumping from sex scene to sex scene late in game and still not animated ones.
    Then they changed to AI characters which was a really shitty move since it just ruins what was lovely characters and makes a bad game even worse.

    So to play this one you need to be into everything from young to old, small to huge tits, bitches to sweet girls, personaly i am nowhere near into everything, cant stand big tits making this game a constant turn-off.

    Girls 3/5
    As for the girls there is a good mix some ugly as fuck some very hot, so game did have potential if you had meaningfull choices as to relationships.

    Animations? well it does have the tag as being animated but most like 95% of the sex scenes are not even picture to picture but just still images and dialogs, it really isent worthy of being called animated, i remember seeing like 3 small animations.

    3/5 Music/effects
    They are pretty decent.

    Choices 0/5
    They are just fake, meaningless and a broken relationship system that should never be there, also making any guide/walkthrough pointless.

    Really supprised ratings are this high for what it is and with the lack of real choices and animations, i just dont get it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This a good game with very good renders, the story is decent and it even has a twist or two. The characters are all different and unique. My only minor complain is that its hardly animated, hopefully this will improve in the future.

  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Huge Disappointment. This game used to be easily worth a 5 star rating, the stellar character designs, great plot with lots of amazing potential. Having played both Farmers Dream and Love Season, they were both great in their own way, good story along with good character development. The game has since gone downhill, it's like the Dev just rushed through this game and put it to an end, losing direction for the game and all. How do you even mess it up so badly? Also, I don't understand how Dev can take more than half a year for an update, and yet there's there's barely any content with each update and you find yourself having to wait months after months for another short update. Earlier episodes were such a joy to play, keeping you wanting more and more, as there seems to be so many things to learn about, but somewhere after that, its just sex scenes after scenes with almost zero story growth at all. Heck, even if its just mostly intimate scenes, its not even better than some of the scenes earlier on. Story writing and character development have both gone downhill. Moving to AI is also such a bad move, the character designs in the beginning were all so unique, beautiful and special, now they just look pretty generic.

    Please, don't even bother trying this game at its current state. You'd love the beginning, only to find yourself massively disappointed at the end. A game with so much potential, yet got destroyed. Honestly, if Dev is just gonna push this kind of work out, please just pass this project on to someone else who is more passionate about the game, who actually cared more about it.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This used to be a 4.5 star game with 5 star potential - I would guess many of the newer 5* ratings are people who are just discovering the game and not realizing the story first started about 7 years ago. The first ~2/3 of the game content is good. That part of the game came over from Farmers Dreams when the developer converted it over to Love Season, everything since (past few years now) has gone down hill.

    Presently, I do not think the game is worth playing outside of the first season, and only then if you dont mind an incomplete story. I do not see how this story arc will ever be finished given how long its been in development when it only finished the exposition in the last couple updates.

    The amount of new content, after what was pulled over from FD, is fairly minimal considering its been several years. More unfortunate than the slowed development pace is that the quality has gone down substantially.

    The earlier episodes were fairly polished, a few spelling errors here and there but nothing major. Now it is not only spelling errors, but the models are noticeably inconsistent (especially the Amanda character).

    The writing quality has also gone down, and character development has been abandoned. Evelyn for instance in episodes 1-6 is written as a completely different character in the later episodes.

    There are also too many new characters being introduced needlessly (i.e. Amanda character) at this point in development. If the overall story and main LI paths are not progressing, why are more and more new characters (not pertinent to the story) being added?
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    5 outta 5.

    Great renders, good story, and really hot models. I'm glad more devs are switching to RPGM to Renpy. Now if we can just get others to stop using sandboxes.

    Also Nova. How do you make the hottest female in the game the "sister"? I mean shes almost perfect. Just want the hero MC to disappear with her and have their happily ever after.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The models are decent but that's about it for this game. It has the "animation" tag but there's maybe about a total of less than 20 seconds of animation int his game and not really good either.

    Later updates switched to what seems likeAI generated models instead which in this case is a downgrade void of any soul or personality and dick turning the wrong way and such.

    Overall quite buttom of the barrel game with severe lack of animation or anything unique that just seems to go downhil from here.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    There's no "game", there's barely a story. It's crudely stitched-together scenes that introduce women, who invariably end up in non-sensical porn scenes with the MC.

    Additionally, the latest chapter(s) are done with AI, which is VERY obvious and unattractive in the way only AI can make a human being.

    I am sorry, but this is trash.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the change from RPGM to Renpy, but sometimes I feel like there are some slides missing, apart from that, nice game and characters! Have to say that Nova is my favourite. I'll give it the five stars. Hope to see more soon
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    this game quite literally lost it's plot.
    Let's start from the beginning, renders are great,the atmosphere is right for a fantasy village setting ad the girls are amazing,I like most of the sexual content and at least some of the girls are prety interesting characters,especially Nova.
    The plot stopped advancing tho. Right after we find out our mc is this great hero, nothing really happens after that. There is only one enemy known to us and their kind is pretty common,so it seems underwhelming for our great mc who talks to demons and angels to only deal with them. Maybe this will be improved upon,but I'm not holding my breath,unless there is a sequel planned. Another major downside is that our mc was a loser in the beginning,which is very common but not that criminal,yet the problem is that he doesn't evolve in any way. Even after getting this great power he still thinks and acts like a loser and a simp,offering to gather wood for 2 spoiled blonde brats who are rude to him and it's very annoying for me.
    Still, I like the game and always look forward to the next installment and I know I probably won't see some of these girls in other games cause some of them are pretty unique.I would say it's 3,5 stars for me,but I'm gonna give it 4 stars in good faith and correct the rating if anything changes. I recommend trying it out,at worst you'll get great renders and models and see if they are worth your time. No the best and far from the worst on this site.
    edit: Introducing AI art is the worst thing they could've done. The strongest point of this game are the girls, one of the best models around imo. So ruining them with AI is quite literally the worst mistake ever. Hopefully it was only a test and met with a backlash they will stop using it, There is also not much of a story tbh. Maybe there was some promise of a story somewhere in the start but now it's quite clear it's only there to justify going to certain places and having sex. Which is not the end of the world, it's ok to have just mindless fun, but they just ruined said fun with AI. Also there are too many side girls in it, the game has some of the unique models that you can't find anywhere else. An update with no Nova scene is criminal. Honestly I was considering changing my rating to 2 stars but I have some hope they'll drop the AI
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Play this for the visuals. The renders are fantastic and breathtaking.

    The plot is a different story. It had potential in the first few chapters and the writing was actually good. For some reason it took a nosedive later on and the dev started chucking in as many sex scenes as he could with any girl for any conceivable reason. MC was pathetic in the beginning, showed some potential to change, but eventually remains a pathetic simp.

    Honestly very disappointed because I really enjoyed the game initially.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Some of the best content in terms of visuals and the way the story progresses. Really like how the relationships develop and the characterization in this game while still be full of adult game hijinks. The scenes with love interests are plentiful and the quality is as good as it gets. Nova and Mia are top tier characters.

    I'm really interested to see where the story goes as of chapter 9. I expected MC to go on more adventures with his friends by now instead of keeping to his small town due to the way his character develops, but I'm assuming there's a lot more to come.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has so much potential.
    But it is all ruined by the mc being a pathetic idiotic pussy.
    He has zero standards, make completely illogical choices and I can't stress this enough: is a fucking pussy.
    The overarching story is interesting and most of the girls are likeable.
    But that is all ruined by the lack of choices an terrible mc.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    My thoughts on Love Season Farmer's Dreams v1.31

    The story is quite common, a nobody who gets to fuck gorgeous women and gain some sort of super powers, but it is still well written and the characters are well made to compliment the story so I still found myself hooked. The great renders and animations accompanied by good soundtrack also made the game worthwhile. I love Nova the most out of all the women. There are also lots of contents for each chapter and the sex scenes are hot. The dirty talk is great, however, there are parts were the MC is almost out of character, there is a thin line between being confident and assertive and being a douchebag, and he is leaning towards the later on some of the sex scenes in the last few sex scenes. All in all, it is still love this great game and I can't wait for the continuation of the story.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Well.. it's not masterpiece, but I had really fun time playing, and I guess that's most important. Nothing to particularly pick on, and visuals quality go up with later chapters. I'll happily play again when new conternt will be added.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    This game is really odd.
    the story is tedious, the characters and MC are not really likable.
    Sex scenes are boring like filling my tax return.

    I do not think it can be classified like adult game really.. it does not touch anything of the ADULT world.

    a pre-teen fantasy game probably